Agenda and minutes

Basingstoke Canal Joint Management Committee - Wednesday, 7 June 2023 11.00 am

Venue: Mytchett Canal Centre, Mytchett Place Road, Mytchett, Surrey, GU16 6DD

Contact: Joss Butler  Email:

No. Item



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    To elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Joint Management Committee.



    Jonathan Glen was elected as Chairman of the Basingstoke Canal JMC and Paul Deach was elected as Vice-Chairman of the JMC. Both roles would continue for the next 2 years. The previous Chairman, Marisa Heah was thanked for her service to the JMC.



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    Apologies were received from Peter Wildsmith, Tim Southern, Kate Tuck and John Turner.


MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: 3 November 2023 pdf icon PDF 246 KB

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    To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a true and accurate record of proceedings.


    The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.


    The Strategic Manager for the Canal stated that a letter had been sent to the Chief Executive of Rushmoor Borough Council regarding funding. A letter had been received stating that the council would not reconsider their position on funding.


    Saj Hussain joined the meeting at 11:15



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    All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter

    (i)            Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or

    (ii)           Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting


    ·         Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest

    ·         As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner)

    ·         Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial.



    There were none.



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    To receive either any questions or petitions.



    1.    The deadline for Member’s questions is 12.00 noon four working days before the meeting [1 June 2023].

    2.    The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting [31 May 2023].

    3.    The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received.


    One question had been received from Arthur McCaffrey. A response to the question was tabled at the meeting and is attached to these minutes.


    The Chairman stated that once the findings of the Mace report were in the public domain he would be open to holding a special session with members to review the findings. Cllr Marisa Heath confirmed that the findings were advisory and any future changes to the canal would be agreed with all stakeholders. The findings would be shared with the JMC at its November meeting.


Actions Tracker and Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 187 KB

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    To consider the Action Tracker and Forward Work Programme.

    Additional documents:


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1.    The Strategic Manager for the Canal provided an update on the actions tracker. The following update was provided:

    ·         A3/19- an invite to visit the canal centre was sent to the Leader of Surrey Heath Borough Council but no response was received. It was explained that a new Leader had been elected and a new invite should be sent out to the new Leader.

    ·         A1/22- officers had not been in a position to prioritise this.

    ·         A3/22-The canal society had produced an information sheet on the benefits of the canal.

    ·         A8/22- Partner sessions had not been organised due to elections but it was agreed that sessions with partner council’s to highlight issues facing the canal were vital and should be prioritised moving forward.




    The JMC agreed the action tracker and forward work programme.


Final Accounts 2022/23, Revised Budget 2023/24, Forecast Outturn 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 270 KB

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    The purpose of this report is to present the final accounts of the Basingstoke Canal for the year ended 31 March 2023, and the revised budget and forecast outturn for the year to 31 March 2024 to the Joint Management Committee for approval.



    Jenny Wadham, Honorary Treasurer

    Katie McDonald, Natural Capital Group Manager

    James Taylor, Strategic Manager – Basingstoke Canal

    Jo Heath, Assistant Director, Recreation, Information and Business Services


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1.    The report was introduced by theHonorary Treasurer who explained that the final outturn position for the year to 31 March 2023 is a draw from reserves of £149,094 being the net expenditure on revenue activities. The £149,094 draw represented a significant increase on the £82,000 budgeted draw, primarily as a result of unplanned maintenance works, energy price inflation, the impact of the summer drought which negatively affected both visitor income and energy usage, and a reduction in partner contributions. Additional donations from the Basingstoke Canal Society and Crookham Village Parish Council totalling £92,000 had funded towpath works, spot dredging and the purchase of a weed cutter that would not otherwise have been possible.

    2.    After the forward budget had been approved, the Basingstoke Canal Strategic Manager was notified of a further reduction of £22,000 in Partners’ contributions for the 2023/24 financial year.

    3.    The members from Woking Borough Council noted that due to financial issues facing their council, funding for the canal would be reduced which has been agreed by government commissioners.

    4.    The Chairman agreed it would be positive for the JMC to write to Woking Borough Council thanking them for their funding towards the canal but also encouraging them to continue with their contributions to the canal.

