Venue: MS Teams, Remote Meeting
Contact: Vicky Hibbert or Huma Younis Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence
Additional documents: Decision: There were none. Minutes: There were none. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting: 30 March 2021 PDF 365 KB
To agree the minutes of the last meeting as a correct record of the meeting. Additional documents: Decision: The Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 30 March 2021 were approved as a correct record of the meeting.
Minutes: The Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 30 March 2021 were approved as a correct record of the meeting.
Declarations of Interest
All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter:
(i) Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or (ii) Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting NOTES:
· Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest · As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner) · Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial. Additional documents: Decision: There were none. Minutes: There were none. |
Procedural Matters
Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader made a short announcement before the start of the formal meeting agenda. The following key points were made:
· Explained that this would be the final Cabinet meeting before the elections on 6 May. · The Leader recognised the incredible work undertaken by staff and partners to keep people safe through such challenging times. · With the lifting of restrictions, residents were reminded of ‘hands, face and space’ ensuring people followed guidance. Over 600,000 people in Surrey had received their first dose of the vaccine. · It was explained that a number of members would not be seeking re-election. The Leader thanked all members for their contributions to their local communities. A special thanks was paid to Mary Lewis, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families who was standing down and had delivered many positive changes for children and young people in Surrey. · It was expected that Ofsted would be re-visiting Surrey at the end of the year for a full inspection and had confirmed improvements during their recent visits. · Some key highlights from the council term included more in county places for children and young people with special education needs and disabilities, more supported living places for older people, 94% of schools in Surrey being rated as good or outstanding and a modern agile fire service.
The deadline for Member’s questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (21 April 2021).
Additional documents: Decision: There was one member question. The question and response were published as a supplement to the agenda.
Minutes: There was one member question. The question and response were published as a supplement to the agenda.
Mr Forster thanked the Cabinet Member for the response to his question and queried that if the booking system at Epsom CRC had worked well why it had not been rolled out across all the CRC’s in Surrey. The Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change explained that although the booking system had worked well at Epsom there were a number of no shows when the booking system was being used. The situation with bookings at CRC’s across Surrey would be reviewed once lockdown had been lifted. The Cabinet Member added that there had been a reduction in visits to CRC’s since the lifting of restrictions on 12 April.
Public Questions
The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (20 April 2021).
Additional documents: Decision: There were no public questions.
Minutes: There were no public questions.
The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received.
Additional documents: Decision: There were no petitions. Minutes: There were no petitions. |
Representations received on reports to be considered in private
To consider any representations received in relation why part of the meeting relating to a report circulated in Part 2 of the agenda should be open to the public. Additional documents: Decision: There were none. Minutes: There were none. |
Reports from Select Committees , Task Groups, Local Committees and other Committees of the Council
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no reports to consider. |
To note any delegated decisions taken by the Leader, Deputy Leader, Cabinet Members and Strategic Investment Board since the last meeting of the Cabinet. Additional documents: Minutes: There were two decisions for noting.
That the delegated decisions taken since the last meeting of the Cabinet be noted.
Reason for decision:
To inform the Cabinet of decisions taken by Cabinet Members, Strategic Investment Board and the Committee in Common subcommittee under delegated authority.
COVID- 19: Delegated and Urgent Decisions Taken PDF 212 KB
To ensure transparency of decisions taken in response to Covid-19, Cabinet are asked to note the attached decisions taken since the last meeting. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED:
1. That the decision taken by officers since the last meeting be noted.
Reason for decision:
To inform the Cabinet of decisions taken by officers under delegated authority.
[This decision is subject to call-in by the relevant Select Committee Chairman dependent on the recommendation.]
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for All-Age Learning explained that the Covid Winter Support Grant had been extended. The original scheme was due to end on the 31 March 2021 and had been extended to 16 April 2021.
1. That the decision taken by officers since the last meeting be noted.
Reason for decision:
To inform the Cabinet of decisions taken by officers under delegated authority.
[This decision is subject to call-in by the relevant Select Committee Chairman dependent on the recommendation.]
