Venue: Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN
Contact: Tom Pooley or Huma Younis
No. | Item |
Minutes: Apologies were received from Nikki Barton, Victoria Young, Natalie Bramhall and Ken Gulati.
John Beckett and Richard Walsh substituted for Nikki Barton and Victoria Young respectively.
To agree the minutes as a true record of the meeting. Minutes: The minutes were agreed. |
To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.
Notes: · In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest. · Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. · Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register. · Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To receive any questions or petitions.
Notes: 1. The deadline for Member’s questions is 12.00pm four working days before the meeting (11 July 2014). 2. The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (10 July 2014). 3. The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received. Minutes: A question was received from Cllr Hazel Watson. This and the response are attached. |
A response is included following recommendations made to Cabinet on 24 June 2014. Minutes: A response was received regarding the Select Committee’s recommendations in relation to the Transport Strategy for Surrey’s School Place Programme. This is attached. |
The Committee is asked to monitor progress on the implementation of recommendations from previous meetings, and to review its Forward Work Programme. Additional documents: Minutes: Key Points Raised During the Discussion:
It was confirmed to the Committee that the date of
the next Customer Service Excellence Member Reference Group meeting
had yet to be confirmed. 2. Officers informed the Committee that the change in leadership at the Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) resulted in a delay in the progress towards renegotiation of the contract. Members were informed that there would be a meeting on Monday 21 July between the Chief Executive of the SWT, the Chairman of the SWT and the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning to discuss relevant matters. In light of this, Members were advised to defer discussion on this item and re-schedule as appropriate. |
Purpose of the report: Policy development and review
This report provides the outline content of the revised joint waste management strategy for consultation by the Committee.
Minutes: Witnesses:
Tom Beagan, Partnerships Officer Matthew Smyth, Waste Partnership and Development Team Manager
Key Points Raised During the Discussion:
The report was introduced by the Waste Partnership
and Development Team Manager who began by explaining to the
Committee how the service has re-examined the underlying values of
the Surrey Waste Partnership’s (SWP) joint strategy in
conjunction with Districts and Boroughs. It was felt that this was
the best way to achieve a simpler vision yet retain the core
principles of the SWP strategy. The Chairman then clarified that
the SWP was a joint venture between twelve authorities (including
Surrey County Council) and that both officers and Members were
represented at SWP meetings. 2. Officers explained how a new strategy would be drafted (in January 2015) after a period of consultation with key stakeholders. It was made clear to the Committee that, during this consultation period, the service would make a detailed analysis of resident’s opinions regarding the current recycling process and the existing strategy. Concerns were raised by Members that current public awareness of the consultation was low and that the service should make efforts to improve this going forward - it was therefore suggested that the consultation period be extended to October. Officers asked Members to help distribute information regarding the consultation to local residents, where possible.
Members emphasised the need for officers to advise
Parish Councils and Residents’ Associations of the
consultation and also to consider how they would engage people
without access to IT and businesses. Officers informed the
Committee that in addition to any online consultation, the service
would be sending in excess of two thousand freepost questionnaires
to bolster the consultation process. 4. Officers outlined the potential opportunities presented to the Council by processing certain products more efficiently. It was suggested that to capitalise on this, the current focus and method of Surrey’s waste collection could be improved to include greater focus on textiles. The Committee recognised this as an avenue for greater investigation however some Members pointed out that the issue currently facing such a proposal would be the insufficient level of infrastructure local authorities currently have to process textiles. It was pointed out that, in the district of Elmbridge, Surrey Police were experiencing a rise in the level of textile related theft. It is assumed that this rise is attributable to the increase in value opportunity that textiles now present.
