Agenda, decisions and minutes

Elmbridge Local Committee - Monday, 8 September 2014 4.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Elmbridge Civic Centre, High Street, Esher, KT10 9SD. View directions

Contact: Cheryl Poole, Community Partnership & Committee Officer  Elmbridge Civic Centre, High Street, Esher, KT10 9SD

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    To receive any apologies for absence under Standing Order 39.


    Apologies for absence were received from Ernest Mallett, Cllr Jan Fuller and Cllr Stuart Hawkins.





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    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.



    ·        In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.


    ·        Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.


    ·        Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.


    ·        Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.



    No declarations of interest were received.



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    To receive any Chairman’s announcements.


    The Chairman updated the meeting on the new classroom places and bulge class places which had been created for the new term in Elmbridge schools to meet the increased demand in the borough.



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    This report presents the outcomes of the development of an Elmbridge Local Transport Strategy (LTS) and Forward Programme. It makes recommendations that the Committee approve the Local Transport Strategy and Forward Programme.


    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee resolved to agree to:


    i) approve the Elmbridge Local Transport Strategy and its suggested objectives

    ii) approve the list of of schemes provided in the Forward Programme (annex of the Local Transport Strategy)

    iii) bring the overlap of highways projects carried out by the Local Committee and works of the Local Transport Strategy together.



    Reason for decision: the Local Transport Strategy supports the County Council’s priorities to promote sustainable economic growth and secure investment in infrastructure.


    David Stempfer, SCC Major Schemes Manager, introduced the report and gave the presentation on the Local Transport Strategy for Elmbridge.  Once it has received the approval of the Local Committee, it will go for approval by SCC Cabinet in January 2015.  He explained the purpose for the Strategy, emphasising how it means that SCC can quickly respond to funding opportunities, for which timescales to prepare applications are frequently short.  In addition he summarised the consultation process which the LTS has undergone and the key themes from the public consultation, which were the need to take into account major developments, HGVs using minor roads and congestion around schools.


    Once Cabinet approval has been received the LTS will form part of the Surrey Transport Plan.  However it is a ‘live’ document and will be regularly reviewed.


    Members’ discussion covered the need to provide a much improved bus service in order to reduce traffic congestion, a bus service which is timetabled in line with train times, the lack of money received by the borough of Elmbridge from the LEP, the provision of extra cycle racks at train stations and also concerns about statistics in the document becoming quickly out of date. SCC Councillor Mary Lewis suggested that the Local Transport Plan should be used internally to inform SCC policy and contracts so that, for example, the aim of improving Air Quality in Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) is actively promoted when tendering or writing contracts, restricting contractors' HGVs from AQMAs.


    Margaret Hicks, seconded by Mary Lewis, proposed an additional recommendation to ensure different parts of the Highway Service work closely together.


    The Local Committee resolved to agree to:


    i) approve the Elmbridge Local Transport Strategy and its suggested objectives

    ii) approve the list of schemes provided in the Forward Programme (annex of the Local Transport Strategy)

    iii) bring the overlap of highways projects carried out by the Local Committee and works of the Local Transport Strategy together.



    Reason for decision: the Local Transport Strategy supports the County Council’s priorities to promote sustainable economic growth and secure investment in infrastructure.



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    This report asks the Local Committee to agree the local specification for Local Prevention in Elmbridge ready for the Services for Young People re-commissioning of services for 2015-2020.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee resolved to agree to:


    i) approve the local specification (Annex A), to be considered by providers, focusing on the identified needs of Elmbridge and the geographical neighbourhoods prioritised by the Youth Task Group

    ii) note that approval is subject to approval of the Services for Young People model by Cabinet on 23rd September 2014.



    Reason for decision: to re-commission the successful Local Prevention work for 2015-20.


    The Chairman decided to move Item 13 to earlier on the agenda. 


    Jeremy Crouch introduced the report, which covers the re-commissioning of services from September 2015. The Annex lists the priorities for the young people in the borough of Elmbridge, which were the result of a meeting in June 2014 of the Youth Task Group, which was attended by a number of young people.  They particularly requested work experience and careers guidance, which have been included in the local specification.