COVID 19: Surrey County Council Update PDF 416 KB
As we move into a period of easing restrictions and the existing lockdown in line with the Government’s Spring 2021 Plan, the purpose of this report is to set out the latest Public Health information about Covid-19 and update Cabinet on the strategic and sensitive issues arising from the extensive response and recovery work going on across Surrey. [Where necessary a waiver for call-in will be sought from the relevant Select Committee Chairman] Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED:
Reasons for Decision:
The county and council continue to face unprecedented challenges due to the Covid-19 crisis. We are simultaneously managing response activity and work with our partners to enable recovery within the county, looking ahead to a return to day-to-day life for communities following the end of national lockdown.
The recommendations set out in this report ensure Cabinet are appraised of the most recent work going on across the council to protect, sustain and support residents and communities and the economy of Surrey.
[Where necessary a waiver for call-in will be sought from the relevant Select Committee Chairman]
Minutes: The Leader introduced the report explaining that now the immediacy of the Covid crisis had started to recede, the Recovery Coordinating Group (RCG) had worked with the Strategic Coordinating Group (SCG) to look at how the remaining work could either be stopped or transitioned to business as usual/new business, to enable the major incident and the SCG to be stood down. It was the intention that the major incident would be stood down at the end of April 2021, although the CMG will meet in line with the national lockdown easing stages. The Local Outbreak Control Plan for Surrey had been updated and republished to reflect the Covid 19 response, local progress and developments. In Surrey over 500,000 people had received their first dose of the vaccine and 150,000 had received their second dose. The Leader highlighted that the number of children subject to Child Protection Plans continued to rise for the ninth consecutive month to 901 at the end of March. This compares with 693 at the same time last year. There was hope that this number would reduce as lockdown eased and restrictions lifted.
The Cabinet Member for Communities thanked volunteers for their energy, enthusiasm and support during the pandemic, explaining that there were lots of volunteering opportunities available especially within the vaccine centres.
Reasons for Decision:
The county and council continue to face unprecedented challenges due to the Covid-19 crisis. We are simultaneously managing response activity and work with our partners to enable recovery within the county, looking ahead to a return to day-to-day life for communities following the end of national lockdown.
The recommendations set out in this report ensure Cabinet are appraised of the most recent work going on across the council to protect, sustain and support residents and communities and the economy of Surrey.
[Where necessary a waiver for call-in will be sought from the relevant Select Committee Chairman]
Digital Infrastructure Strategy and Delivery Update PDF 358 KB
This report provides an update on Surrey County Council’s Digital Infrastructure strategy and plans for delivery.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED:
1. That the update on Surrey’s Digital Infrastructure strategy, the external drivers and different investments and influences be noted.
2. That the steps being taken to accelerate delivery of certain key and relevant ‘enabling’ projects and to identify associated resourcing options be noted.
3. That an update be brought to Cabinet in the Autumn to include:
· Assessment of Building Digital UK (BDUK) plans, aligned to commercial rollout · Update on delivery against the Digital Infrastructure strategy programme plan ‘immediate actions’ · Identification of gaps (geographical and funding) and possible measures to address them Reason for decision:
Achieving the Council’s objectives around digital deployment and connectivity is critical to the well-being and prosperity of Surrey’s residents and businesses. A digitally connected Surrey will ensure that our residents and businesses can benefit from new and emerging technology enablers, i.e. virtual and augmented reality (VR & AR) which will drive the next generation of innovation at home and in the workplace; for example, autonomous electric vehicles and transport, hyper-automation, drone delivery services and digital healthcare provision. Delivering these benefits for Council service outcomes requires a step change in digital capability and connectivity. Surrey’s economic growth also requires a hyper-connected environment to facilitate its innovation eco-system. [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources & Performance Select Committee]
Minutes: The report was introduced by the Deputy Leader who explained that the report provided an update on the Council’s Digital Infrastructure strategy and plans for delivery. It sets out the objectives of the next phase ofthe strategy and highlights the multiple investors and influences involved in digital deployment across the region. The reportintroduces an initial set of projects to be included in an emerging programme plan andidentifies associated resourcing options. In light of the timing of national developments andopportunities, it proposes that Cabinet receive a further update in the Autumn.
Members were supportive of the proposals highlighted in the report recognising the positive impacts of digital infrastructure in a virtual and digital world. The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Domestic Abuse welcomed the report and the drive for increased digital connectivity which would support a number of council services including adult social care and children’s services. It was agreed that it would be useful for both these services to be involved in the Council’s Digital Infrastructure Steering Group.
1. That the update on Surrey’s Digital Infrastructure strategy, the external drivers and different investments and influences be noted.
