Venue: Council Chamber, Spelthorne Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames, TW18 1XB
Contact: Gregory Yeoman Partnership Committee Officer
Link: Click here for the webcast
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman In the absence of Cllr Nichols, the committee elected Cllr Todd as chairman for this meeting. |
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllrs Nichols, Mooney and Evans. |
To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting on 28 July 2021 as a correct record.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 28th July 2021 were agreed. |
All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter (i) Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or (ii) Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting. NOTES: · Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest. · As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner). · Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To review any outstanding decisions from the Joint Committee.
Minutes: Members agreed the recommendations in the decision tracker and had no further comments. |
To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 14.1. Notice must be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s or Spelthorne Borough Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures has been reached 14 days before the meeting. Minutes: No petitions had been received. |
To receive any written questions from members under Standing Order 13. The deadline for members’ questions is 12 noon four working days before the meeting. Minutes: No questions had been received.
To answer any questions from residents or businesses within Spelthorne borough area in accordance with Standing Order 14.2. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Partnership Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting. Minutes: Mr Andrew McLuskey asked a question about future plans for Heathrow Airport following its decision to delay its expansion plans. The full question and officer response are included in the agenda pack.
Mr McLuskey followed up with the suggestion that committee members consider the ‘Green new deal for Gatwick’ that looks at job opportunities around the airport, to see how it might relate to Spelthorne. The Chairman agreed to look into it. |
The CIL Task Group met on 30 September 2021 to consider bids received. As a result of that meeting, two bids, with a total of £471,760 CIL requested, are recommended to the Joint Committee for approval. Additional documents: Decision: The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed that:
(i) Strategic CIL funding of £400,000 is agreed to Surrey County Council Education – Bishop Wand Expansion (Annexe 1). (ii) Strategic CIL funding of £71,760 is agreed to the CCG – Staines Health Group - Reconfiguration to create two new clinical rooms (Annexe 2). Reasons for recommendations: The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations require the Council to use CIL towards funding the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure required to support the development of its area. The above applications have been considered in context of existing and upcoming development within Spelthorne. The above schemes meet the general criteria to be considered for CIL funding, and it is recommended funding is granted. Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officers attending: Joanna Ghazaleh, Infrastructure Delivery Coordinator, Spelthorne Borough Council
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None
Member discussion – key points: The officer introduced the report and drew the committee’s attention to the update on current CIL funded projects.
The CIL Task Group had met on 30th September to consider the two applications for funding that were included in the recommendations of the officer’s report.
There were no questions from members.
Resolved: The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed that:
(i) Strategic CIL funding of £400,000 is agreed to Surrey County Council Education – Bishop Wand Expansion (Annexe 1). (ii) Strategic CIL funding of £71,760 is agreed to the CCG – Staines Health Group - Reconfiguration to create two new clinical rooms (Annexe 2). Reasons for recommendations: The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations require the Council to use CIL towards funding the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure required to support the development of its area. The above applications have been considered in context of existing and upcoming development within Spelthorne. The above schemes meet the general criteria to be considered for CIL funding, and it is recommended funding is granted. |
This report asks Committee to allocate additional funding from its Highways budgets for the Clockhouse Lane railway bridge project, and for the renewal of the rising bollards in Staines High Street. Decision: The Joint Committee (Spelthorne):
(i) Authorised an additional up to £10,000 funding from the Joint Committee’s capital Highways budget to develop options for a traffic signals-based solution to provide pedestrian accessibility over the Clockhouse Lane railway bridge (paragraphs 2.1 to 2.4 refer);
(ii) Noted that maintenance of the proposed new Staines High Street rising bollard system will be covered by the County Council’s Traffic Operations Team budget;
(v) Authorised the Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.
Reasons for recommendations:
Support from the London Borough of Hounslow is needed for any scheme to be implemented to provide pedestrian accessibility over the railway bridge in Clockhouse Lane – as any scheme would cross the boundary between the boroughs of Spelthorne and Hounslow. Of the options currently under consideration for this scheme, the London Borough of Hounslow would only be supportive of an option based on traffic signals. Further funding is necessary to explore what traffic signals options might be feasible and the costs of these options.
When the CIL application for funding to renew the Staines High Street rising bollard was first submitted, it was anticipated that a maintenance contract could be included in the initial implementation phase and would therefore be covered by the CIL award made by the Joint Committee in March 2021. Officers have subsequently become aware that CIL funding cannot be used for the maintenance contract; instead, the County Council’s Traffic Operations Team will oversee the maintenance. Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officers attending: Zena Curry, Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager, SCC; Nigel Pond, Engineer Road Safety, SCC
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None
Member discussion – key points: The officer began by updating members on the situation regarding funding for the proposed new rising bollard system for Staines High Street. Once the new system has been installed, the County Council’s Traffic Operations team will fund the maintenance. The following new wording for Recommendation (ii) in the report was proposed by Cllr Attewell and seconded by Cllr Islam: Spelthorne Joint Committee is asked to: (ii) Note that maintenance of the proposed new Staines High Street rising bollard system will be covered by the County Council’s Traffic Operations Team budget.
The officer went on to outline the Clockhouse Lane scheme, explaining that the feasibility study would be a necessary first step to allow the scheme to progress.
There was discussion about the possible impact of traffic volume changes during the covid period on the casualty figures quoted in the report for the A308 Staines Road West between Ashford and Sunbury. Mr Pond was confident that the numbers were not skewed by this as casualty numbers had been reducing over the previous years as well, and county-wide there had been no significant fall in numbers during the covid period.
There were comments about the traffic lights at the newly configured junction of Staines Road West, School Road and Ashford Road, which were felt to be potentially confusing to drivers. The Engagement and Commissioning Manager agreed to refer this to the road safety audit team.
