Venue: Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate
Contact: Angela Guest, Email:
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All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter
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Members' Questions
The deadline for Members’ questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (21/09/2022). Additional documents: |
Public Questions
The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (20/09/2022). Additional documents: |
Three petitions have been submitted for discussion – detailed below. The responses to those petitions are attached. Additional documents: Decision: Three petitions were considered and responses given:
This petition of 120+ signatories was submitted by Daniel Shevill. The full petition and response are attached. Additional documents: Decision: PETITION 1 - HOLY TRINITY SCHOOL (WEST END) ROAD SAFETY
“We the undersigned petition Surrey County Council to Increase the safety of the children that attend Holy trinity school in West end by reducing the danger caused by traffic along Benner Lane. This can be achieved by the following: Reducing the speed limit along Benner Lane from 30mph to 20mph. Installation of a pedestrian zebra crossing at the entrance to the school to allow safe crossing of the road. Installation of speed calming bumps along Benner Lane to slow traffic. Repurposing of the unrestricted bay parking outside the school into a school drop off zone.
Justification: School drop-off and pick-up at holy trinity school is having a major impact on the usage and safety of the surrounding roads. A large number of vehicles use Benner Lane during drop off and pick up times. These are both parents and other traffic including large HGVs. We would like speed safety measures installed in the immediate vicinity of the school to decrease the risk to the children and other pedestrians. These should include measures to slow traffic down and allow the children to safely cross the busy road.
There are also two large unrestricted parking bays outside the school. These could have restrictions added to them in order to a facilitate a school led, safe and legal drop off zone. I have created this petition this evening following attendance of a working group involving Mrs Ambrose (head teacher), local councillors and concerned parents.”
Submitted by: Daniel Shevill Signatures: 120+
Cabinet Member Response:
Many thanks to the petitioners for raising their concerns over road safety near Holy Trinity School. School road safety is a frequently expressed concern across the county. At school drop off and pick up times the roads in the immediate vicinity of schools are especially busy. This often causes slower vehicle speeds and congestion, worsens air quality, and can lead to frustration from motorists and residents. This has been exacerbated at this site after the School Crossing Patrol left their role. Although there is budget available to pay for a replacement, despite the best efforts of the County Council and School it has not been possible to find a replacement.
The County Council has a policy which describes the process we use for investigating and responding to concerns about school road safety. Our aim is to reduce the risk of collisions and to make the road feel safer, to encourage more people to consider walking or cycling to and from school. The policy can be viewed via this link: Road safety outside schools - Surrey County Council (
This site has already been assessed by officers using the process set out in the Road Safety Outside Schools policy. This included a site visit involving highways and police road safety specialists alongside the Headteacher on 7 June 2022.
The resulting recommendations for highway improvements are summarised thus:
• Implement a zebra crossing on a raised table at the existing informal crossing point. ... view the full decision text for item 3a |
This petition of 328 signatories was submitted by Mia Cockayne. The full petition and response are attached.
We the undersigned petition Surrey County Council to Aim for the council to re-evaluate or dissolve the new charges put in place in the following locations. Englefield Green, - Bagshot Road, TW20 0RS - A30 Crossroads, junction with St Judes Road and Bakenham Lane, TW20 0BP Windsor Great Park, - Blays Lane, from crossing point at the back of Ilex Close to Wick Road, TW20 0PB - Wick Road, parking bay by cul-de-sac, TW20 0HJ. - Wick Road entire length, from A30 to Wick Lane, TW20 0HJ - Wick Lane entire length, from Wick Road to Bishopsgate Road, TW20 OHT - Bishopsgate Road, TW20 0XU - Crimp Hill, TW20 0YB Virginia Water, - A30 London Road junction with A329 Blacknest Road, GU25 4NY - A30 London Road entrance to ACS International School, TW20 0AQ These are a series of places where parking has previously been free and accessible for all. These charges are now being put in place to discourage the selected few from parking on grass verges, but its stopping families, locals and other members outside of the community from visiting.
