Issue - meetings

Cabinet Member of the Month

Meeting: 30/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 10)

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That the Cabinet Member of the Month update be noted.



The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care provided the Cabinet with an update on the work she and the services she supports had been undertaking. The following points were highlighted:


  • The Cabinet Member explained that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) was now responsible for regulating local authorities’ delivery of its Care Act duties. This was the first-time local authorities had been assessed on these duties since the introduction of the Care Act in 2014. The CQC had piloted their approach in five authorities with four rated as ‘good’ and one ‘requires improvement’. The CQC had committed to complete assessments on all local authorities in the next two years.
  • There had been some significant changes in staffing within Safeguarding in Adults, Wellbeing and Health Partnerships. A new post, Assistant Director, Safeguarding, Assurance, Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) had been established to provide strategic oversight and leadership across Surrey. The post has been recruited to on an interim basis following attempts to recruit permanently.
  • Surrey had experienced increased numbers of safeguarding concerns and investigations referred to the local authority. Not all of these after investigation were safeguarding adults’ issues, however the high numbers, in the context of other increased demand had led to an outstanding list of open safeguarding cases which though reducing is currently standing at 3,700. Work was taking place with the Safeguarding Adults Board and other partners to make sure that there was a shared understanding of what is appropriate to be referred as a safeguarding adult’s referral. A new safeguarding tracker has been developed to support each area to focus and bring the lists down.
  • It was explained that an audit programme had been developed to ensure a quality approach across Adults, Wellbeing and Health Partnerships and regular strategic liaison meetings were taking place with providers.
  • An update to the Housing Chapter of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment had been completed and the delivery of the Accommodation with Care and Support Strategy was moving at a good pace.
  • The Leader recognised the good work being undertaken by the Cabinet Member on the Housing, Accommodation and Homes Strategy for Surrey which had been presented at a the LoveLocalGov event which focused on celebrating the best of local government work.




That the Cabinet Member of the Month update be noted.