Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Runnymede Local Committee - Monday, 26 November 2012 5.00 pm

Venue: The Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Station Road, Addlestone KT15 2AH

Contact: Sylvia Carter  Surrey County Council, Runnymede Civic Centre, Station Road, Addlestone, KT15 2AH

Note: Informal public question time from 4.30pm 

No. Item



    To receive any apologies for absence and notices of substitutions from Borough members under Standing Order 39.


    Apologies were received from: Mrs Mary Angell, Cllr Terry Dicks, Cllr Richard Edis, Cllr Paul Tuley (Cllr Geoffrey Woodger attended as substitute).


    Apologies were received from: Mrs Mary Angell, Cllr Terry Dicks, Cllr Richard Edis, Cllr Paul Tuley (Cllr Geoffrey Woodger attended as substitute).



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    To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.


    The minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2012 were approved as accurate and signed.



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    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.



    ·        In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.


    ·        Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.


    ·        Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.


    ·        Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.



    No declarations of pecuniary interest were made or received.



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    To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 65 or letters of representation in accordance with the Local Protocol. An officer response will be provided to each petition / letter of representation. As at despatch date, no petitions were received.


    No petitions had been submitted.



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    To receive any questions from Surrey County Council electors within the area in accordance with Standing Order 66.


    No written public questions had been received.



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    To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47.


    No member questions had been submitted.



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    Mr Andrew Milne (Area Highways Manager) will advise members of progress with  delivery of the 2012-13 programme, and present proposals for schemes in 2013-14 subject to budget allocation.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee agreed to:


    i) note the progress with the ITS highways and developer funded schemes;


    ii) note that a further Highways Update report would be brought back to the next meeting of the Committee;


    iii) agree the ITS proposals for 2013/14, subject to the anticipated provision of capital funding.


    Mr Andrew Milne asked members to note that the majority of the revenue maintenance budget for the year had been committed, and the members’ Community Pride funding had been fully committed as detailed in the appendix. He noted that, if the Committee decided not to continue with the Integrated Transport Scheme outlined in Item 9, the capital funding for this would be re-allocated for LSR schemes as previously agreed.


    Members asked about “wetspots” progress, and were advised that as there were 800 designated wetspots in the county, there was considerable work still to do.


    The Local Committee agreed to:


    i) note the progress with the ITS highways and developer funded schemes;


    ii) note that a further Highways Update report would be brought back to the next meeting of the Committee;


    iii) agree the ITS proposals for 2013/14, subject to the anticipated provision of capital funding.



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    Mr Andrew Milne will introduce this report, which proposes a change to the speed limit in Chobham Road, Ottershaw.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee agreed to:


    i) note the results of the speed limit assessment undertaken;


    ii) approve the advertising of a Traffic Regulation Order the effect of which will be to introduce a 50mph speed limit over the length of the A319 Chobham Road from the start of the existing 30mph speed limit (near its junction with Chobham Close) to the Borough Boundary with Surrey Heath (as shown in Annex 1);


    iii) approve the revoking of any existing Traffic Orders necessary to implement the above change;


    iv) approve that any objections to the Traffic Regulation Order should be considered and resolved by the Area Team Manager for Highways in consultation with the Divisional Member and Chairman, and that this issue only be returned to Committee if any objections prove insurmountable;


    v) approve that once any objections have been considered and resolved, that the Order be made.


    Mr Andrew Milne advised members that the costs of introducing a new speed limit along the length of the A319, including the Runnymede borough section, would be covered by the Surrey Heath Local Committee.


    The divisional member stated his support for the recommendations.


    The Local Committee agreed to:


    i) note the results of the speed limit assessment undertaken;


    ii) approve the advertising of a Traffic Regulation Order the effect of which will be to introduce a 50mph speed limit over the length of the A319 Chobham Road from the start of the existing 30mph speed limit (near its junction with Chobham Close) to the Borough Boundary with Surrey Heath (as shown in Annex 1);


    iii) approve the revoking of any existing Traffic Orders necessary to implement the above change;


    iv) approve that any objections to the Traffic Regulation Order should be considered and resolved by the Area Team Manager for Highways in consultation with the Divisional Member and Chairman, and that this issue only be returned to Committee if any objections prove insurmountable;


    v) approve that once any objections have been considered and resolved, that the Order be made.



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    Mr Andrew Milne (Area Highways Manager) will present recommendations for this scheme at the junction between A30 London Road, St Jude’s Road and Bakeham Lane close to Royal Holloway College.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee agreed to:


    i) approve the continuation of work on this project, including a more detailed assessment of the function of traffic in the vicinity of St Jude’s Road at the junction with Bagshot Road, with costs approved by the chairman, vice chairman, Cabinet member and local member;


    ii) to request the re-profiling of the capital budget to enable the monies allocated to this project to be utilised in 2013/14 for the delivery of identified improvements;


    iii) the presentation of a further report on this project following evaluation of i).