    5.    The Assistant Director, Recreation, Information and Business Services explained that work was being undertaken for a presentation in November to review the financial management of  the canal. It was felt that a long term financial plan for the canal was required, including the contributions from all partners.

    6.    The Inland Waterways Association representative asked if there was enough funding available if there was a breach on the canal. Officers stated that funding for a breach on the canal would be covered by both Surrey and Hampshire County Councils as land owners and not Basingstoke Canal Authority (BCA) reserves.

    7.    It was queried if funding for the canal could be raised via local businesses and developers. The Strategic Manager for the Canal explained that CIL and S106 funding was available but this funding could not be used to pay for staffing. The Basingstoke Canal Society liaised with businesses on behalf of the BCA and had raised £4-5k in 2022.

    8.    The Assistant Director, Recreation, Information and Business Services explained that work was being undertaken for a presentation in November to review the financial management of  the canal. It was felt that a long term financial plan for the canal was required, including the contributions from all partners.


    Actions/ further information to be provided:


    Action A1/23- For the Strategic Manager for the Canal to write to all partner organisations thanking them for their funding towards the canal but also encouraging them to continue with their contributions towards the canal.







    1.    The committee approved the final accounts  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7/23


Canal Management Report pdf icon PDF 441 KB

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    To inform the Committee of actions taken by the Strategic Manager and BCA Canal Manager in managing, maintaining and operating the Canal since the preceding meeting, and look forward work likely to happen in the 1st half of 2023; and to report the work of the Conservation Steering Group.


    Declarations of interest:






    James Taylor, Strategic Manager – Basingstoke Canal


    Key points raised during the discussion:

    1.    The Strategic Manager explained that there had been a major pollution incident in Woking town centre where a delivery truck hit a bollard and ruptured its fuel tank, with the spillage of approximately 650 litres of diesel transferring through the storm drain system into the Basingstoke Canal. The Environment Agency initially led on the clean-up operation, with support from Basingstoke Canal Authority, Woking Borough Council and Thames Water, working to contain the spill by placing oil booms in strategic locations. This was then taken over by a specialist company working on behalf of the polluter. The clean-up took 7 weeks. The incident has damaged the ecology, as well as BCA income and reputation. It was explained that the Basingstoke Canal Society had put in an insurance claim as the spillage had affected their work on the canal. Liability had been admitted and parties were progressing with insurers.

    1. Crookham Parish Council had provided grant funding of £21,000 to improve the towpath surface from Malthouse bridge through to Zebon Copse Swing bridge and a small section under Poulters bridge.

    3.    The Basingstoke Canal Manager, Fiona Shipp would be leaving her role at the end of June and had spent 11 years at the BCA. Members thanked her for all her hard work with the BCA and wished her all the best for the future.


    Saj Hussain left the meeting at 12:30


    Actions/ further information to be provided:






    The canal management report was noted.




Basingstoke Canal Society Update pdf icon PDF 993 KB

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    To receive an update from the Basingstoke Canal Joint Management Committee.



    Ian Moore, Basingstoke Canal Society


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1.    It was explained that the Basingstoke Canal Society (BCS) had contributed over 280,000 (28k hours £10 in kind in the last 12 months towards the operation of the Basingstoke Canal. In hard cash terms the BCS contributed £12,000 to the Basingstoke Canal Authority to help out their training budget, over 20,000 for the spot dredging programme around Odiham, and over £50,000 for the purchase of a brand new Conver weedcutter launched on 17th May from Spantons Wharf in Woking.

    2.    The BCS was planning £175,000 spend on a new electric trip boat (with disabled access) for 2024 along with environmentally friendly electric points along the canal.

    3.    The BCS launched a Campaign to help ‘Keep our Canal Alive’ and was steadily targeting businesses and councillors.

    4.    The BCS was thanked for their donations towards the canal and for promoting the canal via social media.

    5.    The BCS was encouraged to undertake member briefings in partner authorities around the canal and the work of the BCS.


    Actions/ further information to be provided:






    The JMC noted the report.




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    The next meeting of the Basingstoke Joint Management Committee will be held on 8 November 2023.


    The Committee noted the date of the next meeting.