2. That the steps being taken to accelerate delivery of certain key and relevant ‘enabling’ projects and to identify associated resourcing options be noted.
3. That an update be brought to Cabinet in the Autumn to include:
· Assessment of Building Digital UK (BDUK) plans, aligned to commercial rollout · Update on delivery against the Digital Infrastructure strategy programme plan ‘immediate actions’ · Identification of gaps (geographical and funding) and possible measures to address them Reason for decision:
Achieving the Council’s objectives around digital deployment and connectivity is critical to the well-being and prosperity of Surrey’s residents and businesses. A digitally connected Surrey will ensure that our residents and businesses can benefit from new and emerging technology enablers, i.e. virtual and augmented reality (VR & AR) which will drive the next generation of innovation at home and in the workplace; for example, autonomous electric vehicles and transport, hyper-automation, drone delivery services and digital healthcare provision. Delivering these benefits for Council service outcomes requires a step change in digital capability and connectivity. Surrey’s economic growth also requires a hyper-connected environment to facilitate its innovation eco-system. [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources & Performance Select Committee]
Surrey's Economic Future: Progress Update PDF 339 KB
This Cabinet update sets out the emerging priority actions within the Delivery Programme, highlights areas where action has already begun and proposes a further update, including performance indicators, is brought back to Cabinet in six months.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee] Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED:
1. That the progress being made in delivering on the ambitions of Surrey’s Economic Future Strategy be noted.
2. That a progress update be received in six months. Reason for decision:
Work to deliver on Surrey’s economic ambitions is underway and progress is central to Surrey’s economic recovery as we emerge from the constraints and impacts of the COVID 19 Pandemic. The actions being taken will drive economic recovery and embed resilience for Surrey businesses and residents, with a particular emphasis on ensuring that everyone is able to benefit from economic growth and therefore it is important that Cabinet have oversight of progress. [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources & Performance Select Committee]
Minutes: The Leader stated that work to deliver on Surrey’s economic ambitions was underway and progress was central to Surrey’s economic recovery as we emerged from the constraints and impacts of the COVID 19 Pandemic. The report sets out the emerging priority actions within the Delivery Programme, highlights areas where action has already begun and proposes a further update, including performance indicators, is brought back to Cabinet in six months. It was important to upskill people with a clear focus on youth unemployment. Going forward there would be job opportunities in the green economy and health and social care sector. The report sets building blocks for reimagining the high street and Surrey’s towns for the future.
A member commented that even though there had been a decline and closures on the high street smaller traders had seen an increase in business because of this.
1. That the progress being made in delivering on the ambitions of Surrey’s Economic Future Strategy be noted.
2. That a progress update be received in six months. Reason for decision:
Work to deliver on Surrey’s economic ambitions is underway and progress is central to Surrey’s economic recovery as we emerge from the constraints and impacts of the COVID 19 Pandemic. The actions being taken will drive economic recovery and embed resilience for Surrey businesses and residents, with a particular emphasis on ensuring that everyone is able to benefit from economic growth and therefore it is important that Cabinet have oversight of progress. [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources & Performance Select Committee]
Surrey Street Design Guide: Healthy Streets for Surrey PDF 418 KB
Surrey County Council has commissioned Create Streets to refresh and update the Council’s street design guidance. This report consists of a progress update in respect of the ongoing work and also seeks permission from the Cabinet to undertake stakeholder engagement. The Guidance will return to Cabinet in the future, following this engagement, for endorsement. [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED:
