Agenda item


This report summarises progress with the Local Committee’s programme of Highways works for the current Financial Year 2014-15.


Preparations are well advanced to deliver the Local Committee’s programme of Highways works for the Financial Year 2015-16.


At Full Council on 10th February 2015 it was decided to reduce the Local Committees’ Highways revenue budgets by £1,000,000.  It was also announced that 25% of the Local Committees’ Highways capital maintenance budgets must be used to assist with drainage issues.


That the Local Committee (Epsom & Ewell) agreed to:


(i)    approve the modified budget allocations for 2015-16  as set out in Table 7 of the report;


(ii)   approve the modifications to the 2015-16 programme of ITS schemes as detailed in Table 8 of the report, which are needed to accommodate the changes to the 2015-16 budgets;


(iii)  authorise the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Member(s) to identify appropriate drainage related schemes in which to invest the £27,100 Capital Drainage allocation;


(iv)  extend the Divisional Programmes detailed in Table 9 of the report to become a two year programme from 2015-16 to 2016-17, and authorise the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Member(s), to prioritise schemes within the Divisional Programmes for delivery in the first year 2015-16;


(v)  authorise the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.


Reasons:  At Full Council on 10th February 2015 it was decided to reduce the Local Committees’ Highways revenue budgets by £1,000,000.  This equates to a reduction of £57,490 for Epsom and Ewell.  It was also announced that 25% of the Local Committees’ Highways capital maintenance budgets must be used to assist with drainage issues.  This equates to £27,100 for Epsom and Ewell.


Programmes of work for each Division have been agreed with Divisional Members.  Committee is asked to provide the necessary authorisation to deliver those programmes of work in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Member without the need to revert to the Committee as a whole.


Declarations of Interest:  None


Officers attending:  Nick Healey, Area Highways Team Manager; Alan Flaherty, Engineer


Petitions, Public Questions/Statements:  None


Member discussion – key points


Noted in paragraph 2.28 bullet three it should read Riverholme Drive and not Reiverview Road.


Cllr Dallen questioned the quality of the work carried out on footway patching in the Town centre.  It was agreed that he would meet with the Maintenance Engineer to discuss his concerns.


Cllr Arthur felt that there was room for further improvements to be made with the phasing of the traffic lights at the Spring Street junction in Ewell.  The Area Highways Team Manager suggested that Members should meet with the traffic signals officers on site so that options could be considered.  It was suggested that this could be combined with a planned visit to the nearby Cheam Road/ A24 junction.


It was reported that the skid resistant material in Ruxley Lane had been overlaid when the road was resurfaced.  The new road surface is being tested to see if it meet the appropriate standard for skid resistance.


Cllr Mason reported that the work to revise the access arrangements to the Tesco store in Ruxley Lane had now been completed, but that drivers are ignoring the no entry signs.  Officer reported that now that the Traffic Regulation Order has been published it is the responsibility of the police to enforce any traffic violations.


Members were advised that if they felt that there were any road markings in their area that needed refreshing they should inform the Parking Officer so that they can be added to the maintenance list.


It was confirmed that the West Hill cycle route will be constructed as agreed.  Some members were unsure what had been agreed.  They were advised to contact the Transportation Planning team who would be able to supply them with the details.


Noted, that in Table 8 the project in Chantilly Way is to consider increasing the speed limit as the Police feel that the current speed limit is too low.  Members were not opposed to this except perhaps in the vicinity of the bend where drivers should be advised to slow down.


Members were disappointed that officers from the Project Horizon team had been unable to attend the meeting and hoped that they would be able to attend the April informal meeting.


Resolved: to:


(i)    approve the modified budget allocations for 2015-16  as set out in Table 7 of the report;


(ii)   approve the modifications to the 2015-16 programme of ITS schemes as detailed in Table 8 of the report, which are needed to accommodate the changes to the 2015-16 budgets;


(iii)  authorise the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Member(s) to identify appropriate drainage related schemes in which to invest the £27,100 Capital Drainage allocation;


(iv)  extend the Divisional Programmes detailed in Table 9 of the report to become a two year programme from 2015-16 to 2016-17, and authorise the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Member(s), to prioritise schemes within the Divisional Programmes for delivery in the first year 2015-16;


(v)   authorise the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.


Reasons:  At Full Council on 10th February 2015 it was decided to reduce the Local Committees’ Highways revenue budgets by £1,000,000.  This equates to a reduction of £57,490 for Epsom and Ewell.  It was also announced that 25% of the Local Committees’ Highways capital maintenance budgets must be used to assist with drainage issues.  This equates to £27,100 for Epsom and Ewell.


Programmes of work for each Division have been agreed with Divisional Members.  Committee is asked to provide the necessary authorisation to deliver those programmes of work in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Member without the need to revert to the Committee as a whole.

Supporting documents: