Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 18 December 2012 10.30 am

Venue: Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN. View directions

Contact: Anne Gowing or James Stanton  020 8541 9938 Email:


No. Item



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    Additional documents:


    Apologies for absence were received from Michael Gosling and Tony Samuels.



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    The minutes will be available in the meeting room half an hour before the start of the meeting.

    Additional documents:


    The minutes of the meeting held on 27 November 2012 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.




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    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.



    ·        In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.

    ·        Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

    ·        Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.

    ·        Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.

    Additional documents:


    There were no declarations of interest.




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    Additional documents:


Members' Questions

    The deadline for Member’s questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (12 December 2012).


    Additional documents:


    Two Members questions were received and their responses were tabled and are attached as Appendix 1.



    Two Members questions were received and their responses were tabled and are attached as Appendix 1.


    In relation to her second question, Mrs Watson asked a supplementary question about the minimum level of cash reserves normally held by the council and what was considered a prudent level by the S151 officer. The Leader said that cash levels would be reviewed as part of the budget monitoring process, over the next few weeks.



Public Questions pdf icon PDF 18 KB

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    The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (11 December 2012).


    A question has been received from Mr Beaman.


    Additional documents:


    Four questions were received from members of the public and their responses were tabled and are attached as Appendix 2.



    Four questions were received from members of the public and their responses were tabled and are attached as Appendix 2.


    Q2 Mr Placitelli asked for a further explanation of the County Council’s policy relating to no child under 10 years of age accessing residential short break provision except in exceptional circumstances. The Strategic Director for Children, Schools and Families was invited to respond and explained that changes had been procedural rather than policy. The Cabinet Member for Children and Families confirmed that since she had been Cabinet Member for this portfolio, there had not been a written policy about age limits – each case was assessed on an individual basis by social workers. However, she believed that for children of 5/6 years old, the best support was usually within the home environment with support from a link worker.


    Q3 Mr Robertson disagreed with the response provided to his question and requested an apology. He referred to a copy of a statement released by the Council’s press office on 15 December 2009. The Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment agreed to investigate and provide a response outside the meeting.


    Q4 Mrs Gill referred back to Mr Placitelli’s question and response and said that her daughter had used The Beeches provision since she was 8 years old. She asked how many children under 10 years old had been assessed as exceptional cases and had been referred to family based care and was there a waiting list? The Cabinet Member for Children and Families agreed to provide an answer outside the meeting.



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    The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received.


    Additional documents:


    There were none.


Representations received on reports to be considered in private

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    To consider any representations received in relation why part of the meeting relating to a report circulated in Part 2 of the agenda should be open to the public.

    Additional documents:


    There were none.



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    Recommendations from the Adult Social Care Select Committee in relation to Budget Monitoring.

    Additional documents:


    Adult Social Care Select Committee comments in relation to Budget Monitoring


    A response from the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health was tabled at the meeting (Appendix 3).



    To consider alterations to the existing policy that allows County Council land to be considered as possible Suitable Alternative Natural Green Spaces (SANGS) and agree the level of landowner charge that will be levied for this purpose. SANGS are areas of land that are required to be made available by developers in perpetuity for the leisure use of the occupiers of new developments, the intention being to reduce visitor pressure, and therefore mitigate the impact, on the Thames Basin Heath Special Protection Areas.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]


    Additional documents:




    1.         That the County Council’s current Policy be altered by the removal of the requirement that proposals for SANGS are to be considered in the light of whether new housing development is being proposed on land in the Green Belt or on land covered by any other protective or environmental designation, including Sites of Special Scientific Interest, ancient monuments, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or Areas of Great Landscape Value; such issues being left for determination by the relevant local planning authority;          


    2.         That the County Council’s current Policy be altered by the removal of the requirement that an uplift payment is to be negotiated upon a site by site basis and instead a standard landowner charge per development be secured for the use of its land as SANGS, in addition to the on-site costs of bringing the land up to the required Natural England standards for use as SANGS in perpetuity with the necessary capital, maintenance and management costs, all being secured through developer payments;    


    3.         That the question of whether future SANGS should be provided on individual County Council sites to continue to be considered and approved by the Cabinet Member for Transport & Environment, in consultation with the Strategic Director for Environment and Leader of the Council, on a site by site basis; and


