Venue: Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames. TW18 1XB
Contact: Carys Walker Partnership Committee Officer
No. | Item | ||
Members of the public were invited to put informal questions to the Committee ahead of the formal meeting starting. |
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Mrs Sinead Mooney had sent apologies. |
To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting on 15 July 2019 as a correct record.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting had been agreed. |
All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter (i) Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or (ii) Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting. NOTES: · Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest. · As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner). · Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial.
Minutes: No declarations of interests had been received. |
Each county councillor has £5,000 funding for 2019/20 to help residents, voluntary and community organisations deliver activities that benefit local people in their neighbourhoods. This funding is known as Members' Community Allocation. Members' Community Allocation funding can be used for one-off activities that cost just a few pounds, alternatively it can contribute to projects that cost much more. The funding is flexibly designed to help with costs that can range from purchasing sports equipment for local clubs, to the creation of websites to reach more residents.
The item reviews the county councillors’ spend to date. The deadline for applications is 31 January 2020.
Minutes: Committee members were provided with an update of Members’ Community Allocations that had been awarded so far. The Chairman reminded county councillors that all proposals should be submitted before the end of January 2020 and asked that they consider a funding request from the Corporate Parenting Board. |
To review any outstanding decisions from the Joint Committee.
Minutes: It was requested that the item for DEFRA remained on the tracker and that the Committee could write to the MP for an update. It was also requested that committee members are advised when the letter concerning the Esso pipeline is issued.
Members also showed an interest in the establishment of litter task groups by the Borough Council and it was noted that this was on the Forward Plan for a future update. |
To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 14.1. Notice must be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s or Spelthorne Borough Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures has been reached 14 days before the meeting. Minutes: No petitions had been submitted to Committee |
To receive any written questions from members under Standing Order 13. The deadline for members’ questions is 12 noon four working days before the meeting. Minutes: No member questions had been submitted. |
To answer any questions from residents or businesses within Spelthorne borough area in accordance with Standing Order 14.2. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Partnership Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting. Minutes: Mrs Caroline Nichols asked a question about the problem of Ash Tree Dieback for which she was provided a written response which was published as part of the supplementary agenda.
As a follow up question, Mrs Nichols asked what the timescales were for addressing the problem as described in her response and whether this was a standalone, focussed project.
The Area Highways Manager offered to respond to her directly in order to be sure to provide the details that she has requested.
Surrey County Council and Spelthorne Borough Council are both signatories of the Armed Forces Community Covenant. This report sets out both local activities and gives a county wide update. Additional documents: Decision:
Minutes: At the request of the Officers in attendance for item 12, this item was brought forward in the agenda.
Spelthorne Borough Council’s Armed Forces Champion attended along with Surrey CC’s Civilian-Military Liaison Adviser and Community Project Officer to give an overview of the work of the Military Covenant in Spelthorne. The work supports active military personnel and their families as well as veterans and ex service personnel.
The report was very well received by the Committee and it was suggested by the speakers that Spelthorne might want to consider forming a hub as part of the county wide support that the covenant offers.
A report based on the responses that have been received following the advertisement of proposed parking restrictions for Horton Road and Spout Lane. This report was requested by Committee Members following the Parking Review at the March meeting. Additional documents: Decision: The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed:
(i) to proceed with the advertised parking restrictions for Horton Road and to proceed further with the request to double yellow line Horton Road on both sides between Hithermoor Road and the Garden Centre, excluding its laybys, and to proceed with the advertised parking restrictions for Spout Lane and for a more extensive double yellow line proposal, for both sides of Spout Lane, especially where it is narrowest, to be considered as soon as possible.
Minutes: The Parking Engineer for Spelthorne outlined the processes that brought about his recommendation for the proposed parking measures along this road.
An alternative view was put by a local councillor for the area who had documented the problems and who had provided photos that illustrated the dangers that parking on the road could result in. His opinion was that the measures proposed in the report do not go far enough and that there should be yellow lines along both sides of the road.
Members were sympathetic to the local councillor’s view and agreed with his proposal that additional lines should be added. However they were conscious that were they to reject the proposal as it stood, this would delay any measures from being put in place until the next parking review in which time, the area would remain at risk from the dangers resulting from the obstructive parking.
Therefore, it was decided that the proposed parking restriction measures should go ahead but with the caveat that additional lines should be added as soon as possible and that the Committee should explore if there is a way to expedite this.
The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed:
(i) to proceed with the advertised parking restrictions for Horton Road and to proceed further with the request to double yellow line Horton Road on both sides between Hithermoor Road and the Garden Centre, excluding its laybys, and to proceed with the advertised parking restrictions for Spout Lane and for a more extensive double yellow line proposal, for both sides of Spout Lane, especially where it is narrowest, to be considered as soon as possible.
