Agenda and decisions

Cabinet Member for Transport, Infrastructure and Growth Decisions - Monday, 27 June 2022 11.30 am

Venue: Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, REIGATE

Contact: Angela Guest 


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Members' Questions

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    The deadline for Members’ questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (21/06/2022).


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Public Questions

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    The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (20/06/2022).


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Petition: Request significant improvement to pedestrian safety on Woodhatch Road pdf icon PDF 191 KB

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    A petition has been submitted by Mandy Hunt and has received 106 signatories.  The petition requests that Surrey County Council Introduce pedestrian crossings and reduced speed limited on Woodhatch road.  The full petition wording and response is attached.

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    A petition of 106 signatories was presented by Mandy Hunt.  The petition and response were published as a supplement to the agenda.  Mandy Hunt thanked the Cabinet Member for the response but asked that the whole road be taken into consideration and pointed out various locations along the road where there was lack of signage or where a crossing would be beneficial.


    Catherine Baart, the Divisional Member, spoke in support of the petition.  She stated that the process for agreeing schemes like this and divisional member involvement had changed and the new process was not yet in place.  She understood that she could put forward one scheme a year. One aspect that she thought would help the situation immediately was for signage for the informal crossings from Felland Way and near Tyler’s Junction.  She had been told by officers that the signs will be sorted out when funding is available and asked the Cabinet Member when the funding was going to be available.


    The Road Safety & Sustainable School Travel Team Manager explained that discussions with colleagues about the junction with Tyler’s Way where there had been a history of collisions indicated that there was an ambition for a scheme there to try and manage speeds and make crossing the road safer there.  Officers would take a look at the level of crossing demand at Tyler and Felland to see which would be the priority.  This cold then be included on the potential list of future schemes.


    The Cabinet Member thanked the petitioner, divisional Member and officer for their contributions to the discussion.  He confirmed to the Divisional Member that it would be down to her to nominate her single scheme. The Select Committee had to have their input first on what new criteria was used for that. So it is the absolute priority for your area each year and on funding you can use your £7,500 revenue or parts of your £30,000 from £100,000 pounds, so funding is not an issue.


Highway Improvements To Improve Road Safety, Tackle Speeding And Support Active Travel To Schools pdf icon PDF 626 KB

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    The County Council is allocating significant additional funding over the next three years to reduce road casualties, tackle speeding and make walking, push scooting and cycling to school easier and safer. This report describes the schemes that will be implemented during 2022/2023 for endorsement by the Cabinet Member along with initial lists of potential schemes for prioritisation in the following years.

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    1.    That the lists of schemes in Annexes 1, 2 and 3 for delivery during 2022/23 that are designed to reduce road casualties, tackle speeding, and make walking, push scooting and cycling to school safer and more attractive be endorsed.

    2.    That decisions on the prioritisation of schemes in future years be delegated to the Director for Highways and Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, Infrastructure & Economy, ensuring that Divisional Members for such schemes are informed if the overall list of schemes needs to be refined (for example if some schemes need to be paused, amended or brought forward) during 2022/23.