    4.         That the policy as set out in Annex 2 of the submitted report, be adopted.


    Reasons for Decisions


    The potential benefits of SANGS assist in the protection of the bird species which are considered to be at risk due to the ability of SANGS to influence the behaviour of heathland visitors;


    As a result of the use of County Council land as SANGS capital, maintenance and management improvements can be undertaken on the land, at no cost to the County Council through developer payments, at the same time as supporting those affected local authorities in achieving their housing targets;


    Use of County Council land as SANGS releases land for new development for which the County Council will receive a landowner charge in recognition of the uplift in value that the SANGS bestow on the proposed development sites.


    The Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment introduced the report and set out the reasons and benefits for altering the existing Suitable Alternative Natural Green Spaces policy (SANGS) and to the removal of the requirement of an uplift payment on a site by site basis, to be replaced with a standard landowner charge per development. He considered that the proposed changes would enable the County to be fair to both developers and residents.


    He also drew Cabinet’s attention to the map of Thames Basin SANGS (Annex 1, Appendix B of the submitted report).


    Finally, Cabinet noted the S151 officer’s comments in relation to this decision which could result in a reduced income to the County Council. Both the Legal and Equality and Diversity implications were also noted.




    1.         That the County Council’s current Policy be altered by the removal of the requirement that proposals for SANGS are to be considered in the light of whether new housing development is being proposed on land in the Green Belt or on land covered by any other protective or environmental designation, including Sites of Special Scientific Interest, ancient monuments, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or Areas of Great Landscape Value; such issues being left for determination by the relevant local planning authority.


    2.         That the County Council’s current Policy be altered by the removal of the requirement that an uplift payment is to be negotiated upon a site by site basis and instead a standard landowner charge per development be secured for the use of its land as SANGS, in addition to the on-site costs of bringing the land up to the required Natural England standards for use as SANGS in perpetuity with the necessary capital, maintenance and management costs, all being secured through developer payments.    


    3.         That the question of whether future SANGS should be provided on individual County Council sites to continue to be considered and approved by the Cabinet Member for Transport & Environment, in consultation with the Strategic Director for Environment and Leader of the Council, on a site by site basis.


    4.         That the Policy, as set out in Annex 2 of the submitted report, be adopted.


    Reasons for Decisions


    The potential benefits of SANGS assist in the protection of the bird species which are considered to be at risk due to the ability of SANGS to influence the behaviour of heathland visitors;


    As a result of the use of County Council land as SANGS capital, maintenance and management improvements can be undertaken on the land, at no cost to the County Council through developer payments, at the same time as supporting those affected local authorities in achieving their housing targets;


    Use of County Council land as SANGS releases land for new development for which the County Council will receive a landowner charge in recognition of the uplift in value that the SANGS bestow on the proposed development sites.



    This report details the achievements of the Children, Schools and Families Directorate in 2011-12. Performance data predominantly reflects the financial year 2011-12 apart from schools data which reflects the 2010/11 academic year. The timing of the report reflects the need to reflect key messages from the Ofsted inspection of children’ services in the Autumn 2012. The Children, Schools and Families (CSF) Directorate has made good progress over the past year. A recent Ofsted inspection found Surrey County Council’s arrangements for the protection of children to be effective. The directorate has developed a children and young people’s strategy for 2012-17 order to sustain continued improvement.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Education Select Committee]


    Additional documents:




    1.            That the good progress that has been made by the Directorate and achievements over the last year be noted.


    2.            That the publication of the CSF directorate annual report be agreed.


    Reasons for Decisions


    To note the progress and plans detailed in the 2011/2012 annual report and allow them to be published and shared with the wider council and its partners.



    This report set out the Children, Schools and Families Directorate’s progress in 2011/12 and was presented by the Cabinet Member for Children and Families. She referred to the Ofsted inspection in September 2012 of Surrey County Council’s arrangements for the protection of children, which had found the Directorate’s work to be effective. She acknowledged the areas for improvement that needed to be addressed and she informed Cabinet of the increasing numbers of child protection cases and the impact of budgetary pressures on the Directorate. However, she was pleased to report the success of the savings scheme for Looked After Children, which was the first scheme of its kind nationally and also the implementation of the integrated children’s system (ICS) which had also been recognised nationally.


