Issue - meetings

Welfare Benefits Advice Information

Meeting: 25/02/2014 - Cabinet (Item 39)

39 Extension of Grant Agreement for Welfare Benefits Advice Information and Support pdf icon PDF 129 KB

This report seeks approval to extend the Grant Agreement for Welfare Benefits Advice, Information and Support for two years from 1 April 2014. 


A one year grant agreement for the provision of Welfare Benefits Advice Information and Support was awarded in April 2013 after a competitive bidding process.  The agreement included the option of extending for a further two years.


This report demonstrates why the recommended extension of the agreement delivers best value for money for Surrey County Council.


An annex containing exempt information is contained in part 2 of the agenda (item 18).


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


Additional documents:


1.       That the grant agreement for the provision of Welfare Benefits Advice Information and Support be extended for two additional years from 1 April 2014.


2.       That the service remains with the current lead provider Surrey Disabled

          People’s Partnership (SDPP) on behalf of the “getWIS£” consortium.


Reason for Decisions:


There is a continuing demand from residents of Surrey for advice, information and support about welfare benefits especially with regard to changes as a result of the Welfare Reform Act (2012). From 1 April 2013, the providers have seen 1,448 people and helped them claim £940,416 of benefits they were entitled to.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care said that this report sought approval to extend the Grant Agreement for Welfare Benefits Advice, Information and Support for two years from 1 April 2014. 


A one year grant agreement for the provision of Welfare Benefits Advice Information and Support was awarded in April 2013 after a competitive bidding process.  The agreement included the option of extending for a further two years, which he was recommending to Cabinet.


He also referred to the case studies, attached as Annex 1 and which illustrated the benefits of this advice and support.


Finally, he proposed a small amendment to recommendation (2) – deleting ‘should’ and adding ‘s’ to remain.


The Leader of the Council said that the provision of this service was important and referred to the Equality and Diversity and the Corporate Parent / Looked After Children implications set out in the report.


RESOLVED (as amended):


1.       That the grant agreement for the provision of Welfare Benefits Advice Information and Support be extended for two additional years from 1 April 2014.


2.       That the service remains with the current lead provider Surrey Disabled

          People’s Partnership (SDPP) on behalf of the “getWIS£” consortium.


Reason for Decisions:


There is a continuing demand from residents of Surrey for advice, information and support about welfare benefits especially with regard to changes as a result of the Welfare Reform Act (2012). From 1 April 2013, the providers have seen 1,448 people and helped them claim £940,416 of benefits they were entitled to.