Issue - meetings

Approval to award Contracts for the Delivery of Paediatrics Services to Surrey Schools

Meeting: 25/02/2014 - Cabinet (Item 47)

Award of Contracts for the Delivery of Therapy Services to Surrey Schools

Additional documents:


That new Surrey County Council contracts be approved to cover the period 2014 – 2017, as set out in the recommendations for item 15, as amended.


Reasons for Decisions:


Set out within item 15.


This item was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning and was the confidential annex for the award of contracts for the delivery of therapy services to Surrey Schools, which detailed the Financial and Value for Money Implications. She said that the proposal was to extend the existing contracts at current prices to enable longer term service redesign.


[The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Health and Wellbeing Board abstained from this item]




That new Surrey County Council contracts be approved to cover the period 2014 – 2017, as set out in the recommendations for item 15, as amended.


Reasons for Decisions:


Set out within item 15.