Issue - meetings

Winter Performance Report

Meeting: 24/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 154)

154 Winter Service Development for 2013 / 14 pdf icon PDF 85 KB

The delivery of Winter Service is delivered in two distinct areas:


1.    Pre-treatment of Routes and Advance Planning – this ensures that pre-defined route networks including carriageways, cycleways andareas of footway, are pre-treated according to their importance and theweather conditions, to inhibit the formation of ice and facilitate the removalof snow.


2.    Management of Severe Snow Event – this ensures the service is prepared to manage a severe snow event, to reduce disruption and improve safety.


In 2010 a joint officer and Member Winter Task Group was formed to review the overall delivery of the winter service. The success of the Task Group and the principals that have been applied now forms the backbone of the annual winter reviews in delivering continuous improvement to the service.


This report provides an overview of the performance of winter service last year and recommendations to further improve service and ongoing scrutiny.


[The decisions on this item may be called in the Environment and Transport Select Committee]

Additional documents:




That the recommendations of the Winter Performance Task Group, set out in paragraph 3 of the submitted report and the Winter Service Plan 2013/14, included in Annex 1 of the submitted report, be approved.


Reasons for Decisions


These recommendations are the outcome of a Task Group meeting, held on 26 July 2013, to discuss winter service performance during 2012/13 and the development of the service for the 2013/14 winter season.


[The decisions on this item may be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]



The Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and the Environment introduced the report on the Winter Service Development for 2013/14. He said that the delivery of winter service was delivered in two distinct operations: (i) Pre-treatment of routes and advice planning, (ii) Management of a severe snow event.


He said that the Plan had been compiled by the Environment and Transport Select Committee’s Winter Service Task Group and provided an overview of last year’s winter service performance and also set out recommendations to further improve the service. He thanked them for their work and the excellent report.


He referred to paragraph 3, recommendation (V) and confirmed that the licensing arrangements had now been agreed. He also confirmed that salt had already been bought over the summer months, at a favourable price.


Finally, in the Equalities Impact Assessment, he highlighted the points made in relation to some residents requiring assistance during severe weather events and mentioned the importance of the farmers’ contribution, as well as the local Members.


Cabinet considered that the work undertaken to improve the winter service in the last few years, particularly in response to the severe weather situations, was a credit to a large number of people, including the contractors – May Gurney. They also recognised the partnership working with Boroughs and Districts in clearing footpaths near schools, hospitals and shopping centres.


It was agreed that the Winter Service Plan should be widely published, including distribution to local libraries.  




That the recommendations of the Winter Performance Task Group, set out in paragraph 3 of the submitted report and the Winter Service Plan 2013/14, included in Annex 1 of the submitted report, be approved.


Reasons for Decisions


These recommendations are the outcome of a Task Group meeting, held on 26 July 2013, to discuss winter service performance during 2012/13 and the development of the service for the 2013/14 winter season.