6. Charlwood Infant School: Change to a Primary School - decision PDF 66 KB
Surrey County Council in partnership with the Governing Body of Charlwood Infant School is proposing that Charlwood Infant School becomes a primary school with a Published Admission Number of 15 on 1 September 2013.
On 11 September 2012 the Cabinet Member for Children and Learning approved the publication of statutory notices. Funding issues had to be resolved and the notices were published on 17 January 2013.
The notice period has expired and the Cabinet Member needs to consider the proposals and act as Decision Maker and, giving regard to the Decision Maker’s Guidance, to examine the Prescribed Information and determine the proposals - decide whether to approve the proposals.
[The decisions on this item cam be called in by the Education Select Committee]
Additional documents:
(1) That Charlwood Primary School would decrease its Published Admission Number from 30 to 15 on 1 September 2013.
(2) That no Year 2 children would remain on roll at Charlwood Primary School, but would continue to progress to other schools for their junior education.
(3) That the school would become a restricted age primary school.
(4) That Charlwood Primary School would extend its age range by 1 year on 1 September 2016.
(5) That Charlwood Primary School would then extend its age range by 1 year each year until 1 September 2019, when it would become an all-through primary school.