1. The Joint Committee recognised the concerns raised and wished to implement measures to address the issue as soon as possible.
To receive an update from the Highways Area Team Manager (North East).
Additional documents: Decision: The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed to:
(i) Approve the provisional allocation of assumed budgets for 2020-21. (ii) Authorise the Area Highway Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member, to advertise the necessary legal notices for the new traffic calming and 20mph Zone extension in French Street. (iii) Approve two new bus stop clearways in Clare Road, Stanwell, to be installed as part of the Wider Staines Sustainable Transport Package. (iv) Authorise the Area Highway Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and affected Divisional Members, to implement the new cycle off-carriageway routes in Town Lane, Park Road, and London Road. (v) Authorise the Area Highway Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and affected Divisional Members, to undertake the necessary statutory processes for the raised entry treatments (road tables) on side roads connecting to Park Road and London Road, and the parking changes in London Road. (vi) Authorise 34 further bus stop clearways at bus stops in Stanwell, Stanwell Moor and Staines, to be installed as part of the Wider Staines Sustainable Transport Package. (vii)To authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.
1. The Joint Committee authorises Highways personnel to proceed in order that they can carry out their agreed programme for 2019/20 in a timely fashion.
Minutes: The Area Highways Manager presented his report which provided an update on the schedule of improvements for the 19/20 year. A series of recommendations were presented as part of the report to be considered by the Committee which gave the Area Highways Manager the authority to proceed with a number of key road safety improvements.
Committee members welcomed the improvements and posed questions to the officer to clarify timescales and any operational challenges before agreeing the recommendations.
The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed to:
(i) Approve the provisional allocation of assumed budgets for 2020-21. (ii) Authorise the Area Highway Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member, to advertise the necessary legal notices for the new traffic calming and 20mph Zone extension in French Street. (iii) Approve two new bus stop clearways in Clare Road, Stanwell, to be installed as part of the Wider Staines Sustainable Transport Package. (iv) Authorise the Area Highway Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and affected Divisional Members, to implement the new cycle off-carriageway routes in Town Lane, Park Road, and London Road. (v) Authorise the Area Highway Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and affected Divisional Members, to undertake the necessary statutory processes for the raised entry treatments (road tables) on side roads connecting to Park Road and London Road, and the parking changes in London Road. (vi) Authorise 34 further bus stop clearways at bus stops in Stanwell, Stanwell Moor and Staines, to be installed as part of the Wider Staines Sustainable Transport Package. (vii)To authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.
1. The Joint Committee authorises Highways personnel to proceed in order that they can carry out their agreed programme for 2019/20 in a timely fashion.
The report updates the Committee on the various activities undertaken by the Borough team to reduce the risk from fire, water and road traffic incidents to the residents of Spelthorne Borough, including direct contact and public education programmes.
Additional documents: Decision: The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed to
(i) Recognise the achievements of the borough teams within Spelthorne Borough and support their commitment to further improve initiatives to reduce risk and Make Spelthorne Borough safer.
(ii) Support future initiatives and campaigns aimed at promoting collaborative working with partner blue light agencies and volunteer organisations
1. The Joint Committee recognises the valuable work that has been achieved.
Minutes: Representatives from Surrey Fire and Rescue presented the report which was to highlight their performance over the last financial year.
They began by explaining how targets are set: using historical data as a benchmark for what incidents might occur in the year ahead and the challenges that can result in targets not being met. An example of this was that 20 small incidents resulted from a single power surge but were recorded as individual events which had a negative impact on the statistics.
The officers also explained how Surrey Fire and Rescue organises its coverage across the county using a specialised software to allocate units to incidents based on location and availability. Fire engines are not specifically assigned to any particular borough but fire fighters will have a base location to report to.
The Committee were supportive of the Fire Service’s work and thanked them for sharing their report.
The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed to
(i) Recognise the achievements of the borough teams within Spelthorne Borough and support their commitment to further improve initiatives to reduce risk and Make Spelthorne Borough safer.
(ii) Support future initiatives and campaigns aimed at promoting collaborative working with partner blue light agencies and volunteer organisations
1. The Joint Committee recognises the valuable work that has been achieved.
To review the forward programme 2019/20, indicating any further preferences for inclusion. Minutes: The Committee perused the forward plan and agreed on the items for the next meeting as presented. |
To be held on Monday 16 December 2019 at 6.30pm in the Council Chamber, Spelthorne Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB.
(Meeting to start with Informal Open Forum)
Minutes: The next meeting was confirmed as Monday 16 December in the Council Chamber at Spelthorne Borough Council. Open Forum to start at 6.30pm |