Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/01/2013 - Spelthorne Local Committee (Item 12)



The Local Committee (Spelthorne) agreed:


(i)         to approve the Officer recommendations in paragraph 2.2 of the report on the award of funding.


The Chairman welcomed Leigh Middleton (SCC), who introduced the report.


Cllr Isobel Napper declared an interest, as she is on the Board of VAIS, one of the bidders.  Cllr Napper was invited to stay for this item, as only SCC members can vote.


It was suggested that those who do not receive funding should apply to their SCC councillor for funding from SCC councillor member allocation funding.


Mrs Coleman proposed alternative amounts to be awarded.  Mr Walsh seconded.  A vote was taken by SCC members:

2 for, 4 against.  Therefore it was not carried.


The Local Committee (Spelthorne) agreed:


(i)   To approve the Officer recommendations in paragraph 2.2 of the report on the award of funding – that all remaining funding is allocated.


(ii)  That the remaining funding (£6,710*) should be allocated to the received bids as shown in Item 11 Annex B:

-       to award £2,000 to the Phoenix project

-       to award £1,000 to Fair Tunes for ‘Be Inspired Radio’

-       to award £1,960 to VAIS for the YES! Project

-       to award £500 to the 8th Ashford Scout Group for modification of existing minibus

-       to award £500 to Studio ADHD Centre for ‘Fishing Project’

-       to award £500 to Dramatize Theatre Company for a projector

-       to award £750 to Woodcraft Folk for environmental education and adventure weekend activities.

*Note: an additional £500 has been allocated to Spelthorne and is included in the agreed awards above.


The Local Committee (Spelthorne) agreed:


(i)         to approve the Officer recommendations in paragraph 2.2 of the report on the award of funding.