1. That the work undertaken by Create Streets - the latest draft of ‘Healthy Streets for Surrey’ be noted.
2. That the aims and objectives of the draft guidance be supported.
3. That stakeholder engagement be authorised. Reason for decision:
Surrey County Council has a significant role in the design and implementation of new development, particularly in respect of streets specifically and transportation in general. As such, the County Council as the local Highway Authority advises the county’s Boroughs and Districts on the transportation implications of applications for planning permission. The Surrey Street Design Guide, ‘Healthy Streets for Surrey,’ is being produced in order to assist developers, the Boroughs and Districts and the community to understand what the County Council will be seeking when considering proposals. The aim is to deliver high quality, attractive, safe, accessible and sustainable development. Before the County Council finalises this approach, it wishes to share it with stakeholders to give them the opportunity to comment on and to influence the guide, with the ultimate aim of achieving well-designed places. [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]
Minutes: The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Highways who explained that the Council has commissioned ‘Create Streets’ to refresh and update the Council’s street design guidance. The existing guidance is incorporated as one of the chapters and Technical Appendix of ‘Surrey Design’, which was produced to promote the high-quality design of new developments in the County. The new guidance will primarily be used to notify the Council’s street design expectations in respect of new developments; however, it will also be used to guide works on existing highway infrastructure, where relevant. The report consists of a progress update in respect of the ongoing work and also seeks permission from the Cabinet to undertake stakeholder engagement. The refreshed approach to street design will support active travel and movement, seek to enrich the County’s biodiversity and to support happy, healthy and sustainable lives. In doing so, this work will help to deliver the ‘tackling health inequality’ and ‘enabling a greener future’ dial up areas.
1. That the work undertaken by Create Streets - the latest draft of ‘Healthy Streets for Surrey’ be noted.
2. That the aims and objectives of the draft guidance be supported.
3. That stakeholder engagement be authorised. Reason for decision:
Surrey County Council has a significant role in the design and implementation of new development, particularly in respect of streets specifically and transportation in general. As such, the County Council as the local Highway Authority advises the county’s Boroughs and Districts on the transportation implications of applications for planning permission. The Surrey Street Design Guide, ‘Healthy Streets for Surrey,’ is being produced in order to assist developers, the Boroughs and Districts and the community to understand what the County Council will be seeking when considering proposals. The aim is to deliver high quality, attractive, safe, accessible and sustainable development. Before the County Council finalises this approach, it wishes to share it with stakeholders to give them the opportunity to comment on and to influence the guide, with the ultimate aim of achieving well-designed places. [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]
Acquisition of Land In Support of The River Thames Scheme PDF 490 KB
This report is asking Cabinet for approval to acquire freehold lands off Chertsey Road in Spelthorne, as described in Part 2 of this paper, for the purposes of the River Thames Scheme which is being jointly promoted by the Environment Agency and Surrey County Council.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]
N.B There is a Part 2 Annex at Item 15. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED:
Reason for decision:
The decision recommended by this report will contribute to enabling the Council, in partnership with the Environment Agency, to progress the River Thames Scheme – a major infrastructure project that will reduce the risk of flooding from the Thames for communities in Runnymede and Spelthorne. It will achieve this through the construction of two new channel sections to divert water away from the Thames and additional capacity improvements to Sunbury, Molesey and Teddington weirs. To construct the channel sections, it will be necessary to purchase land and to formalise agreements with third party landowners. A forward purchase of land, in advance of submission of a Development Consent Order (DCO) application provides the opportunity for Surrey County Council and the Environment Agency to obtain land through agreement for the scheme. Forward purchasing also averts the risk of land disposal by current landowners possibly into small parcels that would make future purchase potentially more complex and expensive. In addition, the purchase of this land provides an opportunity to provide green infrastructure for the enjoyment of residents in Spelthorne, which is underserved by the Council’s Countryside Estate which provides 10,000 acres of high-quality landscape and recreational space across the county but in Spelthorne, is limited to Sheepwalk Lake. The area known as Chertsey Meads on the opposite side of the river, complements the site linked on both sides to the Thames Path, a 184 mile long national walking trail, which provides an opportunity for a circular route within the site and an additional attraction for visitors to explore along the river. Since the landscape quality of the site is currently low, there is a high net biodiversity value to be gained from managing the site to maximise value delivered by new wetland, woodland and grasslands. Approving the purchase of the land will allow Surrey County Council to support both the River Thames Scheme project and the Greener Futures priority objective.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change explained that the decision recommended in the report would contribute to enabling the Council, in partnership with the Environment Agency, to progress the River Thames Scheme. A financial contribution of £237m had been invested in the scheme. The purchase of the land in advance of submission of a Development Consent Order (DCO) application provides the opportunity for Surrey County Council and the Environment Agency to obtain land through agreement for the scheme. Forward purchasing also averts the risk of land disposal by current landowners possibly into small parcels that would make future purchase potentially more complex and expensive. The purchase of this land provides an opportunity to provide green infrastructure for the enjoyment of residents in Spelthorne, which is underserved by the Council’s Countryside Estate.