    She acknowledged the work to do in strengthening the cohesiveness of partnership working and implementing a coordinated programme of early help. These areas would be taken forward through a public value programme, the children and young people’s partnership and the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board.


    Key points made by other Cabinet Members were:


    ·         The service had made a dramatic improvement in the last four years.

    ·         Surrey County Council’s work to safeguard children was effective, child focussed and was making a difference.

    ·         That this was now a tough inspection regime in which many other local authorities had been voted ‘inadequate’.

    ·         There had been excellent achievements in both reducing the numbers of young people Not in Education, Employment or Training and also the first time entrants into the youth justice system was at an all time low.

    ·         Reference was made to tackling Domestic Abuse and that this continued to be a significant priority for the Council.

    ·         That, the new Youth Support Services provided an integrated response for Surrey’s most vulnerable young people. The restorative justice element of this service was the right way forward and the work in partnership with Surrey Police was commended.

    ·         The early years provision, together with work being undertaken in the service, to increase the provision of nursery places for 2 year olds was also praised.

    ·         The excellent work of HOPE, a therapeutic service for young people with mental health issues was noted.


    The Cabinet congratulated all staff who looked after children, sometimes in difficult circumstances and the Cabinet Member for Children and Families agreed to made this annual report available to all Members.




    1.            The good progress that has been made by the Directorate and achievements over the last year be noted.


    2.            The publication of the CSF directorate annual report be agreed.


    Reasons for Decisions


    To note the progress and plans detailed in the 2011/2012 annual report and allow them to be published and shared with the wider council and its partners.




    To consider an overview of the provisional educational outcomes of children and young people in early years, primary, secondary and special school phases for the academic year ending in the summer of 2012.


    Comments from the Education Select Committee are also included.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Education Select Committee]


    Additional documents:



    1.            That the provisional education outcomes be noted.

    2.            That schools and Babcock 4S are currently undertaking a full review of the School Improvement Strategy which will inform the annual school improvement plan for the local authority, to be finalised by 31st March 2013.

    3.         That the Head of Education and Head of School Effectiveness, Babcock 4S to return to Cabinet in February 2013, with the Education and Achievement plan and an update on more recently published Ofsted inspection results and performance headlines.


    Reasons for Decisions


    To ensure that Cabinet is fully informed of the latest provisional education outcomes and to be aware of the current policy context prior to receipt of the Education and Achievement plan in January 2013.



    The Cabinet Member for Children and Learning was pleased to introduce a report which presented an overview of the provisional educational outcomes of children and young people in early years, primary, secondary and special school phases for the academic year ending in the summer of 2012.


    Provisional results briefings containing results for Surrey and regional comparators for each key stage were available as annexes. Results were provisional and subject to change. However, since the report had been published, KS3 results had now been verified. All figures represented the latest available data and would not be the same as those presented in the Children’s, Schools and Families directorate annual report.


    The Cabinet Member considered that the results were a ‘solid set of achievements’ and recognised the excellent work taking place within Surrey schools. However, she mentioned a need for more focus on teaching effectiveness and progress. She also referred to paragraph 36 of the report which set out the Inspection results for all state funded schools within Surrey, to the end of the 2011/12 academic year.


    Confirmation was also given that the Education and Achievement Plan would be presented to Cabinet in February 2013.


    Finally, she drew attention to her tabled response to the comments from the Education Select Committee (Appendix 4).


    The Deputy Leader referred to the diversity of Surrey schools and said that in excess of 20% of Surrey pupils were educated at Independent Schools and their results were not reflected in these statistics.





    1.            That the provisional education outcomes be noted.

    2.            That schools and Babcock 4S are currently undertaking a full review of the School Improvement Strategy which will inform the annual school improvement plan for the local authority, to be finalised by 31 March 2013.

    3.         That the Head of Education and Head of School Effectiveness, Babcock 4S return to Cabinet in February 2013, with the Education and Achievement plan and an update on more recently published Ofsted inspection results and performance headlines.


