Venue: Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate RH2 8EF
Contact: Angela Guest
No. | Item |
All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter i. Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or ii. Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting
NOTES: · Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest · As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner) · Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial. Additional documents: |
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Members' Questions
The deadline for Members’ questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (01/12/2021).
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Public Questions
The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (30/11/2021).
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A petition with 385 signatories has been submitted by Tony Campion. The full petition text is attached. Response is attached.
Additional documents: Decision: A petition with 385 signatories has been submitted by Tony Campion. The full petition text and response was published with the agenda.
Further to the published response:
The Cabinet Member and Highways Officer both maintained that a push-button pedestrian crossing would only be installed under a “major scheme” that might also involve the redesign of Anglefield Corner for vehicles. Funding for this would be contingent on broader developments eg the Garden Village. The Cabinet Member commented that the Council do in principle support improvements at Anglefield Corner including the installation of push-button crossing, in principle, but that timing and funds remained uncertain.
The Highways Officer committed to various measures in the short term, all of which potentially improve pedestrian safety. Specifically she committed two putting the following measures onto the Integrated Transport Scheme (ITS) list: · replacing the missing 40mph speed limit sign in its proper location on the right hand side of the A22 driving south into Anglefield Corner. · improving the 40mph signage to make it clearer. · cutting back vegetation to improve sight-lines to the southbound bus stop as southbound drivers round the left-hand bend into the 40mph zone. · reviewing the speed limit both through the existing 40mph zone and in the 100m immediately north of the 40mph zone where the limit could be reduced from 50mph to 40mph. · reviewing the need for a pedestrian island in the road where children currently wait between traffic lanes. |
A petition with 176 signatories has been submitted by Niall MacGregor. The full petition text is attached. Response is attached.
Additional documents: Decision: A petition with 176 signatories had been submitted by Niall MacGregor. The full petition text and published response was published with the agenda.
Further to the published response:
The Local Member, Catherine Baart, spoke in favour of the petition.
There was much discussion with petitioners, local member and council officers regarding the difficulties of this site and why petitioner requests could not be catered for. Officers confirmed that it would be put on the ITS list to review the speed limit. They would also look at an informal crossing point and signage. |