Issue - meetings

Agenda Item 2

Meeting: 14/12/2023 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 38)


This paper presents a final draft Terms of Reference for the HWB Board and outlines minor changes to the Key Neighbourhoods.


This paper also provides an overview of the progress of local shared projects and communications activity supporting delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy (HWB Strategy) as of 20 November 2023.

Additional documents:




Karen Brimacombe - Chief Executive, Mole Valley District Council (Surrey Chief Executives’ Group) (Priority 1 Sponsor)

Phillip Austen-Reed - Principal Lead - Health and Wellbeing, SCC

Liz Williams - Joint Strategic Commissioning Convener, SCC and Surrey Heartlands ICS (Priority 2 Co-Sponsor)

Lisa Andrews - Public Health Principal, SCC

Sarah Haywood - Serious Violence Programme Lead, Office of the PCC 

Rebecca Brooker - Prevention and Communities Lead, SCC


Key points raised in the discussion:


1.    The Chair referred to the Board’s Terms of Reference (ToR) in the agenda, noting that due to some recent initial discussions on maximising the alignment of the Board with the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) and Integrated Care Board (ICB), she proposed that the Board: approves the ToR as interim as it might need to be revisited later in 2024 once the review had progressed. She highlighted the small changes in the boundaries for the Key Neighbourhoods bringing those in line with the ward boundary changes which occurred earlier in the year.


Priority 1


2.    The Priority 1 Sponsor referred to the spotlight item: Changing Futures Sustainability - Next Steps, to be funded until March 2025 and it was hoped that the programme would continue beyond that.

3.    The Principal Lead - Health and Wellbeing (SCC) detailed the spotlight item:

·         That the work on multiple disadvantage had been brought together with a greater focus due to the alignment of national policy and local prioritisation of the issue. Since 2020 there had been better multi-agency working through the Surrey Adults Matter approach.

·         That in 2021 funding from the national Changing Futures grant had been secured, enabling greater collaboration with (VCSE) Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise partners; trauma informed outreach was being provided and the data showed the improved outcomes in line with SCC’s ambition of ‘no one left behind’ (NOLB). Funding although flagged as a risk, had been secured for next year; highlighted the positive engagement with the commissioning collaborative and the local joint commissioning group chairs.

·         That the JSNA chapter on multiple disadvantage which would help inform the way forward for the specific areas around trauma informed outreach and multi-agency working, and broader areas under the Board’s remit.

·         That such programmes would be useful to reflect on at the Better Care Fund (BCF) Strategy workshop in February in terms of how such programmes which appear to meet both national and local strategies, could be built into BCF processes and structures in a better way.

4.    A Board member noted that he had been interviewed regarding the work on the multiple disadvantage JSNA chapter, noted that he had visited a centre in Guildford where speaking to people with lived experience was invaluable; stressed that prevention was fundamental.

5.    The Chair noted that not only were the aims important and aligned with the strategies, but so was the data being gathered which could be used elsewhere.

6.    A Board member welcomed the vital work in the preventative space and thanked the team for their work on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38