The Chairman asked for the Committee’s input
on Table 1 of the revised joint strategy as it was felt by some of
the Committee that the ‘Core Values’ that had been
established needed further refining in order to allow the
service’s vision to be better expressed and conveyed to
residents. Members identified that by simplifying the structure of
the ‘Core Values’, residents would be better positioned
to understand the strategy during the consultation process. It was
also suggested that ‘consultation with Members’ be
included in Table 2 of the draft strategy. 6. There was acknowledgement among the Committee ... view the full minutes text for item 53/14 |
To scrutinise the Council’s initiatives to address issues with HGV/freight vehicles in the County, including routing, bridge strikes and emissions. Additional documents: Minutes: Witnesses:
Peter Hitchings, Freight Officer, Transport and Policy Team
Key Points Raised During the Discussion:
Following a review of the officer report:
The Committee congratulated officers on the work
carried out by the service, particularly regarding partnership
working with Surrey Police in relation to monitoring and regulating
the terms set in the Vehicle Operators Licence. Some Members
identified the traffic issues caused by HGV build-up in some areas
of Surrey as a cause for concern however. It was explained to
Members that Surrey Police was unable to deal with some traffic
violations by HGVs in the capacity they would like as a result of
limited funding and resources.
A Member of the Committee raised the possibility of
street furniture and signage being implemented on a larger scale
across the County to deter problematic HGV activity. It was
discussed however that account needed to be made for foreign
drivers who could not easily read non-standard road
The view was expressed that HGV involvement in
accidents with low lying bridges was an ongoing problem. Members
were informed that satnav companies
such as Tom Tom were now in direct
contact with the Council, enabling them to issue information as
efficiently as possible in order to minimise further HGV and Bridge
related collisions. Recommendations: None.
Actions/Further information to be provided:
Officers to provide Members with a briefing as to the viability of a Low Emissions Zone for all or part of Surrey.
Committee Next Steps: None.
Purpose of the report: Policy Development and Review
This report contains the initial findings and recommendations of the Flooding Task Group, which was commissioned by the Environment & Transport Select Committee to investigate the impacts of the recent flood events that affected Surrey in December 2013 and early 2014.
Additional documents: Minutes: Witnesses: None
Key Points Raised During the Discussion:
The Chairman introduced the interim report by
informing the Committee of how the interview process for the Task
Group had been structured around residents and Local Members to
allow for the widest spectrum of opinions and personal accounts on
the recent flooding.
The Chairman indicated to Members of the Committee
that the Task Group had yet to have a formal meeting with
representatives of Thames Water. Despite this, the Committee were
informed that Thames Water had agreed to a meeting the following
week. It was also confirmed to the Committee that Ofwat had declined to meet with the Task Group. The
Chairman advised Members of the Committee that he was meeting with
David Hodge to discuss this issue. 3. The Repair and Renew Grant was discussed and concern raised around the fact that businesses were not eligible to apply, as this increased the risk of consequential loss of business.
There was a consensus among Members of the Committee
that a number of drainage systems struggled to cope with the level
of water experienced during the flooding and that this was a cause
for concern. Members of the Committee expressed the view - in line
with the Task Group’s recommendations - that the utility
companies should be encouraged to keep up to date plans of their
networks and protocols.
The Committee strongly supported the view of the
Task Group in that firmer decisions needed to be made by the
relevant planning authorities in relation to planning permission on
flood plains. It was noted that Local Planning Committee decisions
to refuse applications were often overturned on appeal as a result
of Environment Agency advice as to the predicted likelihood of
flooding taking place in certain areas.
It was felt that issues around road closures during
the recent flooding were a significant problem, with residents
frequently ignoring road closure notices and confusion around which
roads were closed and by whom. It was suggested that in future
communication of this matter be improved, and clarification sought
as to who had the authority to close roads during flood
It was suggested by a Member of the Committee that
representatives from Surrey Police be invited to meet with the Task
Group to decide if there are any specific insights or
recommendations that they may be able to offer the Committee in
relation to strengthening laws related to the policing of flooding
events. 8. The Chairman relayed to the Committee that, during a recent Task Group meeting, the Environment Agency representatives expressed a desire to see more specific Member recommendations regarding communication during future flooding events.
a) That a review of the communications arrangements between the County Council, Districts and Boroughs and relevant partner organisations be carried out, with a view to avoiding duplication of effort and to improve communication as perceived by residents. This should include keeping County and District & Borough Councillors informed.
b) That the County Council determines how ... view the full minutes text for item 55/14 |
The next meeting of the Committee will be held at 10.30am on Wednesday 10 September 2014. Minutes: The next meeting of the Select Committee will be held on 10 September 2014. |