The impacts from the flooding in Surrey in 2014 had been devastating so the proposals in the report were strongly supported. Members were in support of the purchase of the land adding that the Scheme would not only benefit people living close to the river but also have wider benefits for all Surrey residents. The Leader added that the investment in the Scheme had been the single largest investment the council had made.
Reason for decision:
The decision recommended by this report will contribute to enabling the Council, in partnership with the Environment Agency, to progress the River Thames Scheme – a major infrastructure project that will reduce the risk of flooding from the Thames for communities in Runnymede and Spelthorne. It will achieve this through the construction of two new channel sections to divert water away from the Thames and additional capacity improvements to Sunbury, Molesey and Teddington weirs. To construct the channel sections, it will be necessary to purchase land and to formalise agreements with third party landowners. A forward purchase of land, in advance of submission of a Development Consent Order (DCO) application provides the opportunity for Surrey County Council and the Environment Agency to obtain land through agreement for the scheme. Forward purchasing also averts the risk of land disposal by current landowners possibly into small parcels that would make future purchase potentially more complex and expensive. In addition, the purchase of this land provides an opportunity to provide green infrastructure for the enjoyment of residents in Spelthorne, which is underserved by the Council’s Countryside Estate which provides 10,000 acres of high-quality landscape and recreational space across the county but in Spelthorne, is limited to Sheepwalk Lake. The area known as Chertsey Meads on the opposite side of the river, complements the site linked on both sides to the Thames Path, a 184 mile long national walking trail, which provides an opportunity for a circular route within the site and an additional attraction for visitors to explore along the river. Since the ... view the full minutes text for item 91/21 |
2020/21 Month 11 (February) Financial Report PDF 657 KB
This report provides details of the County Council’s 2020/21 financial position as at Month 11 (M11) 28 February 2021 for revenue and capital budgets and the projected outlook for the financial year. [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee] Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED:
Reason for Decision:
This report is to comply with the agreed policy of providing a monthly budget monitoring report to Cabinet for approval of any necessary actions.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]
Minutes: As at February 2021the Council was forecasting a full-year £3.3m underspend, an improvement of £1.1m from the previous month. The £3.3m underspend consists of a projected £2.3m overspend on Covid-19 and a projected £5.6m underspend on Business as Usual. The Cabinet Member highlighted some of the budgetary achievements made throughout the year including council tax being kept to a minimum and reserves increasing. As of 9 April, the council had produced a balance budget for the year. Huge thanks was given to the finance team for their hard work throughout the year.
Reason for Decision:
This report is to comply with the agreed policy of providing a monthly budget monitoring report to Cabinet for approval of any necessary actions.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]
That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information under the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information under the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Acquisition of Land In Support of The River Thames Scheme
This Part 2 report contains information which is exempt from Access to Information requirements by virtue of paragraph 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including commercially sensitive information to the bidding companies).
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED:
1. That the purchase of the freehold land at a price of [E-10-21], plus stamp duty costs of [E-10-21], and legal, surveying and site transaction costs be approved.
Reason for decision:
See Minute 91/21.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]
Minutes: The purchase price for the freehold land was agreed by Cabinet and the purchase of the land via the means detailed in the report was agreed as most suitable.
1. That the purchase of the freehold land at a price of [E-10-21], plus stamp duty costs of [E-10-21], and legal, surveying and site transaction costs be approved.
Reason for decision:
See Minute 91/21.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]
Proposal for the Future Provision of Temporary Resource
The Council’s contract for the provision of temporary staffing resource is coming to an end in January 2022. As part of the Annual Procurement Forward Plan, officers are proposing an alternative solution with regards to how temporary and interim workers are sourced in the future.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED: The Leader introduced a Part 2 report containing information which was exempt from Access to Information requirements by virtue of paragraph 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including commercially sensitive information to the bidding companies).
See Exempt Minute [E-11-21]
Reason for decision: See Exempt Minute [E-11-21]
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]
Minutes: The Leader introduced a Part 2 report containing information which was exempt from Access to Information requirements by virtue of paragraph 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including commercially sensitive information to the bidding companies).
RESOLVED: See Exempt Minute [E-11-21]
Reason for decision: See Exempt Minute [E-11-21]
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]
To consider whether the item considered under Part 2 of the agenda should be made available to the Press and public. Additional documents: Minutes: It was agreed that non-exempt information may be made available to the press and public, where appropriate. |