Agenda and minutes

Health Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 8 January 2015 10.00 am

Venue: Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN

Contact: Ross Pike or Andrew Baird  Email:

No. Item



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    Apologies were received from Chris Pitt, Tina Mountain and Rachel Turner.


    There were no substitutes.




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    To agree the minutes as a true record of the meeting.


    The minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting.




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    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.



    ·    In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.

    ·    Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

    ·    Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.

    ·    Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.


    Borough Councillor Karen Randolph informed the Committee that she is Chairman of Save Our Surrey Community Hospitals group.




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    To receive any questions or petitions.



    1.  The deadline for Member’s questions is 12.00pm four working days before the meeting (Friday 2 January 2015)

    2.  The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (Thursday 1 January 2015).

    3.  The deadline for petitions is 14 days before the meeting (Thursday 25 December 2014).


    1. Two questions were submitted by Borough Councillor Karen Randolph. A response to each of these questions has been received from North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and both the question and the response to these questions are included below.



    Q1.      We are all aware of how pressure on acute hospitals and community health services has increased this winter; this was anticipated. As a result acute hospitals, such as St Peter’s Hospital in Chertsey, are experiencing very serious bed blocking problems caused by being unable to discharge patients back into the community.  This has an inevitable impact on other parts of the health service, including the ambulance services, meaning that ultimately some patients' lives are inevitably being put at risk.  In these circumstances, why is refurbishment work on the two wards at Walton Community Hospital, resulting in the consecutive closure of each of the wards, taking place at a time of maximum pressure on inpatient services? 


    A1.      Following a CQC inspection in 2014, issues were highlighted that required necessary refurbishment of a number of wards to ensure that the facilities met Infection Prevention and Control standards. NHS North West Surrey CCG worked with NHS Property Services (the property owners) and Virgin Care Ltd to ensure the works were carried out as quickly as possible. These works will ensure provision of a comfortable, therapeutic and safe environment for patients. To maintain as much capacity as possible during the busy winter period, works have been carried out consecutively rather than concurrently.           



    Q2.      What contingency plans were put in place in advance of this work being undertaken (including resourcing inpatient beds at alternative locations)? Information about this situation was only released in the press after one of the wards had been closed; when were stakeholders advised and what resources have they been able to call on to manage the loss of this resource at this critical time?”


    A2.      We have extensive plans to manage anticipated winter pressures across the system and with our providers; unfortunately this year has seen unpredictably high levels of demand. We are proud of the way our providers have responded to the intense pressures all have experienced and wish to publicly thank the frontline staff who have worked relentlessly to provide as safe and effective a service as possible in these unprecedented circumstances.


    In line with our contingency plan, providers have been working together to manage demand as effectively as possible. Additional capacity has been supported to enable more patients to be treated in their homes through the rapid response and community nursing teams, additional nursing home placements to provide alternative capacity to community hospital beds, and collaborative staffing arrangements with the community provider in Ashford Hospital to streamline the patient pathway through rehabilitation beds.


    North West Surrey providers, including Adult Social Care, continue to work together and with the commissioners (NW Surrey CCG and Surrey County Council) to improve patient flow in, through and out of the acute hospital. One of our priority programmes - Locality Hubs  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4/14



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    The Chairman will provide the Committee with an update on recent meetings he has attended and other matters affecting the Committee.


    The Chairman provided the following oral report:

    The Surrey Better Care Fund

    At our previous Meeting on 20 November 2014 the Committee received an update on the Better Care Fund. This afternoon, 8 January 2015, the Health and Wellbeing Board will meet to approve the updated Surrey Better Care Fund 2015/16 Plans, ahead of the national deadline for resubmission.

    In my view the plans are excellent and detailed and I commend them to Members for their attention.  Implementation of the plans will be through six Joint Local Commissioning Groups centred on the six Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).  Over-sight of implementation will be by the Health and Wellbeing Board through a well-defined process.

    I know that a number of Members have already developed good relationships with their local CCG and I recommend that all Members do so.  Personally I am covering Surrey Heath CCG and NE Hants and Farnham CCG.  Please let the Scrutiny Officer and me know if you do develop such a relationship so that we can forward any relevant information.

    Each CCG has a public involvement process which we should be aware of as part of our duty to assure that the public’s voice is heard.  The CCGs are introducing new services and modifying and reconfiguring others and it is important that Members are aware of these changes at the proposal stage and support them in their local communities as appropriate.  Several individual CCGs commission services across Surrey on behalf of all the CCGs and this provides a further focus for Members’ attention.

    New Contract for Healthwatch Surrey

    At its Meeting on 16 December 2014 the County Council Cabinet agreed a new three year contract from April 2015 for the supply of a combined Healthwatch and NHS Complaints Advocacy Service for Surrey by the existing Healthwatch Surrey organisation.  They are partnered with the Coalition of Disabled People who will deliver the Complaints Advocacy Service element.

    I welcome this strong pairing and look forward to a continuing fruitful relationship.

    Primary Care Access

    On 20 January 2015 I intend to take part in a Primary Care Access Forum with the NHS England Area Team along with other four other Members of our Committee Primary Care Task Group.

    Community Hospital Review (Surrey Downs CCG)

    This review by the CCG was prompted by the action taken by Central Surrey Health in closing the ward at Leatherhead Community Hospital due to staffing shortages. I have met with the Commissioner this week to discuss the outcomes of the review.

    Knighthood for Andrew Morris

    I’m sure that all Members will join me in congratulating Andrew on his knighthood. Andrew has worked in the Health Service for 40 years and led Frimley Park NHS Foundation Trust to its pre-eminent position as one of the very best Acute Trust in the Country.




