86 Revision of Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) PDF 132 KB
The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is the County Council’s public statement of how it engages with the public and consultees on planning applications and planning policy documents.
Additional documents:
That Cabinet recommends to full County Council the adoption of the revised Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).
Reasons for Decisions:
It is a statutory requirement to produce the SCI and to keep it up to date. The current SCI was adopted in 2006 and this revision takes account of changes in legislation and policy and the county planning authority’s commitment to making best use of electronic communication.
The Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning said that the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) was the County Council’s public statement of how it engaged with the public and consultees on planning applications and planning policy documents, and that it was a statutory requirement to produce the SCI and to keep it up to date. He also drew attention to the Equalities Impact Assessment, Annex 2 to the submitted report.
That Cabinet recommends to full County Council the adoption of the revised Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).
Reasons for Decisions:
It is a statutory requirement to produce the SCI and to keep it up to date. The current SCI was adopted in 2006 and this revision takes account of changes in legislation and policy and the county planning authority’s commitment to making best use of electronic communication.