179 Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2012 - 2013 PDF 35 KB
1. The Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) is a non-statutory, multi-agency Board that is chaired by an independent chairman, Simon Turpitt.
2. To support the transparency of the Board, the Annual Report is presented to Cabinet.
3. Cabinet is asked to consider and note the Annual Report of the Board. (ANNEX 1)
[The decisions on this item may be called in the Adult Social Care Select Committee]
Additional documents:
That the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) Annual Report be noted, prior to it being published.
The SSAB will take the detail of this report and a strategy be developed to address the concerns identified in the report. The strategy will come before Cabinet in the New Year.
Reasons for Decisions:
Accepting the recommendation will provide evidence the council has fulfilled its obligations to co-ordinate the activities of the Safeguarding Adults Board. It will provide information to the public on the performance of the Board in the delivery of its strategic plan.
When the Care Bill 2013 becomes enacted, it will be a statutory requirement for Safeguarding Adults Boards to produce and publish an Annual Report and for the report to be shared with the local police, Healthwatch and the Health and Wellbeing Board. The Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board wish to comply with these requirements in advance of the statutory duty. Providing paper copies to Surrey libraries will make the report easy to access for Surrey residents who do not have internet access.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adult Social Care Select Committee]
The Cabinet Associate for Adult Social Care informed Members that there was currently no statutory requirement to have Surrey Safeguarding Adults board (SSAB) but that once the Care Bill was enacted, it would become a statutory requirement. The SSAB was a non-statutory, multi-agency Board that was chaired by an independent chairman, Simon Turpitt and he was delighted to be able to present his report directly to Cabinet.
Mr Turpitt said that he had only been Chairman of SSAB since June 2013 and the report reflected the year prior to his appointment. He referred to the forthcoming awayday where strategy and goals would be agreed and he also confirmed that SSAB would learn from the findings of the serious case reviews. Finally, he thanked Members for their support and said that their engagement was critical to the work of the Board.
That the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) Annual Report be noted, prior to it being published.
The SSAB will take the detail of this report and a strategy be developed to address the concerns identified in the report. The strategy will come before Cabinet in the New Year.
Reasons for Decisions:
Accepting the recommendation will provide evidence the council has fulfilled its obligations to co-ordinate the activities of the Safeguarding Adults Board. It would provide information to the public on the performance of the Board in the delivery of its strategic plan.
When the Care Bill 2013 becomes enacted, it will be a statutory requirement for Safeguarding Adults Boards to produce and publish an Annual Report and for the report to be shared with the local police, Healthwatch and the Health and Wellbeing Board. The Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board wish to comply with these requirements in advance of the statutory duty. Providing paper copies to Surrey libraries will make the report easy to access for Surrey residents who do not have internet access.