Venue: Members' Conference Room, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN
Contact: Andrew Baird or Rianna Hanford 020 8541 7609 Email:
No. | Item |
To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.
Notes: · In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest. · Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. · Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register. · Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest. |
Members' Questions
The deadline for Members’ questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (4 November 2015).
Public Questions
The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (3 November 2015.)
The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received.
Defibrillators have been described as the single most important determinant for survival following Serious Cardiac Arrest.
The aspiration of Surrey County Council is to locate a public access defibrillator in every Corporate Surrey County Council building, by prioritising the roll out based on the greatest concentration of staff.
This document outlines the benefits of access to automated external defibrillators and how they can be deployed across these Corporate sites to help both staff and those in the wider community to help resuscitate a victim of an SCA.
Decision: It was recommended that:
1. The Leader approves an initial capital investment of £53,000 to supply defibrillators in all Fully Serviced buildings which in total will benefit approx 4,000 staff.
2. Following these installations the Leader approves a further £155,000 between 2016 and 2017 for the roll out of defibrillators across the remainder of the 186 Corporate sites.
Watts Gallery and the Artists' Village, Compton PDF 304 KB
Watts Gallery Artists’ Village in Compton, owned by the Watts Gallery Trust, is a unique arts and crafts centre in the Surrey Hills, which provides opportunities for visitors to see the work of leading Victorian artists G.F. and Mary Watts and other linked exhibitions, and engage in a wide range of activities which capture the Watts’ commitment to “Art for All”. The Watts Gallery Trust has purchased the Watts’ original home and studio, Limnerslease, as part of the Village, with the home being partly funded through time-limited loans.
The report identifies support proposed to be provided by the Council to the Trust, by funding £1m (secured by a legal charge on the property) to ensure that Limnerslease remains in the ownership of the Trust and is further developed to enable the Trust to enhance its profile as a leading heritage, arts and educational centre in Surrey and increasingly nationally.
Decision: It was recommended that the Leader agrees:
1. That the Council will provide £1m funding to the Watts Gallery Trust to invest in Limnerslease and to enable the Trust to retain its ownership of the property, such sum to be secured by a charge on the property.
2. That the Director of Legal and Democratic Services, in consultation with the Leader and the Chief Executive, will finalise the terms of an agreement with the Watts Gallery Trust to enable the provision of the funding and to secure this funding with a registered charge.
Community Improvements Fund
Reports to follow. |