Issue - meetings


Meeting: 25/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 81)


Additional documents:




1.    That Cabinet note the convening and facilitating role Surrey County Council has played in developing co-ordinated, and aligned Surrey-wide, collaborative leadership to deliver the Community Vision for Surrey 2030.


2.    That Cabinet note the implications for strategic partnerships of the devolution of certain Government functions to the County Council through the County Deal framework, in particular in relation to the economy, skills and the environment.


3.    That Cabinet approve the proposed changes to the strategic partnerships’ governance arrangements set out and the ongoing role of the County Council in them.

Reasons for Decisions:


In light of recent changes in national policies, including the devolution of functions and responsibilities to the County Council, it is proposed that a number of refinements are made to the county-wide strategic partnership boards. This report sets out those proposed changes and invites Cabinet to endorse them, in order that the boards can continue to play a key role in overseeing progress towards delivering the Community Vision for Surrey 2030 and ensuring the alignment of partners’ strategic priorities, decisions and resources.

(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)



The item was introduced by the Leader who explained that the report set out an overview of the strategic partnerships across Surrey and their governance, which drives, aligns and enables the delivery of the ambitions for people and place in Surrey, as set out in the Community Vision for Surrey 2030.  A number of strategic partnership had been established to enable joint discussions, alignment of priorities, collaboration and partnership working in order to deliver against the ambitions set out in the 2030 Community Vision and Organisation Strategy. To date good progress had been made around partnership working with clearer clarity around roles and responsibilities to drive improvements for residents and help achieve the four priorities in the 2030 Community Vision. The Leader gave examples of where strategic partnerships had been developed and set up to deliver the Community Vision including securing a county deal and the formation of the Integrated Care System.


The Leader stated that he hoped to build on the devolution deal for Surrey with the next government. There was currently a review of the Health and Wellbeing Board, Integrated Care Board and Integrated Care Partnership with the aim of bringing the boards closer together and therefore bringing together the work of the Council and NHS partners.




1.    That Cabinet note the convening and facilitating role Surrey County Council has played in developing co-ordinated, and aligned Surrey-wide, collaborative leadership to deliver the Community Vision for Surrey 2030.


2.    That Cabinet note the implications for strategic partnerships of the devolution of certain Government functions to the County Council through the County Deal framework, in particular in relation to the economy, skills and the environment.


3.    That Cabinet approve the proposed changes to the strategic partnerships’ governance arrangements set out and the ongoing role of the County Council in them.

Reasons for Decisions:


In light of recent changes in national policies, including the devolution of functions and responsibilities to the County Council, it is proposed that a number of refinements are made to the county-wide strategic partnership boards. This report sets out those proposed changes and invites Cabinet to endorse them, in order that the boards can continue to play a key role in overseeing progress towards delivering the Community Vision for Surrey 2030 and ensuring the alignment of partners’ strategic priorities, decisions and resources.

(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)