Issue - meetings

Provision of Mental Health Advocacy Services, Independent Mental Health Advocacy Services and Advocacy for Substance Misuse

Meeting: 12/02/2014 - Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Decisions old (Item 3.)

3. Contract Award for the Provision of Mental Health Advocacy Services, Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) and Advocacy for People in Treatment for Substance Misuse Problems pdf icon PDF 75 KB

The Council has a legal requirement under the Mental Health Act to provide Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) services.  This requirement is covered by the current contracts that expire on 31 March 2014.  It is therefore necessary to award a contract, following a procurement activity, starting on 1 April 2014.

Additional documents:


That following consideration of the results of the procurement process in Part 2 of the meeting, the award of a jointly funded contract be agreed.