Issue - meetings

Provision of a sports hall: St John the Baptist Catholic Secondary School, Woking

Meeting: 28/05/2013 - Cabinet (Item 52)

52 School Expansion at St Martin's Infant and Junior Schools, Epsom pdf icon PDF 38 KB

There is significant demand for new schools places within Surrey and for improvement of existing accommodation, which Surrey County Councils five year 2013-18 Medium Term Financial Plan significantly addresses.


St Martin’s Infant and Junior Schools in Epsom have been identified as requiring expansion.


Approval is sought for the individual business case for expansion and creation of additional places and facilities at the school to meet the demand.


Confidential information for this report is in the Part 2 annexe (item 11)


[The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]


Additional documents:



That the expansion and adaptation of St Martin’s Infant and Junior School,  as detailed in the submitted report,  be agreed in principle subject to the consideration and approval of the detailed financial information as set out in Part 2 (item 11 ).


Reason for Decisions

The scheme delivers a value for money expansion and improvements to the school and its infrastructure, which supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide additional school places and appropriate facilities for local children in Surrey. The project and building works are in accordance with the planned timetable required for delivery of the new accommodation at the school.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]



The Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning said that she was pleased to present this report. This project formed part of Surrey County Council’s five year 2013-18 Medium Term Financial Plan and would help to meet the need for additional school places over the next decade.


The capacity at St Martin’s Infant and Junior Schools, Epsom would be increased by 210 places, providing a total of 630 places across both schools. Public consultation had been undertaken and she informed Members that she had already approved the expansion at her individual Cabinet Member Decision Making meeting in March 2013 and that this report sought approval for the business case for expansion. Financial details of the business case were set out in a part 2 report (item 11).




That the expansion and adaptation of St Martin’s Infant and Junior School, as detailed in the submitted report, be agreed in principle subject to the consideration and approval of the detailed financial information as set out in Part 2 (item 11).


Reason for Decisions

The scheme delivers a value for money expansion and improvements to the school and its infrastructure, which supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide additional school places and appropriate facilities for local children in Surrey. The project and building works are in accordance with the planned timetable required for delivery of the new accommodation at the school.