    Mr Andrew Milne introduced the report by noting that the junction of the A30 trunk road with St Jude’s Road/Bakeham Lane is a complex location with high use by pedestrians, car users and cyclists so that careful consideration would be required to balance these various needs. He said that a high level of pedestrian use throughout the 12 hour period studied reflected parents and children as well as young adult students crossing at the junction, and also using the pedestrian footbridge further down Egham Hill. He noted that the footbridge was not suitable for independent wheelchair use and therefore there were no safe crossing facilities for disabled people at present. He asked members to consider Section 3 of the report which concluded that a new all-red phase on the traffic lights was the only feasible solution at this time, due to limited existing road space to introduce a staggered crossing over the A30.


    Traffic count data in the appendix to the report, taken on three separate occasions, indicated very variable levels of traffic, which might be accounted for by displacement from other parts of the local strategic road network. The school crossing patrol employee had confirmed to Mr Milne that traffic queue lengths varied considerably, and he noted that this made it difficult to draw clear conclusions as to the impact of a new traffic light phase. He asked members to await further discussions scheduled with local headteachers and Royal Holloway College.


    Members thanked Mr Milne for his balanced assessment, noting the four bus stops in St Jude’s Road may have an impact on traffic, and that 10% of the borough’s population were resident in Englefield Green and in need of crossing facilities, particularly those who were disabled. They queried whether the option of providing a pedestrian subway under the A30 had been fully explored, and expressed concern that further feasibility work would increase the total cost of the project. It was noted that changes leading to traffic queues on the A30 would have a displacement effect on other parts of the borough. The major bid for Department for Transport funding to improve the Runnymede Roundabout from 2014 was also considered relevant, since this was intended to improve traffic flow along the A30 strategic route.


    The Local Committee agreed to:


    i) approve the continuation of work on this project, including a more detailed assessment of the function of traffic in the vicinity of St Jude’s Road at the junction with Bagshot Road, with costs approved by the chairman, vice chairman, Cabinet member and local member;


    ii) to request the re-profiling of the capital budget to enable the monies allocated to this project to be utilised in 2013/14 for the delivery of identified improvements;


    iii) the presentation of a further report on this project following evaluation of i).



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    This report outlines two projects recommended for funding from the Local Committee’s Youth Small Grants budget, and reports on two projects which have recently been approved under delegated powers.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee resolved:


    a) to approve the officer recommendation to award £1767 to Heathervale Baptist Church for a new Youth Room;


    b) to reject the officer recommendation to award £2000 to Victim Support for its Young Witness Service.


    Miss Jenny Smith introduced the report, asking members to note the projects approved under delegated powers and detailed in Annex A. She also advised members that if all recommendations were agreed, a total of £2620 would remain to be allocated and the closing date for requests would be 31/12/12.

    She outlined plans to improve publicity about this funding in 2013, using direct marketing and social media to reach grassroots groups of young people.


    Members requested that they be kept informed by the Youth team about applications received from groups within their divisions. They also asked if the separate “personal prevention fund” allocation from the Local Prevention Framework had been used to support individual young people to pay transport costs to training or employment settings, and Miss Smith confirmed that it had. Members requested that an overview report for youth services in Runnymede, indicating all current projects and initiatives, be circulated.


    On the basis that the Young Witness Fund (Victim Support) application for costs was not considered to be sustainable in the medium term, it was decided to turn it down.


    The Local Committee resolved:


    a) to approve the officer recommendation to award £1767 to Heathervale Baptist Church for a new Youth Room;


    b) to reject the officer recommendation to award £2000 to Victim Support for its Young Witness Service.



    Mrs Michelle Collins (Community Partnerships Team Leader – West) will present this report which includes proposals for projects to be funded from member allocations.

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee resolved:


    a) to agree the items presented for funding from the Local Committee’s 2012-13 revenue and capital funding, as set out in paragraph 2 of the agenda report, and the additional bid for King’s Church, Addlestone set out in the tabled item, (paragraph 2.7).



    Mrs Michelle Collins tabled a new paragraph outlining an urgent request received from the King’s Church in Addlestone to enable it to proceed with Phase 2 of refurbishment works to provide a community meeting place. Members asked when the Community Safety Survey described would take place, and were advised that the online survey would run during March and April 2013 with initial results available in June.


    The Local Committee resolved:


    a) to agree the items presented for funding from the Local Committee’s 2012-13 revenue and capital funding, as set out in paragraph 2 of the agenda report, and the additional bid for King’s Church, Addlestone set out in the tabled item, (paragraph 2.7).



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    Surrey County Council’s Highways department is putting together a five year programme of road maintenance projects, to be agreed by the Cabinet in early 2013. Local residents can make suggestions on the roads most in need of resurfacing in their area, by emailing by 22/12/12.