    Reasons to Decisions


    To ensure that Cabinet is fully informed of the latest provisional education outcomes and to be aware of the current policy context prior to receipt of the Education and Achievement plan in February 2013.



    To recommend to the next meeting of the County Council that the Aggregates Recycling Joint Development Plan Document be adopted. The Development Plan Document contains recommended modifications and amendments as recommended by the Inspector following independent public examination.


    Please note that the annexes have been circulated to Cabinet Members only. However, they are available in the Members Reading Room and with this report on the Surrey County Council website. Hard copies are available on request.

    Additional documents:




    Tthat the Cabinet recommend to County Council that the Surrey Minerals and Waste Aggregates Recycling Joint Development Plan Document (incorporating the main modifications recommended by the Inspector and additional modifications and minor amendments) as attached as Annex 2, to the submitted report, be agreed.


    Reasons for Decisions


    To secure completion of the final element of the Minerals and Waste Plan, fulfilling the associated legal requirements for Local Development Frameworks and comply with the adopted Minerals & Waste Development Scheme legal requirements.



    Cabinet Members were advised that the annexes to the report were available in the Members Reading Room and the Cabinet Room. They were also available on the SCC website.


    The Surrey Minerals and Waste Plans formed part of the policy framework which had been agreed by the County Council. The Cabinet was requested to recommend to the next meeting of the County Council that the DPD be adopted. The DPD contained modifications and amendments as recommended by the Inspector following independent public examination. The Inspector concluded that the DPD was sound and legally compliant and provided an appropriate basis for the planning of the county over the next 14years.


    The Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment highlighted the reasons for the recommendations and stated that the completion of the final element of the Minerals and Waste Plan was a legal requirement. He also drew attention to the main modifications, as set out in paragraph 9 of the submitted report, which the Inspector had endorsed. He also mentioned the proposal to allocate Milton Park Farm, Egham which had the most number of written representations and people attending at the Examination.  The Inspector nevertheless found this allocation to be sound.  A number of further comments had been received the day before the Cabinet meeting relating to Milton Park Farm from a local organisation and he asked that officers consider if any of the matters raised should be brought back for further consideration by Cabinet prior to the matter being considered by Council.




    That the Cabinet recommend to County Council that the Surrey Minerals and Waste Aggregates Recycling Joint Development Plan Document (incorporating the main modifications recommended by the Inspector and additional modifications and minor amendments) as attached as Annex 2, to the submitted report, be adopted.


    Reasons for Decisions


    To secure completion of the final element of the Minerals and Waste Plan, fulfilling the associated legal requirements for Local Development Frameworks and comply with the adopted Minerals & Waste Development Scheme legal requirements.



    To award a fixed price contract to the recommended tenderer for the provision of Home Based Breaks Services for Carers from February 2013. The report provides details of the procurement process and demonstrates why the recommended contract award delivers best value for money for carers and Surrey residents alike.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adult Social Care Select Committee]


    Additional documents:



    1.         That the background information set out in the submitted report be noted.


    2.         That the award of a contract be agreed following consideration of the results of the procurement process as set out in item 17.


    Reasons for Decisions


    The existing contract supplied by Surrey Crossroads will expire on 5 February 2013. A full tender process, in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Regulations and the Council’s Procurement Standing Orders has been undertaken.  The recommendations arising out of the above processes provide best value for money for the Council following a thorough evaluation process.



    In the absence of the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health, the Cabinet Member for Change and Efficiency presented the report. The Cabinet were advised that the existing contract expired in February 2013 and this report was to award a fixed price contract to the recommended tenderer for the provision of Home Based Breaks Services for Carers from February 2013. The report provided details of the procurement process and demonstrated why the recommended contract award delivered best value for money for carers and Surrey residents alike.


    A project group, comprising representatives from Adult Social Care, Children Services, NHS and Procurement was established and a universal tender was run. This helped to ensure a consistent approach and to obtain value for money, due to economies of scale.


    The Cabinet Member for Children and Families said that this was an excellent example of joint working between Children’s Services and Adult Social Care. Also, both she and the Leader acknowledged the contribution that carers made in the County.


    The Leader and the Cabinet Member for Community Safety made reference to the Equalities Impact Assessment, attached as an annex to the report.




