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Surrey Pension Fund Committee

This page lists the meetings for Surrey Pension Fund Committee.

Information about Surrey Pension Fund Committee

Surrey County Council is an administering authority for the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and has established a Pension Fund Committee (originally named Surrey Pension Fund Board) with responsibility for the governance and administration of the Surrey County Council Pension Fund.


a) To undertake statutory functions on behalf of the Local Government Pension Scheme and ensure compliance with legislation and best practice.

b) To determine policy for the investment, funding and administration of the pension fund.

c) To consider issues arising and make decisions to secure efficient and effective performance and service delivery.

d) To appoint and monitor all relevant external service providers:


  • fund managers;
  • custodian;
  • corporate advisors;
  • independent advisors;
  • actuaries;
  • governance advisors;
  • all other professional services associated with the pension fund.


e) To monitor performance across all aspects of the service.

f) To ensure that arrangements are in place for consultation with stakeholders as necessary

g) To consider and approve the annual statement of pension fund accounts.

h) To consider and approve the Surrey Pension Fund actuarial valuation and employer contributions.


The ‘standard’ Committee diary provides for four meetings a year and additional meetings are occasionally required for a specific purpose.


The Committee is made up of publicly elected Members as well as co-opted members who provide stakeholder membership.  The co-opted members represent the members of the Fund (trade union representation), District and Borough Councils and other employers in the Fund.  Co-opted Members have the same rights on access to information and voting as elected Members.


Find out more...


Surrey Pension Fund – external website