    The Members’ discussion focussed on the lack of public transport particularly for Cobham young people trying to access the job centre in Weybridge, but also for Thames Ditton residents who are not allowed to use their nearest job centre in Kingston.  Measures are being put in place to bring job centre functions to Cobham and to set up a bus service from Cobham to Weybridge/Brooklands.  Concerns were also raised about the lack of provision of work experience through schools.



    The Local Committee resolved to agree to:


    i) approve the local specification (Annex A), to be considered by providers, focusing on the identified needs of Elmbridge and the geographical neighbourhoods prioritised by the Youth Task Group

    ii) note that approval is subject to approval of the Services for Young People model by Cabinet on 23rd September 2014.



    Reason for decision: to re-commission the successful Local Prevention work for 2015-20.



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    To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Elmbridge Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69.  Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.


    There were no public questions received.



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    To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47.


    There were no Members’ questions received.



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    To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68.  Notice should be given in writing or by e-mail to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting.  Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.


    Three petitions were received.

    Details of the petitions are attached in Annex A to these minutes.


    1. Stewart Wright – Request for Residents’ Parking in Dorchester Rd., Weybridge


    Stewart Wright, the lead petitioner, spoke in support of the petition, explaining that it had been supported by 93% of the road. Since permit parking had been introduced in Elmgrove Road the situation had worsened and shoppers, local workers and visitors all park in Dorchester Rd.


    He added that once Morrisons opens, the situation is going to be aggravated even further as Dorchester Road is the closest road to the store without any parking restrictions so staff and any overspill of customers will use it. Residents’ parking needs to be provided to ensure that the residents of Dorchester Road do not have to walk miles to their front doors and so ensuring democracy and fairness for them.


    The Divisional Member, Christian Mahne, and the Ward Councillor, Cllr Andrew Davis, were asked to comment.  Both expressed support for the petition with Christian Mahne proposing the road is considered by the Parking Task Group and Cllr Davis suggesting that a comprehensive review of the area is required.


    A formal response will be provided at the following meeting on 8th December 2014.


    2. Leona Farquharon – Request for 20 mph in Esher Road


    Leona Farquharon spoke in support of the petition explaining that 58 people had signed the online petition requesting

    ·         action to be taken to slow the traffic down between the 2 bridges

    ·         action to be taken to make the road safer to cross at the designated points.


    In addition the petitioners were requesting improvements to warning signage and a reduction in speed limit with the introduction of speed bumps.


    She explained that it is difficult to cross the road safely and particularly for disabled people and those with children it is dangerous.


    Quoting DVLA guidelines on stopping distances she explained that a car, once the driver has had sight of the pedestrian, travelling from the brow of the hill at Esher Rd bridge at 30 mph would not be able to stop in time,.


    In support of the request she added that the last 4 incidents have been due to drivers speeding or not paying attention.


    To finish Leona reiterated her two main requests and in addition asked for a speed evaluation to take place before October, to be considered as part of the petition.


    Stuart Selleck, Divisional Member for Esher and East Molesey and Cllr Steve Bax, Ward Member for Molesey East, both expressed support for the petition, saying that ways of making the road safe to cross needed to be looked into.


    A formal response will be provided at the following meeting on 8th December 2014.





    3. Mike O’Sullivan (The Wey Road & Round Oak Residents’ Association) (WRRRRA) Request for the Local Committee to recommend that Elmbridge BC adds its consent to an application to stop-up Wey Rd and Round Oak Rd.


    Pauline O’Sullivan spoke on behalf  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42/14



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    The report summarises progress with the Local Committee’s Highways Programme for 2014-15 and asks the Local Committee to approve the strategy for the allocation of budgets for 2015-16.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee resolved to agree to:


    i) authorise the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and the relevant Divisional Member(s), to identify and prioritise reserve schemes to ensure the remainder of this Financial Year’s budgets are fully invested in the road network in Elmbridge (paragraphs 2.6 to 2.8 refer)

    ii) approve the strategy for allocation of next Financial Year’s budgets as detailed in table 4 (paragraphs 2.18 to 2.23 refer)

    iii) authorise the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.