Wishing for the council to discuss, re-evaluate and potentially revoke the extremely steep parking charges that have now been put in place around the local area. These charges are for spaces that have previously been free and accessible for all. After asking online, it seems that no one is happy about the new charges being implemented and have been asked to raise these concerns with local represent ivies. I understand not everyone has the time or energy to email their local representative individually, so this petition is a quick and easy way for people to express and back their views and disagreement with the new charges put in place. With enough signatures it should express the upset to the committee when they meet to discuss these kinds of issues, with hope that the appropriate action be taken to evaluate the situation.
As well as the charge, there are also a variety of other issues raised from charging for these spaces. From the sign postage put up in the new spaces, not only are visitors being charged for the spaces, the council is now requesting cars be parked parallel, not at the head on angle it currently is. This is limiting the amount of people that can drive to explore the local area and the Great parks. Mothers and fathers are already expressing concern on how this stops them from taking their children to activities like scouts or football, and mothers are questionings how they will be able to afford to take their children to the Great park in summer like they have for years. These are just a few of many reasons as to why the council should revoke or re-evaluate the parking charges they are trying to put in place.
Submitted by: Mia Cockayne Signatures: 328
Cabinet Member Response:
Thank you for contacting us about the new ... view the full decision text for item 3b |
This petition of 100+ signatories was submitted by Patrick Leaney. The full petition and response are attached.
Additional documents: Decision: PETITION 3 - MAKE THAMES STREET SAFER AND PRESERVE OUR HERITAGE 1. install a speed camera on Thames Street 2. smooth the on/off ramps of the speed bumps (not remove them) to reduce reverberation and harm to the heritage buildings in the street
Thames Street runs through the Conservation Area and has over thirty 18th and 19th century Grade II listed buildings, many of which are homes. Even with speed bumps many vehicles go through the street well above the 20mph speed limit: 1. The narrowness of the pavement and road make this a serious accident waiting to happen. 2. Buses (11 plus tonnes) and occasional heavier vehicles cause substantial shuddering of the heritage buildings: · this shuddering is significantly worse when their speed approaches and exceeds 20 mph · a bus which gets slowed by 2 mph on a steep ramp causes similar reverberations to an average car running into a brick wall at 30 mph · over 90 buses go down Thames Street each day. 3. The speed bump ramps are too steep and do not comply with TfL's recommendations for buses.
The existing 7.5 tonnes vehicle weight limit already recognises the impact which heavy vehicles have along Thames Street. The buses are exempt, which we fully support, as they serve a vital service to the community.
The speed camera will ensure tight adherence to the speed limit making it a safer place for residents and pedestrians and this, along with the smoothing of the speed bumps, will preserve the heritage of the buildings.
Submitted by: Patrick Leaney Signatures: 100+
Cabinet Member Response:
Many thanks for raising your concerns over speeding and road safety on Thames Street Lower Sunbury. I very much sympathise with the concerns being raised. Excess speeds increase the risk of road collisions and make the consequences worse. Higher speeds also make places less pleasant to live in by increasing noise and air pollution and making walking and cycling less attractive.
To tackle this Surrey County Council works closely with Surrey Police to create local speed management plans for each District or Borough. This means that whenever there are concerns over speeding, we will measure the speeds using a speed detection radar box which is a black box mounted on street furniture without anyone really knowing what it is or what it is for. This will collect data for at least a week. This data is combined with data on the collisions resulting in personal injury recorded by the police to ascertain the extent and nature of the speeding and road safety problem at each site.
Each site is then discussed with the police to determine which sites need the most attention, and then depending on the nature of the problem and the physical characteristics of the site the most appropriate intervention is agreed.
Interventions could include permanent speed cameras (including average speed cameras) at the worst sites where traffic calming is infeasible, traffic calming, police enforcement (either by hand-held laser or camera van), vehicle activated signs or ... view the full decision text for item 3c |