Agenda and draft minutes

Children & Education Select Committee - Thursday, 27 November 2014 10.30 am

Venue: Committee Room C, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN

Contact: Andrew Spragg or Rianna Hanford  ,

No. Item



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    Apologies were received from Liz Bowes, Cecile Dorvault, Margaret Hicks and Simon Parr.


    Richard Wilson was in attendance as a substitute for Margaret Hicks.




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    To agree the minutes as a true record of the meeting.


    The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.




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    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.



    ·    In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.

    ·    Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

    ·    Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.

    ·    Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.


    No declarations of interest were received.




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    To receive any questions or petitions.



    1.  The deadline for Member’s questions is 12.00pm four working days before the meeting (Friday 21 November).

    2.  The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (Thursday 20 November).

    3.  The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received.


    No questions or petitions were received.




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    On 10 July 2014 the Committee made a series of recommendations concerning the re-commissioning of Services for Young People, and the proposed University Technical College bid. These recommendations were considered by the Cabinet on 23 September 2014 and a response is attached.

    Additional documents:


    A response from the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning is detailed in the agenda.



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    Purpose of report:  Scrutiny of Services and Budgets


    The purpose of this session will be to consider and review how all partners within Surrey worked together to fulfil their statutory duties for the period April 2013 to March 2014, whilst providing context for the following sessions.



    Additional documents:


    Witnesses:     Alex Waters, Chair of Surrey Safeguarding Children Board


    Key points raised during the discussion:

    1.    The Chair of the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) introduced the report and informed the Committee that the board was a statutory partnership established in 2006.  The Chair commented that the key function of the Board was to co-ordinate safeguarding arrangements across the partner organisations, and ensure their effectiveness.  The Committee was informed that the four targeted priorities for the Board, as outlined in the report, would continue into 2015/16.

    2.    The Committee queried what efforts were made to understand the impact of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) in Surrey, and what evidence there was to understand the effectiveness of the multi-agency CSE strategy outlined in the report. The Chair of SSCB informed the Committee that CSE had been identified as a priority of national concern, and that there was an increasing understanding and awareness of it amongst safeguarding agencies.  It was expressed that part of managing the impact of CSE was about increasing awareness and prevention, and that the SSCB receives regular updates from the sub-groups implementing the strategy.  The Committee was informed that there was no national benchmarking data available on CSE, consequently it was not possible to make comparisons between Surrey and other areas. The Committee discussed with witnesses how the data on the impact of CSE in Surrey could be gathered and used to assess the effectiveness of the multi-agency CSE strategy.

    3.    The Committee was informed that a CSE referral pathway was in the process of being developed, and that this would ensure safeguarding agencies were clear about how to support those at risk of CSE, and how to signpost children and young people to the appropriate services. 

    4.    The Committee raised a question about how the implementation and impact of the Domestic Abuse checklist detailed in the agenda pack was being measured. The Chair of the SSCB commented that an audit of cases where Domestic Abuse was a factor was routinely undertaken. The Committee was informed that the multi-agency response to domestic abuse was felt to be working well, but that specialist support needed to be further developed so that it was accessible consistently across Surrey.

    5.    There was a discussion about how the SSCB engaged with young people. The Committees was informed that a project would be undertaken through 2014/15 to explore further the experiences of children and young people subject to a Child Protection plan or being Looked After. This work would use these experiences to identify where there were areas for service improvement. The Committee was informed that Section 11 audits were being used to establish how different organisations, such as Independent Schools and private health providers, put in place appropriate safeguarding policies and processes.

    6.    The Committee queried whether the Local Authority Designated Officer had encountered instances where allegations had been wrongly made against staff in schools. The Chair commented that the data collected did not suggest there should be concerns about the number of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 58/14



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    Purpose of report: Scrutiny of Services


     This item will seek to explore how the County Council and partners work to protect children and young people from harm. The attached report has been prepared by the Head of Children’s Safeguarding to update on areas identified by the Committee last year, and other priority areas.


    Witnesses from both Surrey Police and Guildford and Waverley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) will also be in attendance to answer questions about how the Council and key partners worktogether.



