Issue - meetings

The Greville Primary School, Ashtead

Meeting: 24/03/2015 - Cabinet (Item 65)

65 The Greville Primary School, Ashtead pdf icon PDF 135 KB

To approve the Business Case for the expansion of The Greville Primary School. The school currently provides 90 infant places (Key stage 1) and 360 junior places (Key Stage 2) to give a total of 450 primary places.The expansion will increase infant places (Key stage 1) to 180 and increase junior places (key stage 2) to 480 to give a total of 660 primary places. This creates 210 additional primary places in Ashtead to help meet the basic need requirements in the area from September 2015.


N.B. An annex containing exempt information is contained in Part 2 of the agenda – item 17.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by either Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]


Additional documents:


That, subject to the agreement of the detailed financial information for the expansion as set out in the submitted Part 2 report, the business case for the provision of an additional 1 form of entry (210 places) primary places in Ashtead be approved.


Reasons for Decision:


The school is a vital part of the Council’s education offer in the local area. Increasing the number of school spaces within Ashtead is essential to ensure that the County Council performs its statutory duty of educating all resident pupils who request a school place.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]



The Leader of the Council invited Mr Townsend, local Member for Ashtead to speak on this item. He began by stating that there were massive issues about the provision of primary school places in this area. He said that he was not against the expansion of this school but was concerned about the mitigation aspects and he also drew attention to the consultation process.


The Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning welcomed his comments and said that she knew this school and had attended local residents’ meetings. She said it was a school currently rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted and that it was popular with parents. She acknowledged that the expansion would create a large primary school of 660 primary places, which would help meet the basic need requirements in the Ashtead area from September 2015.


She also informed Cabinet Members that the local catholic primary school was also being expanded to create additional faith places in the area.


It was agreed that mitigation and highways issues would be discussed within the Part 2 section of the meeting.




That, subject to the agreement of the detailed financial information for the expansion as set out in the submitted Part 2 report, the business case for the provision of an additional 1 form of entry (210 places) primary places in Ashtead be approved.


Reasons for Decision:


The school is a vital part of the Council’s education offer in the local area. Increasing the number of school spaces within Ashtead is essential to ensure that the County Council performs its statutory duty of educating all resident pupils who request a school place.