Agenda and decisions

Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning Decisions - Wednesday, 14 May 2014 2.30 pm

Venue: Room 107 - County Hall. View directions

Contact: Anne Gowing  020 8541 9938 Email:

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    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.



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Members' Questions

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    The deadline for Member’s questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (8 May 2014).


Public Questions

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    The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (7 May 2014).



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    Notice of a petition, “We the undersigned petition Surrey County Council to create a bulge year at St. James Primary School in Weybridge for Manby Lodge leavers (Sept 2014)”, containing 116 signatures has been received from Ms Naomi Baronti, Addlestone. A response will be presented at the meeting.



    That the response attached as an Appendix be agreed.


Manby Lodge Infant School expansion pdf icon PDF 72 KB

    Surrey County Council is putting plans in place to ensure that its most effective schools meet the increased demand for places. Primary school places in Surrey are in high demand, and Elmbridge is an area that has experienced a particularly significant increase. Weybridge primary planning area currently needs an additional form of entry; Surrey County Council plans to expand Manby Lodge Infant School to meet this demand at Key Stage One.


    In order to meet increased demand for primary school places in Weybridge, it was agreed that:


    ·         Manby Lodge Infant School be enlarged by 1 form of entry (from 2 FE to 3 FE) on 1 September 2015.

    ·         The school roll be increased by one form each year until September 2017 when its capacity will be 270 pupils.

    ·         An associated building programme go ahead, in a single phase, to provide appropriate new classrooms and facilitate the removal of all temporary accommodation on site. The new build will improve the overall layout of the school and is intended to provide a modern educational facility which will enhance learning.


Riverbridge Primary School, Staines pdf icon PDF 48 KB

    At the request of the Governing Body of Riverbridge Primary School in Staines it is proposed that one of the three sites is closed and the school re-organises on its two remaining sites. Surrey County Council is responding to the preferences of families and improving the learning environment for pupils at Riverbridge Primary School in making this proposal.


    In order to respond to parental and governing body preference, it is agreed that:


    ·         Riverbridge Primary School’s Stanwell New Road Base permanently closes at the end of term July 2014.

    ·         In September 2014 Riverbridge Primary School re-open for the new academic year 2014/15 on its two remaining bases with the same number of pupils on roll. The admissions policy will not be affected.

    ·         An associated building programme go ahead, in a single phase, to provide appropriate new classrooms at the Park Avenue base to accommodate all the Reception and Year 1 pupils.

    ·         The Stanwell New Road site be retained for future educational use.