Issue - meetings

Four Guildford Diocese Basic Need School Expansion

Meeting: 17/12/2013 - Cabinet (Item 235)


To approve the individual business cases for expansion and to create an additional 420 new places at the Queen Eleanor’s, Wonersh and Shamley Green, Grayswood and St Bartholomew’s schools to meet demand.


N.B. This is a Part 2 report and annex for item 8.


Exempt: Not for publication under paragraph 3


Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]

Additional documents:


·      That the business case for the projects to expand the following schools at the total cost set out in the report submitted be approved.

(i)  Queen Eleanor’s Junior School (Increase by 120 places to 420 places)

(ii)  Wonersh and Shamley Green Primary School (Increase by 120 places to 210 places)


(iii)Grayswood Infant School (Increase by 120 places to 210 places)


(iv)St Bartholomew’s Primary (Increase by 60 places to 420 places)


·      That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Business Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Assets and Regeneration Programmes and the Leader of the Council, to agree a variation of up to 10% of the total value as set out in the report submitted.

Reasons for Decisions:


To support the authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Guildford and Haslemere area.


The Cabinet considered the financial details relating to Minute item 225/13 which set out the individual business cases for expansion of the schools to create an additional 420 new places.




1.         That the business case for the projects to expand the following schools at the total cost set out in the report submitted be approved.


(i)    Queen Eleanor’s Junior School (Increase by 120 places to 420 places)

(ii)   Wonersh and Shamley Green Primary School (Increase by 120 places to 210 places)


(iii)   Grayswood Infant School (Increase by 120 places to 210 places)


(iv)  St Bartholomew’s Primary (Increase by 60 places to 420 places)


2.         That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Business Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Assets and Regeneration Programmes and the Leader of the Council, to agree a variation of up to 10% of the total value as set out in the report submitted.


Reasons for Decisions:

To support the authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Guildford and Haslemere area.

Meeting: 17/12/2013 - Cabinet (Item 226)

226 Schools Expansion Programme from September 2014 pdf icon PDF 51 KB

There is significant demand for new schools places within Surrey, resulting from increases in the birth rate and inward migration into Surrey County Council, which are addressed through Surrey County Council’s five year 2013-18 Medium Term Financial Plan.


Queen Eleanor’s, Wonersh and Shamley Green, Grayswood, St Bartholomew’s, Holmesdale and Brookwood schools have been identified within the programme as requiring expansion through the provision of permanent adaptations and additions to their existing facilities,  in order to meet the demand in the Guildford, Haslemere, Reigate and Woking areas.


Approval is sought for the individual business cases for expansion and to create an additional 720 new places at the following schools to meet the above demand.


 [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]

Additional documents:


·      The expansion of the following schools be agreed in principle subject to the consideration and approval of the detailed financial information for each school (as set out in agenda items 17, 18 and 19 in Part 2 of the agenda) in Part 2 of the meeting:

(i)       Queen Eleanor’s Junior School (Increase by 120 places to 420 places)

(ii)     Wonersh and Shamley Green Primary School (Increase by 120 places to 210 places)

(iii)    Grayswood Infant School (Increase by 120 places to 210 places)

(iv)    St Bartholomew’s Primary (Increase by 60 places to 420 places)

(v)     Holmesdale Infant School (Increase by 90 places to 360)

(vi)    Brookwood Primary School (Increase by 210 places to 420)

Reasons for Decision:


The schemes deliver a value for money expansion to the schools, which supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide additional school places for local children in Surrey.  The individual projects and building works are in accordance with the planned timetables required for delivery of the new accommodation at each school.


There is significant demand for new schools places within Surrey, resulting from increases in the birth rate and inward migration into Surrey County Council, which are addressed through Surrey County Council’s five year 2013-18 Medium Term Financial Plan.


The Cabinet considered the individual business cases for expansion and to create an additional 720 new places at Queen Eleanor’s, Wonersh and Shamley Green, Grayswood, St Bartholomew’s, Holmesdale and Brookwood schools. These schools had been identified within the programme as requiring expansion through the provision of permanent adaptations and additions to their existing facilities, in order to meet the demand in the Guildford, Haslemere, Reigate and Woking areas.


RESOLVED that the expansion of the following schools be agreed in principle subject to the consideration and approval of the detailed financial information for each school (as set out in agenda items 17, 18 and 19 in Part 2 of the agenda) in Part 2 of the meeting:


(i)       Queen Eleanor’s Junior School (Increase by 120 places to 420 places)

(ii)     Wonersh and Shamley Green Primary School (Increase by 120 places to 210 places)

(iii)    Grayswood Infant School (Increase by 120 places to 210 places)

(iv)    St Bartholomew’s Primary (Increase by 60 places to 420 places)

(v)     Holmesdale Infant School (Increase by 90 places to 360)

(vi)    Brookwood Primary School (Increase by 210 places to 420)

Reasons for Decision:

The schemes deliver a value for money expansion to the schools, which supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide additional school places for local children in Surrey. The individual projects and building works are in accordance with the planned timetables required for delivery of the new accommodation at each school.