Agenda and draft minutes

Buckinghamshire Council and Surrey County Council Joint Trading Standards Service Committee - Wednesday, 25 September 2019 12.15 pm

Venue: County Hall, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP20 1UA

Contact: Ben Cullimore  020 8213 2782

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence and substitutions.


    There were no apologies.




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    To agree the minutes of the previous meeting.


    The minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting.


    1. It was noted that the 5th bullet point under item 7; 9/18 Performance and Joint Service Budget, should read “That the number of convictions was currently 12…” as the figure referred to the number of a variety of convictions, not solely money laundering.


    The minutes were signed by the Chairman.




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    All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter:


    (i)            Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or

    (ii)           Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting



    ·         Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest

    ·         As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner)

    ·         Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial


    There were none.



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Members' Questions

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    The deadline for Members’ questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (19 September 2019).


    There were none.


Public Questions

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    The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (18 September 2019).


    There were none.



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    The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting and none have been received.


    There were none.



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    The Committee is asked to review and agree its Forward Work Programme.

    Additional documents:


    Declarations of interest: 


    There were none.


    Key points from the discussion:


    1. It was noted Brexit was on the forward plan.
    2. The Joint Volunteer Recruitment programme would be a verbal update.
    3. March 2020 – An updated enforcement policy would be presented before the new Buckinghamshire Council goes live on 1 April 2020. 
    4. Food and Feed Control Plan to be added to March 2020.
    5. Emerging Issues report to be a standing item on the forward plan.
    6. Consumer White Paper report to be added – date to be confirmed.


    RESOLVED:  The Committee agreed the Forward Work Programme.




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    The tracker allows Joint Committee Members to monitor responses, actions and outcomes against their recommendations or requests for further actions. The tracker is updated following each Joint Committee meeting. Once an action has been completed and reported to the Joint Committee, it will be removed from the tracker.

    Additional documents:


    Declarations of interest: 


    There were none.


    Key points from the discussion:


    1. The minutes of the previous meeting provided an update on the discussion of item A8/17; it was agreed that the item would be removed from the tracker.


    RESOLVED:  The Committee agreed the actions tracker.




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    The Joint Committee is asked to note the performance of the service for the financial year from April 2018 to March 2019, and quarter one of the current financial year from April 2019 to June 2019. The information provided covers performance against the seven high level indicators agreed by this Joint Committee and in relation to the service budget.

    Additional documents:


    Declarations of interest:  There were none.



    Amanda Poole, Assistant Head of Trading Standards

    Steven Ruddy, Head of Trading Standards


    Key points from the discussion:


    1.   Officers introduced the report and provided a brief summary.  Members noted the following points:


    ·         The report related to the performance for 2018/19 plus the performance for Q1 of 2019/20.

    ·         All the key performance indicators (KPIs) with numerical targets were met in 2018/19.

    ·         The other key performance indicators showed how well the service was performing against priority areas.

    ·         A wide volatility range was evident in KPI 2 – Protect residents by stopping rogue traders operating in Buckinghamshire and Surrey.


    2.    In regards to KPI 2, Members asked if the trend was seasonally driven.  Officers stated that it was not seasonally driven; some offences happened all year round whereas for some there was a slight seasonal variation e.g. the spring time showed a rise, however this did not correlate to the outcomes after investigation and the court process as there is wide variation in how long this takes. Members stated it would be useful to have a chart showing when an issue took place and when it was brought to trial to see if there was pattern of offending.  The officer explained that an increasing number of cases tended to have multiple elements such as fraud and money laundering.


    3.    The number of volunteer hours had increased in 2018/19 and was high in Q1 of 2019/20.  The officers had been in discussion with the Fire Service in Surrey with the aim of encouraging further volunteer engagement.   Surrey County Council posted volunteering roles as a job opportunity and found that volunteers who were engaged tended to return, particularly if they had a specialist interest.  Buckinghamshire County Council tended to recruit volunteers through local events e.g. illicit tobacco roadshows and anti-scam talks.  It was noted that members of the street associations were only counted in the volunteering hours if they had been involved in certain tasks e.g. providing a scam awareness talk.  The officer explained that they were keen to increase the number of volunteer hours devoted to priority areas rather than increase the number of volunteers; the preference was for quality rather than quantity.


    4.    The KPIs would be reviewed post-Brexit and would tie in with the Association of Chief Trading Standards Officers (ACTSO) Impacts and Outcomes Framework.


    5.    Trading Standards Inputs and Outcomes Data Return - ACTSO was encouraging a voluntary approach across the country to focus on three objectives which fitted with local authority priorities.   Local authorities were being asked to collect data and a national data summary would be published, possibly in November 2019, depending on the Brexit situation.  The officers requested feedback on what was thought to be useful or not useful in the report.  A Member commented that objective 2 – Supporting the Local Economy, should be more specific, e.g. the non-commercial local economy, as a huge part of the economy did not pay any taxes.  The report mentioned that “…. services  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22/19



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    The Children and Young Person’s (Protection from Tobacco) Act 1991 requires local authorities to consider, at least once in every period of 12 months, the extent to which it is appropriate to carry out enforcement action to ensure that the provisions of the Children and Young Persons 1933 Act are effected.


