Issue - meetings

St Bartholomew's CofE Primary School

Meeting: 09/10/2013 - Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning Decisions (Item 4.)

4. St Bartholomew's CofE Primary School Proposed Expansion: Decision pdf icon PDF 56 KB

St Bartholomew's Church of England Primary School is one of the schools that has been identified for expansion. It is proposed that the school will expand to become a two form entry (2 FE) primary school with 420 places; the school currently has 375 places (1.5 FE at infant phase, 2 FE at junior phase).


1.    The Statutory Notice stating the Governing Body’s intention to expand St Bartholomew’s Church of England Primary School be determined, such that the school becomes a two form entry (2FE) primary school with a published admission number (PAN) of 60 from 1 September 2014.


2.    St Bartholomew’s Church of England Primary School no longer has an admission into Y3 in September 2015 be agreed.


3.    The Governing Body of St Bartholomew’s Church of England Primary School implement the proposal, with funding for the building provided by Surrey County Council be approved.