Agenda, decisions and minutes

Elmbridge Local Committee - Monday, 2 September 2013 4.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Elmbridge Civic Centre, Elmbridge Borough Council, Esher KT10 9SD

Contact: Cheryl Poole, Community Partnership & Committee Officer  Elmbridge Civic Centre, High Street, Esher, KT10 9SD

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence and notices of substitutions from Borough members under Standing Order 39.


    Apologies for absence were received from Mr Michael Bennison.



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    To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.


    The minutes from the meeting on 24th June 2013 were agreed as a correct record.



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    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.



    ·        In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.


    ·        Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.


    ·        Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.


    ·        Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.



    No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests in respect of any item to be considered were received.



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    To receive any Chairman’s announcements.


    The Chairman spoke about the opening of the new Walton Bridge and informed the meeting of some projects which have received Members’ Allocation funding.  Oxshott and Cobham Music Society have received £400 towards publicity and Surrey Search and Rescue have received funding for two small projects.


PETITIONS (agenda item only)

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    To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68.  Notice should be given in writing or by e-mail to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting.  Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.


    A petition was received from Deborah Tee, on behalf of JTB Construction Ltd., containing 43 signatures, requesting that the 4 houses in Mill View development, no.s 1,2,3 & 4 Mill View, Cobham, deserve the right to be able to apply for parking permits in Cedar Rd., Cobham.


    Rikki Hill, Parking Project Team Leader, provided a response, which is attached as Annex A to these minutes.


    Deborah Tee explained that she believed that the residents should have the right to apply for parking permits because when planning permission for the building of the houses was granted the parking restrictions in front of the properties and in Cedar Road were not in place.  Most of the residents of properties with 3 or 4 bedrooms, such as these, are families or two working adults who have the need for 2 cars and also have visitors.  She also feels there is general negativity towards herself and her business.


    Members discussed the issue.  Some thought that as the original planning permission only allowed for one space, this decision should be adhered to, whilst others were of the view that the Committee should try to adopt a more ‘can do’ attitude to attempt to resolve the issue.


    Members voted by 12 to 4 in favour of adding the request to the next Parking Review for consideration.



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    To provide Members with an Officer response to the petition regarding the lack of parking in Douglas Rd, Esher submitted to the Local Committee on 24th June 2013.


    The Local Committee resolved to agree that:


    (i) they await the outcome of the planning permission to ascertain what the implications on parking will be and once this is known then consider a solution in isolation or combined with the school expansion.


    Reason for decision: to ensure that the best use is made of the limited funding available to the Local Committee.


    Nick Healey, the Area Highways Team Manager (NE), presented the response to the petition brought to the Elmbridge Local Committee held on 24th June 2013.  He explained that there is currently a planning process taking place for the rebuilding of Cranmere Primary School in roads adjacent to Douglas Rd. and this may well result in changes to the highways network and the traffic impact of this proposal will be assessed.  It is important the Local Committee is not seen to be prejudicing the planning process and it would be more prudent for the Local Committee to review the implications once the planning process has concluded and then consider what measures should be implemented.


    Members discussed the report and it is understood that when the social housing was handed over by Elmbridge Borough Council to Elmbridge Housing Trust a number of years ago, the Trust were given approximately £825,000 to allow for changing some of the grassed areas to hardstanding.


    Mr Mike Wheeler, the petitioner, explained he believed it is a totally separate issue from the planning application for Cranmere School.  The parking is a real problem, particularly for elderly and disabled people. 


    Nick Healey added that Surrey CC had approached Elmbridge Housing Trust to see if they could work in partnership to resolve the issue.  Members were concerned that disabled people were not being supported and decided the key to the solution seemed to be Elmbridge Housing Trust and the Chairman agreed to call a meeting with the Trust to see how this could be progressed.


    The Local Committee resolved to agree that:


    (i) they await the outcome of the planning permission to ascertain what the implications on parking will be and once this is known then consider a solution in isolation or combined with the school expansion.


    Reason for decision: to ensure that the best use is made of the limited funding available to the Local Committee.




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    To provide Members with an Officer response to the petition requesting a reduction in speed limit from 50 mph to 40 mph in Byfleet Rd., Weybridge submitted to the Local Committee on 24th June 2013.



