100 Highways Asset Management Policy, Strategy and Prioritisation Policy and Criteria PDF 57 KB
Surrey’s Transport Asset Management Plan (STAMP) was published nearly 10 years ago. STAMP’s aim was to describe how the County Council would maintain all of Surrey’s Highways and Transport infrastructure. New national guidance for developing Asset Management Plans for Highway Infrastructure was published in 2013. In line with this new guidance, the County Council have produced Asset Management Policy and Strategy documents and revised the prioritisation criteria for the five key Highway Assets; Roads, Footways, Structures, Safety Barriers and Drainage.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. That the Asset Management Policy be approved for publication.
2. That the Asset Management Strategy be approved for publication.
3. That the Prioritisation Policy and Criteria for the development of capital programmes for the five key Highway assets: Roads, Footways, Structures, Safety Barriers and Drainage be approved.
4. That any minor future amendments to the above be approved by the Strategic Director of Environment and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding Recovery.
Reasons for Decisions:
All recommendations were informed through close working of officers with the Environment and Transport Select Committee.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding Recovery said that
Surrey’s Transport Asset Management Plan (STAMP) was last published nearly 10 years ago. STAMP’s aim was to describe how the County Council would maintain all of Surreys Highways and Transport infrastructure, for Surrey’s residents.
New national guidance for developing Asset Management Plans for Highway Infrastructure was published in 2013. In line with this new guidance, the County Council produced Asset Management Policy and Strategy documents and revised the prioritisation criteria for the five key Highway Assets; Roads, Footways, Structures, Safety Barriers and Drainage.
The Cabinet Member referred to Project Horizon, the planned Highways programme, however, he stressed that the County Council would always undertake urgent repairs, such as those resulting from the winter flooding in Surrey. He stressed the importance of demonstrating that Surrey Highways was aligned with the Corporate policies of the Council.
He also highlighted the benefit of a single policy covering all highway assets to ensure consistency of approach and said that five key areas had been identified for the development of prioritised programmes:
· Highway Maintenance / Improvement Issues
· Network Hierarchy
· Risk
· Value for Money
· Network Management
Finally, he said that the Equality Impact Assessment detailed the impact of the proposals on residents and service users with protected characteristics.
The Leader of the Council confirmed that the Highways Asset Management Policy, Strategy and Prioritisation Policy and Criteria had been considered at the Environment and Transport Select Committee and that it had endorsed the recommendations.
1. That the Asset Management Policy be approved for publication.
2. That the Asset Management Strategy be approved for publication.
3. That the Prioritisation Policy and Criteria for the development of capital programmes for the five key Highway assets: Roads, Footways, Structures, Safety Barriers and Drainage be approved.
4. That any minor future amendments to the above be approved by the Strategic Director of Environment and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding Recovery.
Reasons for Decisions:
All recommendations were informed through close working of officers with the Environment and Transport Select Committee.