Resolved: The Joint Committee (Spelthorne):
(i) Authorised an additional up to £10,000 funding from the Joint Committee’s capital Highways budget to develop options for a traffic signals-based solution to provide pedestrian accessibility over the Clockhouse Lane railway bridge (paragraphs 2.1 to 2.4 refer);
(ii) Noted that maintenance of the proposed new Staines High Street rising bollard system will be covered by the County Council’s Traffic Operations Team budget;
(iii) Authorised the Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.
Reasons for recommendations:
Support from the London Borough of Hounslow is needed for any scheme to be implemented to provide pedestrian accessibility over the railway bridge in Clockhouse Lane – as any scheme would cross the boundary between the boroughs of Spelthorne and Hounslow. Of the options currently under consideration for this scheme, the London Borough of Hounslow would only be supportive of an option based on traffic signals. Further funding is necessary to explore what traffic signals options might be feasible and the costs of these options.
When the CIL application for funding to renew the Staines High Street rising bollard was first submitted, it was anticipated that a maintenance contract could be included in the initial implementation phase and would therefore be covered by the CIL award made by the Joint Committee in March 2021. Officers have subsequently ... view the full minutes text for item 22/21 |
The current 50mph speed limit in B375 Renfree Way applies up to the roundabout give way line. It is proposed that the change in speed limit from 50mph to 30mph is relocated away from the roundabout, to encourage drivers to slow down on the approach to the roundabout. Additional documents: Decision: The Joint Committee (Spelthorne):
(i) Agreed to relocate the 50mph / 30mph speed limit change from the roundabout give way line to approximately 140m further west (into Renfree Way). (ii) Authorised the Highway Engagement & Commissioning Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member to advertise the necessary legal Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to relocate the existing 50mph / 30mph speed limit change approximately 140m west of the roundabout give way line in Renfree Way, Shepperton, as shown in Annex 1 and 2, to resolve any objections, and if there are no insurmountable objections to make the change on site. (iii) Noted that if the reductions in speed limit have not been successful, then further engineering measures may be necessary. Reasons for recommendations: Relocating the speed limit further away from the roundabout will give drivers greater warning and encouragement to reduce their speed on the eastbound approach to the roundabout, reducing the likelihood of failure to give way conflicts and / loss of control accidents involving eastbound vehicles at the roundabout. The aim is to improve road safety for everyone at / near the roundabout. Lower speeds can also reduce air and noise pollution and make it easier and more pleasant to walk, cross the road, and cycle. Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officers attending: Nigel Pond, Engineer Road Safety , SCC
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None
Member discussion – key points: The officer explained that the report presented a straightforward scheme to move the start of the 30mph limit 140m to the west of the Shepperton roundabout. The location had previously been identified and added to the road safety schemes list, and had also been the subject of a recent petition supported by local residents.
There were no questions from members.
Resolved: The Joint Committee (Spelthorne):
(i) Agreed to relocate the 50mph / 30mph speed limit change from the roundabout give way line to approximately 140m further west (into Renfree Way). (ii) Authorised the Highway Engagement & Commissioning Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member to advertise the necessary legal Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to relocate the existing 50mph / 30mph speed limit change approximately 140m west of the roundabout give way line in Renfree Way, Shepperton, as shown in Annex 1 and 2, to resolve any objections, and if there are no insurmountable objections to make the change on site. (iii) Noted that if the reductions in speed limit have not been successful, then further engineering measures may be necessary. Reasons for recommendations: Relocating the speed limit further away from the roundabout will give drivers greater warning and encouragement to reduce their speed on the eastbound approach to the roundabout, reducing the likelihood of failure to give way conflicts and / loss of control accidents involving eastbound vehicles at the roundabout. The aim is to improve road safety for everyone at / near the roundabout. Lower speeds can also reduce air and noise pollution and make it easier and more pleasant to walk, cross the road, and cycle. |
This report seeks to establish a Transport Working Group to support the Joint Committee, and to nominate Members to this group. Additional documents: Minutes: Declarations of Interest: None
Officer attending: Gregory Yeoman, Partnership Committee Officer
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None
Member discussion – key points: The officer reminded members that the committee had agreed at its informal meeting on 11th October 2021 to establish a Transport Working Group. He drew their attention to the Terms of Reference in Annex A and the request for membership (two county councillors and two borough councillors).
Four nominations were made and agreed: For SCC: · Cllr Robert Evans (nominated by Cllr Todd, seconded by Cllr Bateson) · Cllr Todd (nominated by Cllr Islam, seconded by Cllr Weerasinghe) For SBC: · Cllr Bateson (nominated by Cllr Sexton, seconded by Cllr Rybinski) · Cllr Islam (nominated by Cllr Todd, seconded by Cllr Attewell) Resolved: The Joint Committee (Spelthorne):
(i) Agreed that a Transport Working Group is established as set out in the Terms of Reference at Annex A. (ii) Agreed the membership to the working group as set out in the Terms of Reference. Reasons for Recommendations: It is good governance practice for the Committee to review its working groups and membership arrangements to ensure that representation on groups is fair and provides the best outcomes for the interests of Spelthorne borough residents.
To review the forward programme 2021/22, indicating any further preferences for inclusion. Minutes: The Forward Plan was noted for the year ahead. Cllr Turner-Stewart stressed the importance of receiving an update on tree-planting (from both councils) and air quality plans, especially in relation to any variations seen in air quality over the covid period linked to lower traffic volumes; the committee officer suggested that this could be covered at an informal meeting, with the formal session concentrating on decision items as much as possible. |
21st March 2022 at 6.30pm. Minutes: Provisionally scheduled for 21st March 2022 at 6.30pm. |