    Declarations of interest: 


    There were none.



    Amanda Poole, Assistant Head of Trading Standards

    Steven Ruddy, Head of Trading Standards


    Key points from the discussion:


    1. Officers introduced the report and provided a brief summary.  Members noted the following details:

    ·      Tackling the sale of illicit tobacco was a high priority due to the public health implications. 

    ·      The link between the Trading Standards Service and the Public Health led strategies on smoking reduction and tobacco control. 

    ·      The recent legislation on vaping.

    ·      The work carried out during 2018/19; i.e. the number of visits to premises in Surrey and Buckinghamshire and the number of illicit tobacco roadshows.  Sniffer dogs were sometimes used when visiting premise as some traders went to significant lengths to hide the illicit tobacco.  The illicit tobacco roadshows raised awareness that anyone buying illicit tobacco was fuelling the economy; people were encouraged to tell Trading Standards Officers where they obtained their illicit tobacco. 


    1. A member asked if there was capacity to increase visits to premises with sniffer dogs.  Officers stated that the visits were always announced and that the sniffer dogs had been reasonably successful.  Sniffer dogs were also used at the roadshow events.  A member suggested summer fetes could be used to run roadshow events.


    1. More roadshows are planned to be carried out during 2019/20, along with more sniffer dog days.


    1. The Trading Standards officers were in discussion with the Public Health teams to try and find more intelligence about which shops are selling illicit tobacco to enable the Trading Standards Service to target work and be as effective as possible.


    1. Prosecutions were being carried out on those traders found with illicit tobacco.  A Member suggested this be publicised.  The Officers confirmed that the Communications team helped write their press releases for any convictions.


    Actions/ further information to be provided:


    Officers to consider running illicit tobacco roadshows at summer fetes.




    The Trading Standards Joint Committee:


    1. Considered the report as a reflection of activity over the financial year 2018/19
    2. Endorsed the activities which would be undertaken in 2019/20.




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    It is recommended that the Joint Committee endorses the approaches regarding the selling of knives to under 18s and the enforcement of road weight restrictions, as laid out in the reports.

    Additional documents:


    Declarations of interest: 


    There were none.



    Amanda Poole, Assistant Head of Trading Standards

    Steven Ruddy, Head of Trading Standards


    Key points from the discussion:


     a.        Sales of Knives to Under 18s


    1. Officers introduced the “Sales of Knives to Under 18s” report and provided a brief summary.  Members noted the following details:


    ·      The Committee had been briefed previously on, the police led, Operation Sceptre and the level of sales of knives to persons under the age of 18.   

    ·      It was noted that a date had been arranged in October 2019 to carry out an operation with the Police in Surrey, but the location was unknown at the time of the meeting.  Officers reported that last year Trading Standards was reliant on the Police approaching them with information.  Operation Sceptre was now more established but a Member felt the service needed to be more proactive on acting on intelligence and having input into the area to be targeted.  The Member also commented that the sale of knives to persons under 18 was an established issue rather than an emerging issue.  Officers explained that the focus had moved from the sales of cigarettes to the sale of knives.


    1. A Member asked if there was a policy to carry out the operation jointly with the police.  Officers explained that Trading Standards worked with the police, partly because of Operation Sceptre, and also to help develop the relationship with the police for test purchases in Buckinghamshire and Surrey.  The police cadets were used to attempt to buy knives and would probably also be used for test online sales.


    1. Trading Standards tended to enforce the legislation and carry out any prosecutions that resulted.


    1. Officers acknowledged that there was always more that could be done but it would take away resources which were already stretched.


    1. The government had identified the top ten areas in the country for knife crime and had increased resources in these areas.  However, neither Buckinghamshire nor Surrey was in the high risk top ten.  Trading Standards had managed with existing resources.  After a brief discussion on resources and target areas; the Chairman stated that targeting was valid but did not feel more resources were required in this area; he would prefer to see more resources on scam awareness.  


    Actions/ further information to be provided:


    Officers to investigate the areas to target in Surrey and liaise with the Youth Offending Service.





    The Trading Standards Joint Committee endorsed Trading Standards working with the police on this issue and to carry out the test purchase operations as suggested in the report.



    b.        Enforcement of Road Weight Restrictions


    Key points from the discussion:


    1. Officers introduced the “Enforcement of Road Weight Restrictions” report and provided a brief summary.  Members noted the following details:


    ·           Neither the Trading Standards Service nor the police had engaged actively in this area for a number of years due to a lack of resources. 

    ·           There were local concerns over heavy weight vehicles causing harm to bridges and damaging infrastructure. 

    ·           Officers had worked  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24/19



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    The next meeting of the Buckinghamshire County Council and Surry County Council Joint Trading Standards Service Committee will be held on 28 March 2020.


    The Committee noted that its next meeting will be held on 25 March 2020.