    Witnesses:     Caroline Budden, Deputy Director for Children, Schools and Families

                            Julian Gordon Walker, Head of Safeguarding

                            Vicky Stobbart, Executive Nurse, Director of Quality and Safeguarding

                            Jon Savell, Detective Superintendent


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1.    The Committee was informed that prevention work on Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) was being supported through the development of a risk assessment tool, intended for early identification of those at risk of CSE. The Committee was also asked to note that ‘Chelsea’s Choice’ had been offered to all secondary schools in Surrey, as well as a number of non-mainstream education provisions. 

    2.    The Detective Superintendent informed the Committee that Surrey Police made any victim of CSE its first priority, with the safety of the victim ensured while the Police gathered evidence. The Committee was informed that Surrey Police had not targeted specific communities, but had engaged with those community groups where there was a perceived additional risk. This was in order to ensure resources were in place to help communities identify where individuals may be at risk.

    3.    The Committee discussed the role of different partners in identifying those at risk of CSE, and how a multi-agency approach was required. The Committee highlighted the role of district and boroughs in reducing the risk of CSE, and how Members who acted both a County Councillor and district or borough Councillor could ensure CSE was given due consideration in such forums.  In connection to this, the Committee discussed the role of district and borough councils and Surrey Police in working to educate and support local communities, and reduce the risk of CSE.

    4.    There was a discussion around the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and officers highlighted how communication had improved due to the co-location of Surrey Police and Children’s Services staff.  The Committee was informed about the procedures in place to ensure that partners shared information about children living in the home when there were instances of domestic abuse. 

    5.    The Committee was informed that a number of identified young people where CSE was considered a factor were 15-16 year old females. The role of the Youth Support Service was highlighted in this regard, with officers commenting that it was necessary with victims of CSE to build trust over time needing long-term engagement. The Committee was told there were 20 social work practitioners in the Youth Support Service, providing support and consultation.

    6.    The Committee discussed the causes of neglect with officers, and asked what work was undertaken to identify how these could be addressed. The Committee was informed that the neglect strategy had recently been signed off by the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board.  The role of early help was highlighted as assisting with prevention and detection of those at risk of neglect.  It was noted that teenage pregnancy had been identified by the SSCB as an area for further focus. The Committee was informed that the issue of neglect was a complex area, and that it often required support for the whole family.

    7.    The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 59/14



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    Purpose of the item: Scrutiny of Services


    This item will explore how Surrey County Council and schools work together to protect children and young people from harm.


    Witnesses:     P-J Wilkinson, Assistant Director for Schools & Learning

    Ian McGraw, Education Safeguarding Advisor, Schools and Learning

    David Monk, Headteacher, Pond Meadow School (representing Special Phase Council)

    Ron Searle, Headteacher, Warwick School (representing Secondary Phase Council)


    Key points raised during the discussion:

    1. The Children & Education Select Committee received verbal updates from the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning, Assistant Director for Schools and Learning, and representatives from the Secondary Phase Council and Special School Phase Council.
    2. The Committee heard from witnesses about the role of schools in identifying and sharing safeguarding concerns, and how the partners on the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) have worked to raise awareness in schools of key safeguarding issues, such as Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE). Witnesses highlighted that some of the training and information could be adapted to take into account younger age groups or those with special educational needs.
    3. The Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning stressed that she considered supporting schools on the issue of safeguarding children and young people to be a priority. Accordingly, she informed the Committee of her wish to engage further with the SSCB, and to work with her Cabinet colleagues to identify what more could be done to support schools on the matter of safeguarding. She also highlighted that there was a need to engage with all Surrey schools on these matters.
    4. The Committee noted that the Section 11 audits, being undertaken in all maintained schools in the autumn term, would provide evidence about the safeguarding policies and procedures schools have in place. Phase council witnesses commented that so far the audits had proved useful in ensuring schools were compliant with safeguarding guidance.

    5.    The Committee discussed how safeguarding information was shared between the police and schools. It was informed that the "Coming to Notice" protocol was where a school was notified if a child or young person was subject to or had witnessed a safeguarding incident. Phase council witnesses expressed the view that there was sometimes a delay in this information being shared. However, it was highlighted that caution was exercised to ensure that the right information was shared with appropriate people. The Committee was also informed that the protocol of repeated absences in schools is managed by area teams.



    ·         That the Cabinet Member for Schools & Learning, the Cabinet Member for Children & Families and Cabinet Associate work to re-develop the Council’s policy on safeguarding in all Surrey schools. It is suggested the Section 11 audits for schools are used to identify key themes in this regard.

