Agenda and draft minutes

Surrey Civilian-Military Partnership Board - Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate, RH2 8EF

Contact: Sarah Goodman 

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies

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    ·         Minute silence – in solidarity with Ukraine


    The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting and noted apologies as set out above.



Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising pdf icon PDF 364 KB

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    ·         Early years update

    ·         Health – Veteran Friendly GPs and hospitals

    ·         Veterans Friendship Project



    Early Years Update

    Canon Peter Bruinvels provided a brief update.

    Now looking at Armed Forces Covenant Fund 22/33 to potentially fund a conference regarding support given to military children.  Susan Zeedyk who is a specialist in attachment theory who has kindly agreed to speak at the conference.


    Health– Veteran Friendly GPs and hospitals

    Surrey currently has only eight GP practices registered as Veteran Friendly, even though it is estimated there are approximately 30 veterans on each GP list.  Work is ongoing with Brig Robin Simpson and Tony Shipley to move this forward and increase the number of registrations in Surrey.


    To become accredited, GP practices need to:

    ·         have a lead for veterans’ issues within the surgery;

    ·         Identify and flag veterans on their computer system;

    ·         Undertake dedicated training and attend armed forces healthcare meetings;

    ·         Increase understanding of the health needs of veterans amongst  both clinical and administrative staff.


    Action: Suggest an item at a future Heath and Wellbeing Board meeting to raise awareness.  Helyn Clack happy to attend if helpful.


    Veterans’ Friendship Project

    Update on this Covenant funded project led by Surrey County Council Adult Social Care team given by Sarah Goodman.

    • Still working hard to engage in care homes to identify veterans and improve signposting.. 
    • Life Stories – the first stories recorded by volunteers are now being written up, but this is proving challenging.

    Discussion held around how to increase number of stories. 

    Suggestion to organise an event for veterans – sitting with people might mean they are more willing to speak and share.

    Action: Share details of Veterans’ Friendship Project with Debbie Goldsmith

    • Activities – have been organised for veterans such as SOLD, High Ashurst, boat at Guildford, archery, curling, board games



Conference Feedback and Annual Report sign off pdf icon PDF 478 KB

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    ·         Conference feedback including support for Afghan evacuees

    ·         Sign off of Surrey Armed Forces Annual Report – 2021-22

    Additional documents:



    Thanks given to all that attended and especially to ATC Pirbright for their generous hosting of the Surrey Armed Forces Covenant Conference 2022 in March.


    Feedback received was very positive, particularly around the personal testimonies shared.


    Suggestions from those present for next year:

    • Show the journey from recruit to serving
    • Share from a family perspective what it is like to re-locate, practicalities etc.
    • Invite / include broader ranks
    • Highlight cadets and reservists


    Annual Report

    All happy with the content and happy to finalise.


    Action: The board requested printed copies to be produced.



Armed Forces Act 2021

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    ·         Key elements of the Act

    ·         Ensuring the Covenant is consistently and predictably integrated into relevant decision making processes and this is recorded and evidenced

    o   Armed Forces Awareness Training

    o   Equalities impact assessment

    o   Contracts and procurement


    A verbal update regarding the progression of the act given by Canon Peter Bruinvels.

    • The Armed Forces Act went through parliament unamended, now awaiting publication of the statutory guidelines to show how it must be implemented by local authorities.
    • Surrey is well placed to implement this Act.
    • With assistance of Armed Forces Covenant Grant Funding, Forces Connect is working with councils across the south east to raise awareness of what the legislation means.

    Canon Peter Bruinvels and Armed Forces Network are delivering updated Armed Forces Awareness Training across south east.

    In Surrey the training for Councillors will be in September.


    Daniel Mouawad keen to work with Sarah and Peter to ensure council leaders are aware of what is being asked of them.


    Action All: Please continue to promote the free Armed Forces Awareness Training and the Forces Connect App




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    ·         Surrey local authorities signed up to ERS


    Welcome extended to Peter Ellis, who provided a verbal update.  A written copy of this is attached to the minutes.


    The Board discussed encouraging all local authorities and Surrey Police to progress through the Employer Recognition Scheme Awards. It was agreed that this would be promoted through the Surrey Chief Executives and Surrey Leaders meetings as well as through training.


    It was noted that Armed Forces Champions welcome invitations to local cadet events.



11 Security Force Assistance Brigade

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    Col John Baynham gave a verbal update.  A written copy is attached to the minutes.


    HQ 11 Security Force Assistance Brigade continues to work towards the changes imposed by the Integrated Review and the new focus of working with international allies and partners and capacity building.


    HQ SE is growing as a concept and the separation of the two functions will take place in early 2023.  Unit re-subordinations will continue to trickle through over the coming months


    Brigadier Ben Cattermole will depart on 27 May after two years in command and Brig Justin Stenhouse will be the new Commander.



Recognise and Remember Update

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    ·         Falklands 40 – SJSC Mattins and AFD Flag Raising

    ·         Armed Forces Week including Reserves Day – 22 June

    ·         Veteran Hubs



    Canon Peter Bruinvels gave an update on behalf of Brig Paul Evans.


    Group came together in March with a focus on:

    • Veterans’ Hubs - supporting their return to regular meetings and the formation of new hubs where needed.
    • Armed Forces Week – supporting Flag Raising events in all Boroughs and Districts, shared details of Surrey Service Charities and Cadet Service on 19 June, activities to thank Reserves for their contribution on 22 June encouraged. Supporting the 40th commemorations of the Falklands War.


    The group plan to come together again in person on 10 June 2022 where plans for Armed Forces Week will be reviewed.



Military Child Month - April 2022

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    ·         Pirbright holiday club

    ·         Library card


    Helyn Clack, Debbie Goldsmith and Canon Peter Bruinvels shared photographs and details of an event for service children held on 12 April 2022 at ATC Pirbright as part of Month of the Military Child.  Surrey Fire and Rescue Service took a fire engine and goody bags to a holiday club and had a wonderful time with the children. 


    Plans are ongoing for Surrey Libraries to offer service children a special library card – with a military design and some bespoke offers to support / encourage reading.




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Date of next meeting - 10am on 13 October 2022

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