231 Provisional Education Performance Outcomes 2013 PDF 76 KB
This report presents an overview of the provisional educational outcomes of children and young people in early years, primary, secondary, post 16 and special school phases for the academic year ending in the summer of 2013.
An education data glossary is included as Annex 1. Provisional results briefings containing results for Surrey and regional comparators at each key stage is included as Annex 2. Results are provisional and subject to change.
Based upon the provisional data, there have been improvements in attainment at both key stage 2 and 4. The percentage of pupils achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths at the end of key stage 2 has increased this year, and Surrey has climbed in the national rankings for this measure.
There has also been an increase of three percentage points in the proportion of key stage 4 pupils who achieved five or more GCSEs or equivalent at grades A* to C including English and mathematics, to 67.2%. Surrey is ranked 15th out of 151 local authorities for this measure. Of those LAs above Surrey in the rankings, none is comparable in size (all have fewer than 5,600 pupils compared with Surrey’s 10,660).
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children and Education Select Committee]
Additional documents:
· That the 2013 Provisional Education Outcomes (as set out in the report and annexes), which will be confirmed following publication of the final key stage 4 data in January 2014, be noted.
· That a further report be brought to Cabinet in February 2014 with an update on more recently published Ofsted inspection results and performance headlines.
Reasons for Decisions:
To ensure that Cabinet is fully informed of the latest education outcomes.
The Cabinet considered an overview of the provisional educational outcomes of children and young people in early years, primary, secondary, post 16 and special school phases for the academic year ending in the summer of 2013. It was noted that the results were provisional, subject to change and that the final results would be considered at a future meeting.
Based upon the provisional data, there had been improvements in attainment at both key stage 2 and 4. The percentage of pupils achieving level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths at the end of key stage 2 has increased this year, and Surrey had climbed in the national rankings for this measure.
There had also been an increase of three percentage points in the proportion of key stage 4 pupils who achieved five or more GCSEs or equivalent at grades A* to C including English and mathematics, to 67.2%. Surrey was ranked 15th out of 151 local authorities for this measure. Of those local authorities above Surrey in the rankings, none is comparable in size (all have fewer than 5,600 pupils compared with Surrey’s 10,660).
The Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning congratulated all pupils, teaching staff and all involved in education for the achievements in 2013. The results represented a good report and one that was outstanding in parts. Investment in schools would continue with the aim that every child attend a good or outstanding school. Cabinet Members welcomed the results.
1. That the 2013 Provisional Education Outcomes (as set out in the report and annexes submitted), which will be confirmed following publication of the final key stage 4 data in January 2014, be noted.
2. That the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning update Cabinet Members on published Ofsted inspection results and performance headlines as appropriate.
Reasons for Decisions:
To ensure that Cabinet is fully informed of the latest education outcomes.