    ·         That the Directorate and Surrey Police continue to monitor how effectively and how promptly appropriate information about safeguarding concerns is passed onto schools.

    ·         The Committee invites the Phase Councils, Surrey Police and the Directorate to make representations on what impact there has been in this area in 12 months time.

    ·         That the Chairman of the Committee writes a letter of support, on behalf of the Committee, for Chelsea’s Choice to accompany any future application to the Surrey Education Trust or other  ...  view the full minutes text for item 60/14



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    Purpose of the report:  Scrutiny of Services/ Performance Management


    To provide an executive summary of the Children’s Services Annual Complaint Report 2013-14, highlighting:


                Learning arising from complaints.

                What we are doing well.

                What we need to improve.

    Additional documents:


    Witnesses:     Caroline Budden, Deputy Director of Children, Schools and Families

                            Belinda Newth, Head of Rights and Participation


    Key points raised during the discussion:

    1.    The Committee was informed that there was an increase in the number of complaints received by Children Services from children and young people currently being supported.  It was noted this was considered positive as it shows young people were able to access the complaints system, and that this indicated openness and transparency.  It was added that complaints promote learning and development within the service.



    The Committee:

    ·         Endorse the areas for improvement identified, including the use of peer

    reviews to promote and share best practice.

    And recommend:

    ·         that officers from the Rights and Participation Service and Democratic Services work to develop a future proposal for ways in which the views of children, young people and their families can be used to support the Committee in its scrutiny role.




Internal Audit Report: Review of the Administration of Looked After Children's Finances pdf icon PDF 134 KB

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    Purpose of the report:  Scrutiny of Services


    To review the summary of audit findings and Management Action Plan produced as a result of an internal audit review of administration of Looked After Children’s Finances.

    Additional documents:


    Witnesses:     Caroline Budden, Deputy Director for Children, Schools and Families

                            Sheila Jones, Head of County-wide Services

    David John, Audit Performance Manager

    Revinder Hothi, Auditor


    Key points raised during the discussion:

    1.    The Committee noted the report and were informed that there had been an update in relation to the action plan.  The Committee was informed that Children’s Services now had a full record of every child that held a Junior Individual Saving Account (JISA).  The details of children in receipt of the Child Trust Fund (CTF) were being delayed as it required information from the Share Foundation. However, it was anticipated this would be resolved in the months ahead.  It was noted that a number of procedures had been updated in line with the Management Action Plan and that a follow-up by Internal Audit would be undertaken.



    ·         The Committee notes progress against the Management Action Plan, and commends officers for their prompt response to areas of concern identified in the audit. It requests that Internal Audit circulate the follow-up of the Management Action Plan once completed to provide a final assurance on this area.




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    Purpose of the report:  Policy Development


    This report sets out the interim findings of the School Governance Task Group. It focuses on the appointment and role of Local Authority Governors and lists proposed recommendations for the Committee’s consideration.


    Further findings will be detailed in the final report.

    Additional documents:


    Key points raised during the discussion:

    1.    The Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning noted the report and requested the wording be amended in relation to maintained schools.  It was suggested this be worded as Surrey state-funded schools, and the Committee agreed.



    a)         That the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning, in conjunction with the Assistant Director for Schools and Learning, develops a new LA governor nomination process.

    That the new process operates under the following principles:

               Candidates to be a considered by a nomination panel set up with a clear delegation of responsibilities;

               That the LA governor nominee’s skills match the required skills of the individual governing body, in order to maximise their effectiveness; 

               That appropriate checks are made as to the suitability of a candidate;

               That the local Member is informed of any LA governor vacancy, and then invited to put forward a candidate for consideration and join the nomination panel;

               That a nomination is made within 20 working days of the Council receiving formal notification of a vacancy or a re-nomination request, in order to ensure vacancy rates and the costs of administering the process are kept to a minimum

    b)         That the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning and the Children, Schools and Families Directorate makes arrangements for a regular forum for all Local Authority governors to discuss the responsibilities and priorities of the Council.

    c)         That the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning and the Assistant Director for Schools and Learning encourage all Surrey state-funded schools to hold open governors’ meetings, to be conducted according to an engagement protocol as agreed by the governing body.






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    The next meeting of the Committee will be held at 10.00am on Monday 26 January.


    The next Children and Education Select Committee will be held on Monday 26 January 2015 at 10.00am.