    Nick Healey, the Area Highways Team Manager (NE), introduced the response to the petition brought to the meeting held on 24th June 2013.  He explained that the assessment had been carried out and based on the data technically it recommends that the speed limit remains at 50 mph.  However the Surrey CC Speed Limit policy is under review and the outcome of this review may affect the speed limit on this stretch of road.  The Members discussed the issue and once the new policy is introduced the speed limit on the A245 Byfleet Rd., Weybridge will be considered again.  Christian Mahne asked, that if the new policy doesn’t change the speed limit, what other measures could be introduced to make the junction safer.  Nick Healey replied that the Casualty Reduction group would consider this when reviewing the fatality at the junction.


    The Local Committee resolved to agree:

    (i) to note the report.


PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (agenda item only)

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    To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Elmbridge Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69.  Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.


    One public written question was received from Mr Ian Bullough, a Cobham resident.

    His question and response are attached as Annex B.


    Mr Bullough explained that the fact that Fairmile Park Rd. had no speed restriction and yet all the surrounding roads were 30mph must be an anomaly.  He requested that a speed assessment be prioritised.


    Nick Healey agreed it must be a historical anomaly and an assessment could be carried if the Local Committee would be willing to provide the funding.  Mary Lewis, the County Councillor for Cobham, offered to use her Member’s Allocation to fund the assessment, either in 2013/14 or, if there were insufficient remaining, once other projects, to which she had already committed, were costed, then in 2014/15.


MEMBER QUESTION TIME (agenda item only)

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    To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47.


    None received.



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    This report comprises of analysis of the sufficiency of primary and secondary school places and associated admissions issues in Elmbridge and includes a summary of the financial and legal context of school place planning in Surrey.


    Melanie Harris, Schools Commissioning Officer NE Surrey, introduced the report.  She explained it was an introduction for the Local Committee to their future work with schools.  It explains the financial and legal constraints that affect the service, but also assures the Local Committee that every child in Elmbridge has a school place and the plans are sufficient to ensure that this remains the case.  The satisfaction information was not available broken down by borough, but in Surrey 95% of children entering reception and over 94% of those moving to junior school got one of their three preferences and 84.4% were offered a place at the school that was their first choice.  At a secondary level 85% received their 1st preference and 96.5% were offered a place at one of their six choices.


    Robust plans to 2020 are in place to ensure there are sufficient school places for the children of Elmbridge.


    The Members thanked Melanie for her report, but explained that there are problems particularly in the East of the borough due to a lack of places.  Having to drop children off at schools in different parts of the borough can be a real problem for families.  Some children are also being placed in schools in neighbouring boroughs.  Concerns were expressed about children leaving St Matthews Infant School in Cobham at 7 years of age and being sent to different schools, breaking up newly formed friendships.  Melanie added that SCC is working towards more primary schools, so children do not have to change schools at 7.


    The Local Committee resolved to note:



    (i)    The legal and financial context and constraints on the County Council that impinge on this area of service

    (ii)   The immediate and medium term strategy for resolving place planning and admissions issues as set out in this report       

    (iii)  The longer term strategy for the supply of school places based on forecast data.



HIGHWAYS UPDATE (for decision) pdf icon PDF 80 KB

    This report summarises progress with the Local Committee’s programme of Highways works for the Financial Year 2013-14 and also asks the Committee to approve the strategy for allocation of budgets for the next Financial Year.


    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee resolved to agree to:


    (i)    Approve the construction of a scheme to reduce casualties at the junction of Fairmile Lane and Leigh Hill Road, Cobham, and all associated consultative legal procedures, in the event that funding becomes available for this scheme (paragraph 2.7 refers);

    (ii)   Authorise the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s), to identify and prioritise schemes to ensure the remainder of this Financial Year’s budgets are fully invested in the road network in Elmbridge (paragraph 2.17 refers);

    (iii)  Approve the strategy for allocation of next Financial Year’s budgets as detailed in Table 4 (paragraphs 2.19 to 2.23 refer);

    (iv)Authorise the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.

    Reason for decision: to facilitate delivery of the 2013-14 Highways programmes funded by the Local Committee and to facilitate development of Committee’s 2014-15 Highways programmes, while at the same time ensuring that the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Members are fully and appropriately involved in any detailed considerations.



    Nick Healey introduced the report.  He firstly pointed out that there was an error in table 3 of the report.  The work in Trystings Close and Oakhill was not yet complete, but would be by Friday 6th September.  He went on to say that good progress was being made with the work being carried out using the 2013-14 budgets shown in table 1 and that almost all of the £175,000 pooled revenue was committed.  Table 4 details the budget strategy for 2014-15 as discussed at the Members’ Highways workshop in July.  The Chairman said the Local Committee can consider top slicing some of their divisional allocation in future years to enable larger schemes to be completed.


