3. Speed Limit Review - A217 Reigate Road PDF 42 KB
The Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and Environment is asked to consider whether to endorse the Mole Valley Local Committee’s request to reduce the speed limit on the A217 Reigate Road, Hookwood. Under the County’s Speed Limit Policy, the Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and Environment is given the authority to endorse a new speed limit which does not comply with the policy.
Additional documents:
1. The request of the Mole Valley Local Committee to reduce the speed limit on the A217 Reigate Road, Hookwood from the Reigate & Banstead borough boundary to Mill Lane, from 50mph to 40mph not be endorsed.
2. The request of the Mole Valley Local Committee to reduce the speed limit on the A217 Reigate Road, Hookwood from Mill Lane to the Hookwood Roundabout, from 50mph to 40mph be endorsed.