112 Amendment to Waste Contract between Surrey County Council and SITA Surrey PDF 139 KB
To receive updated information regarding technologies and to consider value for money and affordability factors; to approve technology; ask officers to continue to progress work to amend the Waste Contract with SITA Surrey and prepare a detailed report to present at the 23 July 2013 Cabinet meeting, which will include legal, financial, procurement and risk assessments.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. Having received an update on technology and been notified of the proposed contractors, that the technology changes be approved.
2. Officers continue to progress work to vary the Waste Contract between Surrey County Council and SITA Surrey to reflect the changes necessary to deliver the proposed waste solutions. A further detailed report for final approval (including value for money, affordability considerations and evidence of DEFRA’s approval) be presented to the Cabinet meeting on 23 July 2013.
3. That the release of a Voluntary Transparency Notice announcing the Council’s intention to enter into a contract variation be approved.
Reasons for Decisions
The recommendations are necessary to provide proper authority to:
(1) Deliver the Eco Park which represents a corporate priority for the Council.
(2) Provide assurance to contractual and funding partners to the Council.
(3) Demonstrate commitment to use of best available, most appropriate technologies in terms of efficiency and environmental impact.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and Environment advised that the purpose of the report was for Members to receive updated information regarding the technologies, to consider value for money and affordability factors, to approve technology, to ask officers to continue to progress work to amend the Waste Contract with SITA Surrey and to prepare a detailed report to present at the 23 July 2013 Cabinet meeting, which will include legal, financial, procurement and risk assessments.
He highlighted key points from the report:
· The Environmental Permit issued by the Environment Agency on 8 October 2012
· The Drivers for Change and the increasing cost of landfill
· The proposed amendments to the Waste Contract, their effect on the Council and the Assessment Process
· The Footpath diversion which was currently awaiting a decision
He also referred to the Sustainability Assessment of the proposal to create the Eco Park, which had been carried out by the Council’s Waste and Sustainability teams and said that there would be significant reduction in the number of HGVs and miles travelled by these vehicles, associated with the Eco Park.
He also drew attention to Risk Management, Value for Money and Legal Implications and the S151 officer commentary detailed in the report, and in particular the Equalities Impact Assessment which had been reviewed and remained valid.
Finally, he said that he was aware of the concerns of some local residents and informed Cabinet that there had been extensive consultation, as set out in paragraph 96 of the report. Details of the responses to the main questions asked during the recent public engagement process were circulated at the meeting and are attached as Appendix 3 to these minutes.
The Leader of the Council referred to paragraph 112 and requested that recommendation (2) be amended to include ‘evidence of DEFRA’s approval’.
1. That, having received an update on technology and been notified of the proposed contractors, the technology changes be approved.
2. That officers continue to progress work to vary the Waste Contract between Surrey County Council and SITA Surrey to reflect the changes necessary to deliver the proposed waste solutions. A further detailed report for final approval (including value for money, affordability considerations and evidence of DEFRA’s approval) to be presented to the Cabinet meeting on 23 July 2013.
3. That the release of a Voluntary Transparency Notice announcing the Council’s intention to enter into a contract variation be approved.
Reasons for Decisions
To provide proper authority to:
1. Deliver the Eco Park which represents a corporate priority for the Council.
2. Provide assurance to contractual and funding partners to the Council.
3. Demonstrate commitment to use of best available, most appropriate technologies in terms of efficiency and environmental impact.