    Some of the larger schemes will also be able to be considered as projects to be funded by Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) from 2014.  Borough Councillor, John O’Reilly, explained that CIL was already being collected by Elmbridge Borough Council and they were about to start the process of establishing the governance structure.  Elmbridge BC will be able to consider funding projects proposed by Surrey County Council as part of the process.  Both Borough Councillor, John O’Reilly and Local Committee Chairman, Margaret Hicks agreed this was a great opportunity for both County and Borough Councillors to work together to make the most of the process, which is currently out to consultation.  Borough Councillor, John O’Reilly, also wished to give credit to Nick Healey, his team and Elmbridge Borough Council officers for working together on the process.



    The Local Committee resolved to agree to:


    (i)    Approve the construction of a scheme to reduce casualties at the junction of Fairmile Lane and Leigh Hill Road, Cobham, and all associated consultative legal procedures, in the event that funding becomes available for this scheme (paragraph 2.7 refers);

    (ii)   Authorise the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s), to identify and prioritise schemes to ensure the remainder of this Financial Year’s budgets are fully invested in the road network in Elmbridge (paragraph 2.17 refers);

    (iii)  Approve the strategy for allocation of next Financial Year’s budgets as detailed in Table 4 (paragraphs 2.19 to 2.23 refer);

    (iv)Authorise the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.

    Reason for decision: to facilitate delivery of the 2013-14 Highways programmes funded by the Local Committee and to facilitate development of Committee’s 2014-15 Highways programmes, while at the same time ensuring that the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Members are fully and appropriately involved in any detailed considerations.




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    Aston Rd and The Avenue are to be resurfaced later in this financial year and at the request of the Divisional Member, local residents have been consulted on whether they would like to keep or remove the existing traffic calming.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee resolved to agree to:


    (i)    remove the speed cushions in Aston Road, Claygate, when this road is resurfaced later this Financial Year;

    (ii)   remove the speed cushions in The Avenue, Claygate, when this road is resurfaced later this Financial Year.

    Reason for decision: The Committee made the decision after considering the results of the recent consultation with residents, Surrey Police and Claygate Parish Council. 


    [Borough Councillors, John O’Reilly and Jan Fuller left the meeting.]


    Nick Healey introduced the report and explained that it was at the request of Michael Bennison, County Councillor for Hinchley Wood, Claygate and Oxshott, that local residents, the Police and Claygate Parish Council were consulted as to whether they wished to keep or remove existing speed cushions in Aston Road and The Avenue. 


    Ken Huddart, Claygate Parish Councillor, stated that the formal view of the Parish Council was that precedence should be given to the views of those who live in the roads.


    Members discussed this view and also the possibility of alternatives.  However, Nick Healey explained the resurfacing was part of Project Horizon and any delay could be costly.  He also reminded Members that the results in the annexes were from a consultation not a referendum.


    The Local Committee voted 3 for retaining and 11 for removing the speed cushions in Aston Rd.


    The Local Committee voted 5 for retaining and 9 for removing the speed cushions in The Avenue.


    The Local Committee resolved to agree to:


    (i)    remove the speed cushions in Aston Road, Claygate, when this road is resurfaced later this Financial Year;

    (ii)   remove the speed cushions in The Avenue, Claygate, when this road is resurfaced later this Financial Year.

    Reason for decision: The Committee made the decision after considering the results of the recent consultation with residents, Surrey Police and Claygate Parish Council. 



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    This report proposes a study to examine the impact of the new bridge on traffic and travel patterns in the Walton to Halliford Corridor.


    The Local Committee resolved to agree:


    (i)    the undertaking of a "Walton to Halliford Transport" study, according to the scope, deliverables and timescales described in this report;

    (ii)   to nominate up to three Members to a cross boundary Member Steering Group to oversee the study. 

    Reason for decision: to demonstrate endorsement for the study and establish appropriate oversight of the study by Members.


    [Borough Councillor Dorothy Mitchell left the meeting].


    Nick Healey introduced the report.  He explained the Transport Study would begin in April 2014 and continue for a year.  The three Members nominated to sit on the cross boundary Member Steering group, along with three Members of the Spelthorne Local Committee, are Rachael I Lake, Christian Mahne and Borough Councillor Neil Luxton.  The group will meet for the first time in January 2014.


    The Local Committee resolved to agree:


    (i)    the undertaking of a "Walton to Halliford Transport" study, according to the scope, deliverables and timescales described in this report;

    (ii)   to nominate up to three Members to a cross boundary Member Steering Group to oversee the study. 

    Reason for decision: to demonstrate endorsement for the study and establish appropriate oversight of the study by Members.



