Issue - meetings

Corporate Strategy 2014 - 2019

Meeting: 04/02/2014 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Corporate Strategy 2014 - 2019 pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To endorse a refreshed version of Confident in our future, the Council’s Corporate Strategy. The Strategy will then be presented to the County Council meeting on 11 February 2014 for approval alongside the Revenue and Capital Budget.  Continued delivery of the Strategy will ensure that Surrey residents remain healthy, safe and confident about their future.


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·        That the refreshed version of Confident in our future, Corporate Strategy 2014-2019 be endorsed and that it be recommended to the County Council for approval alongside the Revenue and Capital Budget 2014-2019 at its meeting on 11 February 2014.


Reason for decision

By reconfirming a long term vision for the county and setting priorities for the next financial year the refreshed Corporate Strategy provides a clear sense of direction for Council staff and signposts the Council’s approach for residents, businesses and partner organisations. As part of the Council’s Policy Framework (as set out in the Constitution) the Corporate Strategy must be approved by the County Council.



The Cabinet was asked to endorse a refreshed version of Confident in our future, the Council’s Corporate Strategy. The Strategy will then be presented to the County Council meeting on 11 February 2014 for approval alongside the Revenue and Capital Budget.  Continued delivery of the Strategy will ensure that Surrey residents remain healthy, safe and confident about their future.


The Chairman stated the Council’s commitment to continue to provide value for money for residents and noted the “50 ways Surrey County Council adds value” document circulated with the agenda. Discussions with MPs had all been positive and had highlighted the Council’s position as the only one to produce an account of its unit costs. The Council would continue to focus on improving Surrey’s road network, supporting economic growth, building its schools and strengthening partnerships.


The Deputy Leader noted that Surrey had been recognised as having the strongest economy in the country, ahead of any other county or city (ONS figures 2012). Key achievements had included improving the condition of Surrey’s roads through Project Horizon, improving performance in schools, increasing the recycling rate, working together to find better ways of helping to keep families healthy, and the increased amount of investment in young people through apprenticeships. 1,000 young people would benefit from apprenticeships following the investment of £750k by the Leader. Surrey County Council would continue to make a difference.


Cabinet Members noted the commitment to address recent flooding in the county and the £10million investment which had been made. The Leader drew attention to the good work previously carried out in this area by Mr Nick Skellet when he was leader of the council.


RESOLVED that the refreshed version of Confident in our future, Corporate Strategy 2014-2019 be endorsed and that it be recommended to the County Council for approval alongside the Revenue and Capital Budget 2014-2019 at its meeting on 11 February 2014.


Reason for decision

By reconfirming a long term vision for the county and setting priorities for the next financial year the refreshed Corporate Strategy provides a clear sense of direction for Council staff and signposts the Council’s approach for residents, businesses and partner organisations. As part of the Council’s Policy Framework (as set out in the Constitution) the Corporate Strategy must be approved by the County Council.