Venue: The Chamber, Woking Borough Council
Contact: Nikkie Thornton-Bryar, Partnership Committee Officer
No. | Item |
The current Chair (Ayesha Azad, SCC) will invite nominations for a Chair from Woking Borough Council and will hand over the chairmanship (to serve for 2 years).
The new Chair will invite nominations for a Vice Chair from Surrey County Council (to serve for 2 years). Additional documents: Minutes: Cllrs Ayesha Azad and Simon Ashall were thanked for being Chair and Vice chair for the past two years.
Election of Chair The Chairmanship for the next two years fell to Woking Borough Council and needed to be an Executive member. Cllr Colin Kemp was nominated by Cllr Ayesha Azad, seconded by Cllr Simon Ashall. The nomination was agreed by all Councillors and Colin Kemp was duly elected as Chairman.
Election of Vice Chair Cllr Liz Bowes was the Surrey County Council nomination for Vice Chair and this was agreed by all present.
The new Chair welcomed new members to the meeting and introduced Cllr Matt Furniss, SCC cabinet member.
Public Health guidance for SCC meetings was that masks should be worn at all times, however, Woking Borough Council had mitigation measures in place, including screens and an air extraction system, meaning masks could be removed whilst seated. |
To receive any apologies for absence. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no apologies received. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record and agree that the Chairman signs the minutes. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were approved. |
All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter: i. Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or ii. Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting
· Members are bound by the Code of Conduct of the authority which appointed them to the Woking Joint Committee. · Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest · As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner) · Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial. · SCC Members must notify SCC’s Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting which are not already recorded in the Register of Members’ Interests. WBC Members must notify WBC’s Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting which are not already recorded in the Register of Members’ Interests. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made. |
To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 14.1. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council or Woking Borough Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.
No petitions have been received for this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no petitions received. |
To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Woking Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 14.2. Notice should be given in writing or email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.
The committee will also consider any questions received on social media, in the absense of a public forum. Additional documents: Minutes: One question was raised by Mrs Yvonne Lowe and Old Woking residents. The question and the answer given by Surrey Highways was circulated in a supplementary agenda. |
To receive any written questions from members under Standing Order 13. The deadline for member questions is 12 noon four working days before the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Lance Spencer referred to the Local Youth Arts charity (Peer Productions) who had made a Surrey “Your Fund” application. He asked whether members were aware that the Bracknell based charity wished to be based in Woking and asked whether the Borough Council were supportive of this. Members expressed their support and this would be followed up with Officers.
Cllr Ellen Nicholson referred to the accident on Pembroke Road and whether a 20mph zone would be appropriate in this location. Surrey County Council had a policy on speed limit reductions and this would be circulated to all members. Each location needed to be considered on its own merit.
Cllr Tahir Aziz referred to the “20 is plenty” campaign for Surrey and also raised the issue of parking in the Town as Uber drivers and Just Eat delivery vehicles were getting tickets. He requested that pick-ups or delivery spaces could be made available. This would be an issue for the parking task group to discuss as there was endless demand at the moment and a suitable compromise was needed. |
Rights of Way Items are subject to strict rules and regulations and a short information session will take place to ensure that members are up to date with these prior to discussion on this item The report seeks a decision on whether to make a legal order to divert Footpath No. 5 (Woking). Two objections have been maintained to an informal consultation and the officer’s recommendation is that an Order should be made on the grounds that it is in the interests of the landowner and the public.
Additional documents: Decision: Declarations of Interest: None Officers attending: Daniel Williams, Countryside Officer Petitions, Public Questions, Statements: None The Woking Joint Committee agree that:
(i) A diversion order be made under section 119 of the Highways Act 1980 to divert Public Footpath No. 5 (Woking) as shown on amended Drawing No. 3/1/79/H68A. (ii) If any objections are received and maintained to the Order it should be submitted to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for determination. Reasons for Decision
Members agreed with the officers view that the criteria for making a diversion order have been met. At present the path crosses an area being developed for stabling. The new route, 3m in width, would improve security for the property and provide a path that would no longer be shared with vehicles accessing the property.
Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None Officers attending: Daniel Williams, Countryside Officer Petitions, Public Questions, Statements: None The Countryside Officer ran through a short presentation on Rights of Way and the legislation the governed any potential changes. The Countryside Officer presented a report on the application by the landowner for a footpath diversion at Deep Pool Farm and an amended plan for this had been circulated. The request that was made due to redevelopment of stables that would be accessed by horses and vehicles, so the diversion was of general benefit to the public and the landowner. Two objections had been received. Members queried whether the new path would be subject to flooding and whether fencing would be provided. It was noted that the existing styles would be removed and a kissing gate would be provided (which was more accessible). The Woking Joint Committee agree that:
(i) A diversion order be made under section 119 of the Highways Act 1980 to divert Public Footpath No. 5 (Woking) as shown on amended Drawing No. 3/1/79/H68A. (ii) If any objections are received and maintained to the Order it should be submitted to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for determination. Reasons for Decision
Members agreed with the officers view that the criteria for making a diversion order have been met. At present the path crosses an area being developed for stabling. The new route, 3m in width, would improve security for the property and provide a path that would no longer be shared with vehicles accessing the property.
To review the terms of reference and membership of the task groups. Additional documents: Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None Officers attending: None Petitions, Public Questions, Statements: None The Clerk drew attention to the task groups and membership report. Members were asked to confirm task group membership and filled the vacancies as follows:- Health and Wellbeing Task Group – Riasat Khan Community Safety Task Group – Will Forster CIL Task Group – Colin Kemp, Josh Brown and Ayesha Azad Parking Task Group – Amanda Boote and Saj Hussain Infrastructure Working Group – to remain as Leader and Deputy Leader (although the Joint Committee questioned whether this was still required as the group had not met the past 2 years)
The Woking Joint Committee agreed:
(i) The terms of reference for the following: a. Health and Wellbeing Task Group b. Community Safety Task Group c. Parking Task Group d. Infrastructure Working Group
(ii) The County Councillor and Borough Councillor appointments to the following (see above additions):
A brief update paper will be circulated to remind members and brief new members of the process for expenditure of the Neighbourhood part of CIL. Additional documents: Minutes: A brief update paper was circulated on a supplementary agenda to remind members and brief new members on the process for expenditure of the neighbourhood part of CIL. |
To agree the Draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Additional documents: Minutes: Members welcomed the draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy and commended the task group for their work. The strategy was a flagship policy of the Borough Council and recognised that Boroughs and Districts had a part to play in the Health agenda and Woking was leading the way in implementing this alliance agreement.
The strategy promoted Healthy policies and members felt it would be good to add Health and Wellbeing impacts when considering any policies. It was also noted that the impact of Covid on young peoples mental health was also a priority and that the potential for a centre for youth in the Town Centre needed to be supported. Obesity in the Town was also raised, together with access to services (especially at St Peters) and dementia support.
The draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy was noted.
To review the action tracker. Additional documents: Minutes: The action tracker was noted with the following points raised:-
The 20mph proposal for White Rose Lane would come to the next meeting The suggested crossing for Sopwith Drive needed an update The issue of taxi bays would be looked at outside the meeting |
To review the forward plan. Additional documents: Minutes: The forward plan was noted with the following update items suggested: Parking and charging for electric vehicles Highways Budget and Integrated Transport Programme School Travel Plans |