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    As part of the programme to complete the final road layout of the approaches to the new Walton Bridge, traffic calming, adjustments to speed limits and weight restrictions are to be introduced.  This report requests the authorisation to advertise and make the necessary Traffic Regulation Orders and Traffic Calming Notices.


    The Local Committee resolved to agree to :


    (i)    Authorise the advertising and making of the Traffic Regulation Orders and the publication of the Traffic Calming Public Notice as set out in section 1, in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and The Highways Act 1980, in the geographic area this committee has responsibility for;

    (ii)   Authorise the Area Team Manager and Walton Bridge Project Manager to seek to resolve any objections received in connection with the proposals, in consultation with the relevant Chairman of the Local Committee and relevant Local Members.

    Reason for decision: to authorise the necessary processes for the making of Traffic Regulation Orders and the publication of the Traffic Calming Public Notice to enable the management of traffic within the limits of the Walton Bridge Scheme.


    James Young, Walton Bridge Project Supervisor, introduced the report.  The purpose of the report was to have the authorisation to advertise and make the Traffic Regulation Orders and to publish the Traffic Calming Public Notice required to complete the final road layout on all approaches to the new bridge.  The introduction of traffic calming, adjustments to speed limit and weight restrictions had been initially approved by cabinet on 5 January 2010, but this authorisation has expired.  The officer circulated plans detailing the proposals at the meeting and these are attached in Annexe C of these minutes.


    Members asked questions regarding the large number of speed tables and regarding graffiti on the bridge.  Officers explained that in order to maintain the parkland atmosphere of Cowey Sale and to keep vehicle speeds low, speed tables are required as a form of traffic calming within the full limits of the proposed 20mph Zone.  In addition the many accessible parts of the bridge had received anti-graffiti treatment so graffiti can be easily removed.


    The officer also shared the good news with the Local Committee that the bridge had been nominated for two construction awards with the project being the only short listed nomination from Europe for one of the awards.

    The Local Committee resolved to agree to:


    (i)    Authorise the advertising and making of the Traffic Regulation Orders and the publication of the Traffic Calming Public Notice as set out in section 1, in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and The Highways Act 1980, in the geographic area this committee has responsibility for;

    (ii)   Authorise the Area Team Manager and Walton Bridge Project Manager to seek to resolve any objections received in connection with the proposals, in consultation with the relevant Chairman of the Local Committee and relevant Local Members.

    Reason for decision: to authorise the necessary processes for the making of Traffic Regulation Orders and the publication of the Traffic Calming Public Notice to enable the management of traffic within the limits of the Walton Bridge Scheme.


PARKING UPDATE (for decision) pdf icon PDF 46 KB

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    This report asks the Committee to consider the level of charge for business permits in the East Molesey controlled parking zone and whether to include residents of Elmgrove Mews in permit scheme F.


    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee resolved to agree that:


    (i)    the charge for business permits in Elmbridge be reduced to £250, as soon as possible for one year, then be increased to £350 in the following year.

    (ii)   residents of Elmgrove Mews in Weybridge are included in permit scheme F.


    Reason for decision: The Local Committee wanted to ensure the urgent reversal of the increase in cost of business parking permits without waiting until the next Parking Review in 2014.  The Local Committee wanted to improve the parking situation for residents of Elmgrove Mews.



    Rikki Hill introduced the report and the amended tabled recommendation, to which there were two parts, attached as Annex D. 


    [Tony Samuels joined the meeting]. 

    As regards the request for the residents of Elmgrove to be included in permit scheme F, this is due to the fact that when Elmgrove Road was brought into the last review, it was thought that the residents of Elmgrove Mews had their own parking so didn’t require to be included.  However, it has since been discovered that they do not, so the inclusion of residents of Elmgrove Road in permit scheme F has made it difficult for the residents of Elmgrove Mews to locate parking.


    As regards the cost of the business permits, Stuart Selleck thanked Rikki Hill for the report, but was concerned that, if the tabled recommendation was agreed there would be a very long delay before any change could be made to the cost of the business permit.  Other Members expressed that at £2 per day in fact the cost of the business parking permit at £500 was not that expensive and that another option would be to purchase an annual parking permit for an Elmbridge BC car park at approximately £250.


    Stuart Selleck proposed an amended recommendation which Ernest Mallett seconded that ‘the charge for business permits in Elmbridge be reduced to £250, as soon as possible for one year, then be increased to £350 in the following year. 

    8 Members voted in favour of the amended recommendation, 5 against and 1 abstained.


    The Local Committee resolved to agree that:


    (i)    the charge for business permits in Elmbridge be reduced to £250, as soon as possible for one year, then be increased to £350 in the following year.

