Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/12/2013 - Waverley Local Committee (Item 66)


To consider the proposals contained in the review and agree the next steps.

Additional documents:


Resolved to agree that:


(i)    the proposed amendments to on-street parking restrictions in Waverley as described in the report, shown in detail on drawings in Annex A of the report and adjusted in certain locations at the meeting (see below) are agreed as a basis for statutory consultation..


(ii)   necessary adjustments can be made to the proposals agreed at the meeting by the Parking Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and local member prior to statutory consultation. An additional member may be invited for comment.


(iii)  it allocates funding as detailed in paragraph 5.1 of this report to proceed with the introduction of the parking amendments.


(iv)the intention of the County Council to make an order under the relevant parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose the waiting and on street parking restrictions in Waverley as shown on the drawings in Annex A (and subsequently modified by (ii)) is advertised and that if no objections are maintained, the orders are made.


(v)  if there are unresolved objections, they will be dealt with in accordance with the County Council’s scheme of delegation by the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager, in consultation with the Chairman/Vice-Chairman of this committee and the appropriate county councillor. An additional member may be invited for comment.


(vi)the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager be authorised to agree with the Chairman of the committee a process for deciding which of those proposals considered under the arrangements described in (v) above should return to this committee for final decision, bearing in mind the committee’s wish not to delay the overall programme.


Adjustments agreed at meeting








Spring Lane j/w Folly Lane North, Upper Hale

Officers to re-assess the implementation of restrictions at the junction and advertise if appropriate.



Catteshall Lane j/w Langham Close, Godalming

Include restrictions at this junction in statutory consultation.



Portsmouth Road, Milford

Officers were requested to discuss with Waverley Borough Council Planning Officers the implications of the proposed traffic mitigation measures for the Upper Tuesley development and consider any related funding available.



Brook Road j/w Bridewell Close, Wormley

Include restrictions on north side of this junction in statutory consultation.



Thursley Road, Elstead

Include additional restrictions on eastern side of the Green in statutory consultation.



Tower Road j/w Moorlands Close, Hindhead

Replace existing single white line with double yellow line and extend to cover one additional dwelling on the south side.



High Street, Bramley

Withdraw the proposal to extend existing restrictions to cover access to the premises of Robertson & Sons and withdraw the proposal to introduce a single yellow line outside Robertson & Sons.



Derby Road, Haslemere

Extend the proposed double yellow lines on the south side by Church Road further westwards so that they are in line with the proposed double yellow lines on the north side.



Church Road, Haslemere

Extend the existing double yellow lines by Derby  ...  view the full decision text for item 66


Consideration of proposals for Farnham Central was completed before Item 7. 


The following locations were discussed (plan reference in brackets):


Farnham Central


Guildford Road (24015, 24016) It was noted that consideration would need to be given to mitigating possible displacement.


Station Hill (24025) The location is noted for poor air quality and the proposals have been designed to alleviate congestion in the vicinity of the level crossing and to improve movement.


Weydon Lane (24032) It was recognised that there are opposing views in the community on these proposals which are best assessed through statutory consultation.


Farnham North


Upper Hale Road area (24127) It was hoped that, subject to satisfactory enforcement, concerns about parking adjacent to the school and children’s centre would be addressed through the proposals.  Officers agreed to review the possibility of advertising additional restrictions on the corners at the junction of Spring Lane with Folly Lane North.


Farnham South


Lancaster Avenue/Little Austins Road/Mavins Road area (24121, 24130) The complexity of this area and the pressures of commuter parking were noted, along with a recognition that there are concerns about consequential displacement into adjacent roads.  It was felt that Lancaster Avenue needs to be included in an area solution and Mr D Munro, as local County Councillor, requested that the proposals return to the Local Committee for decision after statutory consultation.


Frensham Road j/w Gold Hill (Private) (24039) Local members expressed some concerns about the impact of the proposed measures on the viability of the local shops.


Godalming North


Town End Street, Latimer Road, Carlos Street, Croft Road, Upper Queen Street and South Street (24075, 24076) Mr S Cosser, as local County Councillor, reported that residents and businesses had been given the opportunity to develop their own proposals and their representatives, invited to address the Committee, were satisfied with the extent to which these had been reflected in the published plans.  Mr P Martin, however, expressed serious concerns that users other than residents, e.g. town centre workers, would be excluded and that displacement elsewhere would lead to the extension of restrictions into adjacent roads in subsequent reviews.  He felt that a piecemeal approach was inappropriate and requested that his vote against the proposals be recorded.


Mint Street and Station Road (24077) It was suggested that careful implementation would be necessary in view of the proposed changes to established parking arrangements.


Catteshall Lane j/w Langham Close (no plan) Officers undertook to advertise restrictions at this location.


Godalming South, Milford and Witley


Portsmouth Road, Milford (24067) While members wished to improve sight lines at this location it was noted that some opposition would be revealed in the consultation process.  It was pointed out that current discussions about traffic mitigation measures for the Upper Tuesley development may have some impact on the parking proposals and officers were asked to make contact with Waverley Borough Council Planning colleagues to explore the implications and any funding which might be released by the development.


Brook Road, Wormley (24135) Officers undertook to include in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 66