Issue - meetings

Expansion of Schools - New Primary School, Merstham

Meeting: 26/02/2013 - Cabinet (Item 30)

30 Schools Expansion and Maintenance Programme from September 2013 pdf icon PDF 44 KB

There is significant demand for new schools places within Surrey and for improvement of existing accommodation, which are largely addressed through the County’s five year 2012-17 Medium Term Financial Plan.


Weydon Academy, Farnham and De Stafford School, Caterham have been identified within the programme as requiring expansion through the provision of permanent adaptations and additions to their existing facilities.


Approval is sought for the individual business cases for expansion and creation of additional places at the following schools to meet the above demand at an estimated cost of approximately £15m and financial details relating to the business cases is set out in Part2 of the agenda (item 13A and 13B)


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee and / or the Education Select Committee]


Additional documents:




That the expansion and adaptation of the following schools, as detailed in the submitted report, be agreed in principle noting that the approval of the detailed financial information for each school would be considered in Part 2 of the meeting (agenda item 13):


(i)      Weydon Academy: Increase pupil admission numbers (PAN) by 56 places to 308

(ii)     De Stafford: New Kitchen and Dining Block Facilities


Reasons for Decisions


The schemes deliver a value for money expansion and improvements to the schools and their infrastructures, which supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide additional school places and appropriate facilities for local children in Surrey.  The individual projects and building works are in accordance with the planned timetables required for delivery of the new accommodation at each school.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee and / or Education Select Committee]



There is significant demand for new schools places within Surrey and for improvement of existing accommodation, which are largely addressed through the County’s five year 2012-17 Medium Term Financial Plan.


Weydon Academy, Farnham and De Stafford School, Caterham have been identified within the programme as requiring expansion through the provision of permanent adaptations and additions to their existing facilities.


The Cabinet considered the individual business cases for expansion and creation of additional places at these schools to meet the above demand at an estimated cost of approximately £15m and noted that the financial aspects would be discussed during Part 2 (item 13A and 13B) of the meeting.


The Leader of the Council noted that if there was a requirement to expand a school which had become an Academy, the statutory duty for the expansion was the responsibility of the Local Authority.


The Cabinet Member for Assets and Regeneration Programmes commended the joint working between the School Commissioning Team and Property Services on these projects.


It was also confirmed that there was strong support from both schools for their respective projects.




That the expansion and adaptation of the following schools, as detailed in the submitted report, be agreed in principle noting that the approval of the detailed financial information for each school would be considered in Part 2 of the meeting (agenda item 13):


(i)      Weydon Academy: Increase pupil admission numbers (PAN) by 56 places to 308

(ii)     De Stafford: New Kitchen and Dining Block Facilities.


Reasons for Decisions


The schemes deliver a value for money expansion and improvements to the schools and their infrastructures, which supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide additional school places and appropriate facilities for local children in Surrey.  The individual projects and building works are in accordance with the planned timetables required for delivery of the new accommodation at each school.