    Reason for decision: to facilitate the delivery and development of the 2014-15 Highways programmes funded by the Local Committee.


    Nick Healey introduced the report and explained that reserve schemes need to be developed across the borough in case there is funding remaining from the current year’s budget. In addition he gave details about the request to approve the strategy for spending the 2015-16 Financial Year’s budgets and the proposal to adopt the same strategy as in 2014-15.


    Peter Hickman questioned why the advertising of the 2014 Parking Review had been delayed for the other roads because of the lack of clarity over Oakdale Rd.  Nick Healey explained that it was much more economical to advertise the whole review at one time.



    The Local Committee resolved to agree to:


    i) authorise the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and the relevant Divisional Member(s), to identify and prioritise reserve schemes to ensure the remainder of this Financial Year’s budgets are fully invested in the road network in Elmbridge (paragraphs 2.6 to 2.8 refer)

    ii) approve the strategy for allocation of next Financial Year’s budgets as detailed in table 4 (paragraphs 2.18 to 2.23 refer)

    iii) authorise the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agree programmes.



    Reason for decision: to facilitate the delivery and development of the 2014-15 Highways programmes funded by the Local Committee and plan ahead for 2015-16.



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    This report concerns the proposed reduction of the speed limit in Stoke Road, Cobham from 40 mph to 30 mph.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee resolved to agree:


    i)To advertise an Order in accordance with the Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to revoke any existing speed limit orders in the section of Stoke Road between its junction with Leigh Hill Road and a point just south east of the Chelsea football ground, the effect of which would be to reduce the speed limit to 30 mph by virtue of the system of street lighting in that section

    ii)To make the Order if no objections are maintained


    iii)To monitor the success of the new 30 mph speed limit during a period of 12 months following the making of the order, and to report back the results to Committee for review


    iv)To set aside £30,000 from the Committee’s Highways budgets for next Financial Year 2015-16 to restore the speed limit to 40 mph, or to investigate engineering measures to reduce traffic speeds, or to make the 30 mph limit permanent, depending on the outcome of the review, and that these further changes should be commissioned no more than 18 months from the date of making the Order


    v)To report any objections to the Order to Committee at its next meeting.



    Reason for decision: to implement a 30 mph speed limit in the identified section of Stoke Road, Cobham based on the new Speed Limit policy.


    Frank Apicella introduced the report explaining that the petition requesting a reduction to 30 mph was originally received by the Local Committee in September 2009.  The report responding to the petition to the Committee in December 2009 summarised that the request did not comply with the speed limit policy at that time. The Local Committee had also asked the Cabinet Member to consider the request, but he did not approve the reduction.


    Frank Apicella continued to say that a new speed limit policy was introduced in June 2014 and the data shows that the mean speeds do now comply with the policy.  He did emphasise the importance of sections 2.7 to 2.10 in the report, which highlight the concerns of both Surrey Police and SCC Highways officers as some of measured speeds are very close to the threshold, which is the reason why it is proposed that the new speed limit be introduced on an experimental basis.  This provides a very good opportunity to test the policy. 


    Members asked for clarity on the timescales, the £30,000 to be put to one side for further work and how other roads, particularly Byfleet Rd., could be considered for speed limit reductions. Nick Healey advised that for Byfleet Rd it could be better to carry out an assessment to help identify the most appropriate speed limit, if the Divisional Member would like to fund an assessment.