    1.         That the background information set out in this report be noted.


    2.         That the award of a contract be agreed following consideration of the results of the procurement process as set out in item 17.


    Reasons for Decisions


    The existing contract supplied by Surrey Crossroads will expire on 5 February 2013. A full tender process, in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Regulations and the Council’s Procurement Standing Orders has been undertaken.  The recommendations arising out of the above processes provide best value for money for the Council following a thorough evaluation process.




    To award three Specialist Construction Framework agreements to the recommended tenderers for the provision of mid-sized planned roofing, mechanical and electrical engineering projects.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


    Additional documents:



    That the selected contractors be appointed onto Roofing, Mechanical and Electrical Works Frameworks, jointly procured with Hampshire County Council as detailed in item 16, the confidential annex.


    Reasons for Decisions


    The recommended contract award delivers best value for money for Surrey County Council.


    The Cabinet Member for Change and Efficiency said that the report sought approval from Cabinet to award three Specialist Construction Framework agreements to the recommended tenderers for the provision of mid-sized planned roofing, mechanical and electrical engineering projects. This was the third contract relating to the strategy to improve the County Council’s existing building maintenance, agreed by Cabinet on 27 March 2012.




    That the selected contractors be appointed onto Roofing, Mechanical and Electrical Works Frameworks, jointly procured with Hampshire County Council as detailed in item 16, the confidential annex.


    Reasons for Decisions


    The recommended contract award delivers best value for money for Surrey County Council.



    To note the year-end revenue and capital budget monitoring projections as at the end of November 2012.


    Please note that the Annex 1 to this report will be circulated separately prior to the Cabinet meeting.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council and Overview Scrutiny Committee]



    Additional documents:



    1.      That the projected revenue budget underspend (Annex 1 – Section A) and the Capital programme direction (Section B) be noted.

    2.    That government grant changes are reflected in directorate budgets (Section C) be noted.


    Reasons for Decisions


    To comply with the agreed strategy of providing a monthly budget monitoring report to cabinet for approval and action as necessary.




    The Leader presented the Budget Monitoring Forecast report and made the following points:


    Revenue – After eight months of the current financial year, and despite some significant demand pressures in both Adults and Children’s Social Care, a net underspending of £1.5m was currently being forecast, for this financial year. This was a variance of just 0.1%.


    In setting the budget, a contingency against the risk of additional budget pressures and not achieving all of the savings and efficiencies in the Medium Term Financial Plan was prudently set aside. After applying £4.4m to cover the pressures in social care and highways, the council would underspend by £5.9m.


    Strategic Directors and service managers were continuing to apply stringent management action plans to meet the savings and efficiencies target in the MTFP of £71m. The current forecast is that services will achieve £66m of these savings. However, the shortfall of £5m would be off-set by other savings, a large proportion of which were due to the underspending on staffing budgets. He said that he was working with Cabinet colleagues and Strategic Directors and Managers to find alternative on-going savings for the next financial year and beyond.


    Staffing  - Directorates were continuing to actively manage their staffing budgets. This is through holding vacancies to achieve savings and the appropriate use of temporary workers. Currently there were 92% of staff on contracts which is considered to be right for a healthy organisation.


    This has led to an underspending of £6.9m for the eight months to the end of November, and this is expected to fall to £5.1m by the end of the year as staff were recruited to essential services. The number of occupied posts in November has further increased to 7,330 – an increase of 64 from October – and 204 posts were being recruited to at the end of the month.


    Capital – He said that he was determined to deliver the council’s capital programme this year, especially in providing additional school places and had asked officers to bring forward building schemes from future years and deliver more places for the county’s children earlier. In combination with real savings on the procurement of alternative accommodation, the current year’s School Basic Need budget of £32m is expected to be nearly fully spent. Overall the capital budget is expected to underspend by £4.6m, which is a significant achievement..


    Cabinet Members had the opportunity to comment on the budget forecast variances of their portfolios.




    1.      That the projected revenue budget underspend (Annex 1 – Section A) and the Capital programme direction (Section B) be noted.


    2.    That government grant changes be reflected in directorate budgets (Section C).


    Reasons for Decisions


    To comply with the agreed strategy of providing a monthly budget monitoring report to Cabinet for approval and action as necessary.




