Venue: Committee Room - Woodhatch Place. View directions
Contact: Anne Gowing
No. | Item |
To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting. |
Members' Questions
The deadline for Member’s questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (3 October 2013). |
Public Questions
The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (2 October 2013). |
The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received. |
Review of Library Policy Statement - posters and leaflets PDF 38 KB
The local library is a focal point for information in the community and continuously attracts a large number of requests to display notices posters and leaflets. Criteria for displaying material are drawn up using space, relevance and legal requirements, and to protect the Libraries standing in the community as an unbiased source of public information to which all users have access. Additional documents: Decision: 1. The revised acceptability and handling criteria for notices, posters and leaflets in libraries, as set out in Annex 1 of the report, be agreed.
2. The application of the revised acceptability and handling criteria be extended to the provision of information in libraries on electronic display screens. |
Fire and Rescue Advisory Group
The Fire and Rescue Advisory Group is a cross party group of Members which has provided advice and support to the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Fire and Rescue Service since 2010. The Fire and Rescue Advisory Group helps to provide resilience in respect of this portfolio area as well as helping the Cabinet Member and Cabinet Associate to discharge their roles in relation to Fire and Rescue. The advisory group also increases the expertise and involvement of other Members in the Fire and Rescue Service and its cross party nature helps with information sharing arrangements across the council. Following the election of a new Council in May 2013, it is proposed that the continuation of the Fire and Rescue Advisory Group and its terms of reference be confirmed.
It is recommended that the continuation of the Fire and Rescue Advisory Group be confirmed and that the Cabinet Member consider any updates to its terms of reference for the new Council.
Reason for recommendation
To support the Portfolio Holder in discharging her role in relation to the Fire and Rescue Service. Decision: 1. The continuation of the Fire and Rescue Advisory Group be agreed.
2. The membership composition and terms of reference of the Advisory Group to remain as previously established, subject to their being updated to reflect the role of the Cabinet Associate for Fire and Police Services as Chairman.
3. Any further changes to the membership of the Advisory Group to be determined by the Cabinet Associate for Fire and Police Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Community Services and the relevant political group as appropriate. |