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    Purpose of report: Scrutiny of Services and Performance Management.


    This report updates the Committee on the outcome of our CQC inspection and the work we have undertaken to respond to their feedback.


    Declarations of interest:






    Jo Young, Deputy Chief Executive/ Director of Quality (Nurse Director), Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

    Dr Rachel Hennessy, Medical Director, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

    Don Illman, Governor, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Surrey Coalition of Disabled People

    Mike Rich, Chief Executive Officer, Healthwatch Surrey


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1.    The Committee asked why more than 50% of residential care homes operated by Surrey and Borders Partnership (SABP) are not compliant with Care Quality Commission (CQC) standards. The Deputy Chief Executive of Surrey and Borders Partnership (DCE) advised the Committee that many of the issues raised by the CQC in relation to the residential care homes related to ‘should do’ as opposed to ‘must do’ compliance actions and so the areas where residential care homes operated by SABP did not fully comply with CQC standards were found to have had a minor impact on the quality of care being provided to residents. It was, however, highlighted that SABP does aspire to be fully compliant with all CQC standards across the residential care homes it operates. The DCE indicated that through supported leadership programmes SABP was working to shore up safety standards and make standards consistent across the various health and social care services that it provides.


    2.    Members drew attention to training that SABP provides for staff and requested further information on how the training mentioned in Appendix A had progressed since the CQC inspection. The Medical Director (MD) indicated that steady progress was being made towards meeting targets for providing statutory and mandatory training for staff and the hope is to complete this by the end of the fiscal year (31 March 2015). It was highlighted that personalised training packages had been developed for staff which had led to some delays but that online training has been introduced to meet the challenges of providing training for an organisation which covers such a wide range of health and social care services across a number of locations. The DCE further advised the Committee that it was primarily refreshing of mandatory and statutory training for staff where improvements are required and that resources were being dedicated to ensure that these improvements are delivered.


    3.    The Committee expressed particular concern with staff training on restraint methods for patients with mental health issues and asked whether all relevant staff were now fully up to date with training in this area. The DCE confirmed that relevant permanent staff were now fully up to date on this training with the exception of one person where it has not been possible so far. In regard to temporary members of staff, the expectation is that the agencies provide fully trained staff. To circumvent this problem, the policy of creating a rota at the beginning of each shift has been introduced to determine those on shift who have the training. The DCE advised the Committee, however, that staff pursue a policy of avoiding restraining  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6/14



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    Purpose of report: Scrutiny of Services


    This report is to give an update to the Select Committee on the North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group Locality Hubs Programme.




    Declarations of interest:






    Jo-anne Alner, Director of Quality and Innovation, NHS North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group


    Key points raised during the discussion:


     Bob Gardner left the meeting at 11.20 am.



    1.    The Director of Quality and Innovation at North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group (DQI) provided the members with a brief introduction to the report. The Committee were advised that the three locality hubs are designed to integrate health and social care service in North West Surrey as part of the Better Care Fund plan with the aim of transforming the delivery of these services to approximately 15,000 frail/elderly residents so they receive a transformed, GP led multi-agency service that aims to help them be independent, functional and mobilised for as long as possible.


    2.    The Committee requested information on how locality hubs would sit within the provision of existing health and social care services in north west Surrey. The DQI advised Members that locality hubs are designed to take pressure off and complement existing health and social care services. It was highlighted that GPs would remain the primary point of contact for elderly and vulnerable patients but that locality hubs offered the chance to provide a more integrated and proactive platform for delivering health and social care services to elderly and vulnerable residents.


    3.    The DQI was further asked who the locality hubs were specifically designed to target. Members were advised that work was taking place by GPs to identify an initial cohort of  one thousand individuals who would benefit from locality hubs and that these individuals would then be given the choice to sign up to receive care being delivered through these hubs. In terms of target groups, the DQI indicated that the frail/elderly were the target group that GPs had been asked to identify initially but that locality hubs would not be limited to those elderly patients over 75 years old, but it would be fair to assume the majority would be.


    4.    Members asked whether locality hubs would support the discharge of patients from hospital. The DI confirmed that they would indeed support the discharge of patients from hospital, that patients could be flagged on entry and the Locality Hub would proactively visit the patient to ensure discharge could happen in a  timely manner. Locality hubs will also give doctors the confidence that care and treatment packages were  in place to provide support to patients once they have left hospital with the idea that patients can be released from hospital earlier.


    5.    The Committee expressed concern about the length of time it was taking for the hubs to become operational and inquired as to why the three locality hubs would not be up and running until the end of 2015. Members were advised that locality hubs represented a whole new system for the delivery of health and social care services in Surrey and that it inevitably took time to develop this new system. The DQI advised that the first locality hub,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7/14



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    The Committee is asked to monitor progress on the implementation of recommendations from previous meetings, and to review its Forward Work Programme.

    Additional documents:


    Declarations of interest:








    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1.    It was agreed that an item analysing the provision of acute care in Surrey during Winter would be included on the agenda for the meeting on 18 March 2015 in light of the major incidents declared at A & E departments across the UK. The Committee will focus on an analysis of Ashford & St. Peters Trust’s recent A & E performance.


    2.    The Committee agreed that an item on the re-procurement of the Healthwatch Surrey contract would be added to the agenda for the meeting on 18 March 2015.






    Action/ further information to be provided:




    Committee next steps:






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    The next meeting of the Committee will be held at 10.00 am on Wednesday 18 March 2015.


    The Committee noted its next meeting will be held at 10.30 am on Wednesday 18 March 2015.