Issue - meetings

Grayswood CofE (Aided) Infant School, Haslemere

Meeting: 09/10/2013 - Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning Decisions (Item 5.)

5. Grayswood CofE (Aided) Infant School - Expansion to Primary: Decision pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Grayswood Church of England Infant School is one of the schools that has been identified for expansion to meet the need for places in the local area. It is proposed that the school will expand from a one form entry (1FE) infant school with 90 places to become a 1FE primary school with 210 places.


1.    The Statutory Notice stating the Governing Body’s intention to extend the upper age limit of Grayswood Church of England Infant School be determined, such that the school becomes a one form entry (1FE) primary school with a published admission number (PAN) of 30 and a total of 210 primary places.


2.    The proposal to be moderated such that the expansion is brought forward by one year and be implemented on 1 September 2014, rather than 1 September 2015 be approved.


3.    The upper age limit of Grayswood Church of England Infant School increase from Year 2 (age 6+) to Year 3 (age 7+) on 1 September 2014 be agreed.


4.    The age range to extend by a further year each subsequent year from 1 September 2015 until the upper age limit is Year 6 (age 10+) be agreed.


5.    The Governing Body of Grayswood Church of England Infant School implement the proposal, with funding for the building provided by Surrey County Council be agreed.