    (ii)   residents of Elmgrove Mews in Weybridge are included in permit scheme F.


    Reason for decision: The Local Committee wanted to ensure the urgent reversal of the increase in cost of business parking permits without waiting until the next Parking Review in 2014.  The Local Committee wanted to improve the parking situation for residents of Elmgrove Mews.




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    This report asks the Committee to note the consultation on the proposal taking place and provide feedback on this proposal.

    Additional documents:


    Eddie Roberts, Area Manager Surrey Fire & Rescue Service, introduced the report.  This consultation is about how Surrey Fire & Rescue propose to close two existing fire stations in Spelthorne and replace them with a station in a more central location in the borough of Spelthorne. The aim is to provide a more equitable level of service across Surrey.  The proposal is part of a programme designed to meet the challenges described in the Public Safety Plan 2011-20 attached as an Annexe to the report, which was approved by Cabinet. 


    The changes proposed in Spelthorne, with the closure of the Sunbury and Staines stations and the move to the new location in Ashford, will delay the response times slightly for Elmbridge, but they will remain above the Surrey standard and above last year’s response times.  A Member asked what would happen if the response from the consultation is a definite no to the proposals.  Eddie Roberts explained that the savings would need to be found elsewhere as Surrey Fire and Rescue Service has already committed to making these savings. 


    The Local Committee resolved to;


    (i) note that consultation on this proposal is taking place in Spelthorne and neighbouring areas,


    (ii) provide advisory feedback on the proposal.



SURREY FIRE & RESCUE ANNUAL REPORT (for information) pdf icon PDF 27 KB

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    This report contains information on the various activities undertaken by the Borough team to reduce the risk from fire, water and road traffic incidents to the residents of Elmbridge Borough.

    Additional documents:


    Eddie Roberts also introduced this report.  The Chairman requested that Eddie took back the message that the Local Committee is very proud of its Fire Service.  Eddie Roberts explained that Surrey is a very safe place to live.  He said the report contained a lot of data so he wished to provide some context.  The number of fire emergency calls that it receives has reduced from 16,000 in 2006 to 10,000 in 2012.  This is partly due to the fact that both buildings and cars are safer. 


    In addition to responding to emergency calls the fire officers carry out fire safety work, which targets at risk people including those with alcohol problems and the 65+ and 75+ age groups, working closely with the Adult Social Care Service.  They carry out home safety visits and carry out work from the home safety bus.  It is in the field of delivering the fire safety message that the volunteers provide much of their support.  Another aspect of the Fire Service’s work is in providing the Youth Engagement Scheme (YES), which is one week course at Walton Fire Station for young people, who are on the verge of entering Youth Justice.  The YES is an opportunity for young people to do something stimulating and challenging, and to learn teamwork and leadership.  It is often a chance to achieve success at a difficult time in their lives.


    Inflatables are available at Walton Fire Station, which works with DEFRA to provide a national response, if required.  A UNIMOG (a 4 x 4 vehicle) with a high level access platform, is located at Painshill (Cobham) fire station, which can be used to rescue large animals and also to provide access to high vehicles.


    In addition the highly successful Safe Drive Safe Alive (SDSA) event takes place annually at Dorking Halls.  It is aimed at 16/17 year olds who are just about to learn to drive. 


    Members congratulated the Fire Service, particularly on the YES and SDSA.



    The Local Committee resolved to:


    (i) Recognise the achievements of the borough teams within Elmbridge Borough and support their commitment to improve inititatives to reduce risk and make the Elmbridge Borough safer through the delivery of the borough/station plan.


    (ii) Note the targets and inititatives set within the Elmbridge borough plan for 2012/13 and support the Fire and Rescue Service in the delivery of this plan.


    (iii) Support the achievements of the retained duty personnel at Walton fire station and acknowledge the availability offered by employers who release staff, and those who are self-employed.



LOCAL COMMITTEE BUDGETS 2013/14 UPDATE (for information) pdf icon PDF 40 KB



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    The Chairman explained she just wanted to check how many Members were aware that the service 457, which had replaced Peterbus 4, had been discontinued since 19th July 2013.


    She had received two complaints, but other Members said that they had not received any; they just felt that the service 457 did not look like a bus service so residents may not have understood its purpose.  The Chairman added that it was a shame to lose the service, but it was not viable.


    The meeting finished at 6.20pm.

Annex A pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Annex B pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Annex C pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:

Annex D pdf icon PDF 24 KB