Venue: Room 109, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2DN
Contact: Anne Gowing 020 8541 9938 Email:
No. | Item |
To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.
Notes: · In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest. · Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. · Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register. · Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest. |
Members' Questions
(i) The deadline for Member’s questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (30 September 2014).
Public Questions
The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (29 September 2014). |
The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received.
Community Improvements Fund PDF 42 KB
To consider the recommendations of the Community Improvements Panel (17 September 2014) and agree which projects will be funded from the Community Improvements Fund. Additional documents: Decision: That the proposed grant funding, totalling £566,286 set out in the attached annex be approved, and the position of the applications agreed within the previous meetings held on 16 January 2014 be noted.