To consider revisions to Procurement Standing Orders to take account of recent changes in the law and ensure that they reflect best practice and Council priorities. The Procurement Standing Orders set out how the Council governs spending by Officers on goods, works and services.
[This item will be referred to the next Council meeting for agreement]
Additional documents:
The proposed changes to Procurement Standing Orders (PSOs) be noted and commended to full Council for final approval.
Reason for decision
To progress the adoption of revised Procurement Standing Orders including amendments to reflect changes in legislation and ensuring that the Council maintains a fit for purpose set of guidance and rules to govern the procurement process.
The Procurement Standing Orders (PSOs) set out how the Council governs spending by Officers on goods, works and services. The PSOs had been revised to take account of recent changes in the law and to ensure that they reflected best practice and Council priorities.
RESOLVED that the proposed changes to Procurement Standing Orders (PSOs) be noted and commended to full Council for final approval.
Reason for decision
To progress the adoption of revised Procurement Standing Orders including amendments to reflect changes in legislation and ensuring that the Council maintains a fit for purpose set of guidance and rules to govern the procurement process.