    The Local Committee resolved to agree:


    i) to advertise an Order in accordance with the Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to revoke any existing speed limit orders in the section of Stoke Road between its junction with Leigh Hill Road and a point just south east of the Chelsea football ground, the effect of which would be to reduce the speed limit to 30 mph by virtue of the system of street lighting in that section

    ii) to make the Order if no objections are maintained


    iii) to monitor the success of the new 30 mph speed limit during a period of 12 months following the making of the order, and to report back the results to Committee for review


    iv) to set aside £30,000 from the Committee’s Highways budgets for next Financial Year 2015-16 to restore the speed limit to 40 mph, or to investigate engineering measures to reduce traffic speeds, or to make the 30 mph limit permanent, depending on the outcome of the review, and that these further changes should be commissioned no more than 18 months from the date of making the Order


    v) to report any objections to the Order to Committee at its next meeting.



    Reason for decision: to implement a 30 mph speed limit in the identified section of Stoke Road, Cobham based on the new Speed Limit policy.



    Cllr Dorothy Mitchell left the meeting.


DRAINAGE UPDATE (EXECUTIVE FUNCTION - for information) pdf icon PDF 76 KB

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    This report summarises drainage maintenance activities in Elmbridge and requests that Members of the Local Committee notify the Area Team Manager of persistent drainage problems affecting their local community.

    Additional documents:


    Nick Healey introduced the report and thanked Members who had already provided details of persistent drainage problems in their divisions.


    Members asked a number of questions including regarding ownership of drainage data, the cost of moving parked cars blocking drains to be cleaned and the Weybridge station issue.


    Nick Healey assured Members that the drainage data was owned by SCC so should the contract change, the information will not be lost, confirmed that the order for the Weybridge station work had been raised the previous week and said that any parked cars do have to be removed at SCC’s expense.


    The Local Committee resolved to agree to:


    i) let the Area Team Manager know of locations where there are persistent drainage problems for their local communities.



    Reason for decision: to facilitate the prioritisation of investigation and repairs to defects in the drainage system which are causing problems.



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    The report requests the Local Committee’s approval for a bid to be put forward to the Elmbridge Borough Council Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Strategic Spending Board for the enhanced cycle safety scheme in Terrace Rd., Walton.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee resolved to agree that:


    i) an additional bid is made to Elmbridge Borough Council for £330,000 CIL funding for the enhanced cycle safety scheme in Terrace Road, between The Grove and Cottimore Lane.



    Reason for decision: to enable SCC to apply for funding to provide continuous off-carriageway cycle lanes on both sides of Terrace Road.  Without additional funding a basic specification scheme can only be implemented.


    Nick Healey introduced the report explaining the original bid to DofT for the cycle safety scheme was prepared in a hurry.  Once the public consultation had taken place and amendments made to the scheme, the costs were beyond the budget.  For the enhanced continuous cycle scheme, it was proposed that SCC apply to the Elmbridge Community Infrastructure Levy Board for an additional £330,000.


    Members spoke positively about the idea of a being multifunded, recognising the partnership working and thought it better to deliver a scheme which will cost extra money, but will be used, although some Members expressed reservations about the cyclists not having priority over the vehicles exiting the side roads.


    Dave Sharpington, Cycle Programme Team Leader, explained that a cross-section of people was surveyed in Walton before the scheme was agreed and they requested separate traffic lanes so the scheme does aim to encourage the more vulnerable cyclist.  Unfortunately therefore there is insufficient space to give priority to the cyclists over the traffic exiting side roads.


    The Local Committee resolved to agree that:


    i) an additional bid is made to Elmbridge Borough Council for £330,000 CIL funding for the enhanced cycle safety scheme in Terrace Road, between The Grove and Cottimore Lane.



    Reason for decision: to enable SCC to apply for funding to provide continuous off-carriageway cycle lanes on both sides of Terrace Road.  Without additional funding only a basic specification scheme can be implemented.


LOCAL COMMITTEE BUDGETS 2014/15 (EXECUTIVE FUNCTION - for information) pdf icon PDF 76 KB

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    This report provides an update on the projects that have been funded by the Local Committee and Members’ Allocation funding since April 2014.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee resolved to agree to note:


    i) the amounts that have been spent from the Members’ Allocation and the Local Committee capital budgets, as set out in Annex 1 of this report.



    The meeting ended at 19:02.

Minutes Annex A