108 Confident in Our Future: Corporate Strategy 2013 -18 and Supporting Strategies PDF 86 KB
The Cabinet are asked to endorse Confident in our future, the Council’s Corporate Strategy 2013-2018 and approve the supporting Directorate Strategies and Communications and Engagement Strategy. Delivery of these strategies will help ensure that Surrey residents remain healthy, safe and confident about their future.
[The decisions on this item may be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]
Additional documents:
1. That ‘Confident in our future, Corporate Strategy 2013-2018’ be endorsed and that it be recommended for approval to the County Council meeting on 16 July 2013.
2. That the Directorate Strategies 2013–2018, as amended, and the Communications and Engagement Strategy which will support delivery of the Corporate Strategy be approved.
Reason for Decisions
The Council reviews and refreshes its Corporate Strategy each year. By confirming a long term vision for the county and setting priorities for the next year the Corporate Strategy provides a clear sense of direction for Council staff and signposts the Council’s approach for residents, businesses and partner organisations. As part of the Council’s Policy Framework (as set out in the Council’s Constitution) the Corporate Strategy must be approved by the County Council.
The Directorate Strategies and the Communications and Engagement Strategy will support delivery of the priorities set out in the Corporate Strategy, ensuring the Council delivers great value to Surrey residents.
[The decisions on this item may be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]
The Leader of the Council drew Members’ attention to the following amendments to the Directorate Strategies (set out below) and requested that the Cabinet endorsed - Confident in our future, the Council’s Corporate Strategy 2013-2018, and approve the supporting Directorate Strategies and Communications and Engagement Strategy.
(i) Annex 2a – Adult Social Care - the right hand side pie chart has 'other expd' missing - which would make the total agree to the £404m once adjusted
(ii) Annex 2b – Children, Schools and Families – chart – ‘rest of Council figure’ should be £840m and not £1,361m
(ii) Annex 2c – Environment & Infrastructure – Priorities for 2013/14 - 1st bullet point to be amended to state ‘Repair road defects and deliver maintenance schemes including the five year programme to renew 500 kms of the worst roads in the county within specified timescales and budgets’
(iv) Annex 2f - Chief Executive’s Office - the left hand total table had CXO in twice - total should be £1,685m (currently (£1,698m), including public health
The Leader of the Council confirmed the Council’s strategy was to focus on working in the long term interests of Surrey and to ensure that residents remained healthy, safe and confident about their future. He also said that he was determined to continue to deliver excellent value for money to taxpayers and an increased focus on innovation would help to achieve this.
Other Members comments were:
· That the County Council had made significant improvements in the last four years and could be ‘Confident in our Future’.
· A strong focus on quality, developing Surrey County Council staff and safeguarding vulnerable children and adults.
· Proactive management of highways plus increased funding for its infrastructure.
· Better engagement with local residents
· The launch of a campaign to reduce litter in the county.
· The Health and Wellbeing Board would be working with partners to examine the provision for mental health in Surrey.
1. That ‘Confident in our future, Corporate Strategy 2013-2018’ be endorsed and that it be recommended to the County Council meeting on 16 July 2013 for approval.
2. That the Directorate Strategies 2013–2018, as amended, and the Communications and Engagement Strategy which will support delivery of the Corporate Strategy be approved.
Reason for Decisions
The Council reviews and refreshes its Corporate Strategy each year. By confirming a long term vision for the county and setting priorities for the next year the Corporate Strategy provides a clear sense of direction for Council staff and signposts the Council’s approach for residents, businesses and partner organisations. As part of the Council’s Policy Framework (as set out in the Council’s Constitution) the Corporate Strategy must be approved by the County Council.
The Directorate Strategies and the Communications and Engagement Strategy will support delivery of the priorities set out in the Corporate Strategy, ensuring the Council delivers great value to Surrey residents.