    Surrey County Council, as with other public sector bodies, is faced with delivering services to the public in the context of reduced funding.  One option to deliver better value for money is to work in collaboration with other councils to deliver services.  The Council has entered into a number of discussions with other local authorities to explore collaboration opportunities under the SE7 initiative.

    The Strategy to develop partnerships as key to delivering benefits to residents, ensuring resilience and achieving efficiencies was endorsed by Cabinet in November 2011.  The report “Time for Leadership, Leading the Change Agenda” set out the strategy, benefits and framework for working in partnership and collaboration. 

    The Change & Efficiency directorate has been evaluating collaboration and partnership opportunities in the context of this strategy and has set out the vision “to be a leading public service provider of innovative business solutions and transformational change”.

    In line with this, it is proposed that Surrey County Council and East Sussex County Council enter into a partnership agreement, under which Surrey County Council will carry out transactional support activities and IT Hosting services on behalf of East Sussex County Council.



    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


    Additional documents:





    1.            That the establishment of a partnership agreement with East Sussex County Council for support services be supported.

    2.         That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Change and Efficiency in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Change and Efficiency, to agree final terms of an arrangement under which East Sussex County Council will delegate the provision of transactional support and IT hosting services to Surrey County Council from 1 April 2013.


    2.            That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Change and Efficiency in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Change & Efficiency, to agree the terms for the short-term lease of the Uckfield premises.

    3.            Tthat the approval of the decision to establish a partnership agreement for the provision of transactional support and IT hosting services to East Sussex County Council be considered by the full Council at its meeting in February 2013.


    Reasons for Decisions


    This partnership will build upon the strength of Surrey County Council’s shared services enabling both Surrey County Council and East Sussex County Council to make further efficiencies through economies of scale and build resilience in service delivery.  Efficiencies will be delivered to the public sector from the joint procurement of IT technical support, utilisation of capacity within Surrey County Council’s Data Centre and from shared management and reduced overheads.  In the longer term, the partnership could consider further sharing of common systems and the use of common processes enabling further functions to be shared across the two organisations.





    The Cabinet Member for Change and Efficiency welcomed the opportunity for Surrey County Council to enter into a partnership agreement with East Sussex County Council to carry out transactional support activities and IT hosting services on behalf of East Sussex County Council. She considered that it was a very important strategic opportunity, which would enable both Councils to make further efficiencies through economies of scale.

    The Cabinet Member for Community Safety referred to the Equalities Impact Assessment (EIA) that the report stated would be carried out in January 2013. She requested the opportunity to review it, prior to the start of the arrangements on 1 April 2013 and this was agreed.


    1.            That the establishment of a partnership agreement with East Sussex County Council for support services be supported.

    2.            That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Change and Efficiency in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Change and Efficiency, to agree final terms of an arrangement under which East Sussex County Council will delegate the provision of transactional support and IT hosting services to Surrey County Council from 1 April 2013.

    3.            That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Change and Efficiency, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Change & Efficiency, to agree the terms for the short-term lease of the Uckfield premises.

    4.            That the approval of the decision to establish a partnership agreement for the provision of transactional support and IT hosting services to East Sussex County Council be considered by the full Council at its meeting in February 2013.

    Reasons for Decisions


    This partnership will build upon the strength of Surrey County Council’s shared services enabling both Surrey County Council and East Sussex County Council to make further efficiencies through economies of scale and build resilience in service delivery.  Efficiencies will be delivered to the public sector from the joint procurement of IT technical support, utilisation of capacity within Surrey County Council’s Data Centre and from shared management and reduced overheads.  In the longer term, the partnership could consider further sharing of common systems and the use of common processes enabling further functions to be shared across the two organisations.





    To note any delegated decisions taken by the Leader, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Members since the last meeting of the Cabinet.


    Additional documents:



    That the decisions taken by the Leader, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Members since the last meeting as set out in Appendix 3, be noted.


    Reasons for Decisions


    To inform the Cabinet of decisions taken by Members under delegated authority.


    The Leader highlighted the decisions made by him, in relation to the Community Improvements Fund and confirmed that he had sanctioned all recommendations from the Panel.


    The Cabinet noted the delegated decisions taken by the Leader, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Members since the last meeting of the Cabinet.




    That the decisions taken by the Leader, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Members since the last meeting as set out in Appendix 5 be noted.


    Reasons for Decisions


    To inform the Cabinet of decisions taken by Members under delegated authority.



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    That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information under the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

    Additional documents:



    This is a Part 2 Annex to agenda item 11.


    That the contractors, as detailed in the submitted report, be appointed to the Mechanical, Electrical and Roofing Maintenance Frameworks.


    Reasons for Decisions


    A full tender process, in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Legislation and Procurement Standing Orders has been completed, and the recommendations provide best value for money for the Council following a thorough evaluation process.


    A replacement paper for item 17 was tabled. This set out the details of the contract award and confirmed that the six top scoring tenderers would be appointed to each of the Frameworks, in accordance with the published OJEU advert, if agreed.




    That the contractors, as detailed in the submitted report, be appointed onto Roofing, Mechanical and Electrical Works Frameworks.


    Reasons for Decisions


    A full tender process, in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Legislation and Procurement Standing Orders has been completed, and the recommendations provide best value for money for the Council following a thorough evaluation process.




    This is a Part 2 Annex to agenda item 10.


    That a fixed price contract be awarded to Surrey Crossroads at a value, as set out in the submitted report for two years (with the possibility to extend for further one year with a maximum of two years) for the provision of Home Based Breaks Service for Carers to commence on 6 February 2013.


    Reasons for Decisions


    By awarding the contract to Surrey Crossroads, we will continue to receive a high quality of service with a low rate.  Also, Surrey Crossroads are a Surrey based voluntary sector supplier and have six offices covering all parts of Surrey.


    In addition, the contract will enable the Council to make further payments to Surrey Crossroads on the receipt of funding from Clinical Commissioning Groups, which will consequently increase the number of hours provided as a break to carers.  



    The Cabinet Member for Change and Efficiency said that this was the confidential annex relating to item 10, which provided the commercial details for the contract award.




    That a fixed price contract be awarded to Surrey Crossroads at a value, as set out in the submitted report for two years (with the possibility to extend for further one year with a maximum of two years) for the provision of Home Based Breaks Service for Carers to commence on 6 February 2013.


    Reasons for Decisions


    By awarding the contract to Surrey Crossroads, we will continue to receive a high quality of service with a low rate.  Also, Surrey Crossroads are a Surrey based voluntary sector supplier and have six offices covering all parts of Surrey.


    In addition, the contract will enable the Council to make further payments to Surrey Crossroads on the receipt of funding from Clinical Commissioning Groups, which will consequently increase the number of hours provided as a break to carers.  




    This is a Part 2 Annex to agenda item 13.



    As noted in item 13 (part 1 report).


    The Cabinet Member for Change and Efficiency advised Members that this item was the confidential annex relating to item 13. She also drew their attention to the Risk Implications, which were duly noted.




    As noted in item 13 (part 1 report).



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    Additional documents:


    This item was considered under Special Urgency Arrangements with the reason for urgency being stated that the opportunity to purchase this site would be lost if the County Council did not act quickly. The Cabinet Member for Children and Learning introduced the report, which was tabled at the meeting.


    Cabinet Members acknowledged the pressure for school places in the Guildford area and considered the proposals carefully. They agreed to approve the recommendations in principle.




    1.         That the acquisition of this site for school purposes for an amount as set out in the submitted report, be approved in principle.


    2.         That it be agreed, in principle, to enter into a back-to-back agreement with Governors of the school named in the submitted report, to enable it to purchase the land from Surrey County Council, in order to construct a new school on the site a future date.


    3.         That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Change and Efficiency and the Strategic Director for Children, Schools and Families in consultation with the Leader, the Cabinet Member for Change and Efficiency, the Cabinet Member for Children and Learning and the Chief Finance Officer to agree final terms and conditions of the sale agreement with the owners and the back-to-back agreement with the Governors of the named School.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    There is an education need to provide additional secondary school places in the Guildford area and due to constraints within existing secondary school sites there is a need to consider potential options for future provision.


    The report was presented as an urgent item, under Special Urgency Arrangements, with the approval of the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and is therefore not subject to call in.





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