3. Approval of Budget Virements in excess of £250,000 PDF 54 KB
Approval of the Leader is required for budget virements in excess of £250,000 between directorates. This report concerns a virement of £1.792m relating to the provision of housing for vulnerable young people from the supporting people budget in Adult Social Care to the Youth Support Service budget in Children, Schools and Families.
1. Management of the supporting people housing contracts which support young people is transferred to the Children, Schools and Families Directorate be agreed.
2. A virement of £1,792,355 be approved in 2013/14 from Adult Social Care Directorate to Children Schools and Families Directorate. This being the value of the existing contracts, including a pro-rata element of the Supporting People efficiency target relating to these contracts. Also that the virement be adjusted in future years up to 2016/17 to reflect the 2013-18 Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) efficiencies relating to those contracts.