Agenda item


Purpose of the report:  Policy development


To inform the Committee of the budget reductions on the commissioning model for Creating Opportunities for Young People in Surrey, and seek views on the implementation of changes, including  proposed Resource Allocation System and ‘Hub and Spoke’ approach for youth work in Surrey.





Garath Symonds, Assistant Director for Young People

Frank Offer, Head of Commissioning and Development


Clare Curran, Cabinet Associate for Children, Schools and Families


Key points raised during this discussion:



1.    The Committee highlighted the transition from primary to secondary as a vulnerable time for young people and questioned whether there was enough early support. Officers stated that the transition from key stage 2 to 3 was a primary area of concern, and that the approach was centred on reducing the number of young people Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEETs). The role of peer-to-peer mentoring was highlighted as an effective tool in early intervention.


2.    Members expressed concerns about how the proposed changes to Services for Young People had been communicated to district and boroughs. The Committee discussed how boroughs and districts developed their own youth strategies and the role of the Local Prevention Framework was highlighted in this regard. The Committee was informed about the Resource Allocation System (RAS) and how the RAS formula would allocate resources according to need. Officers explained that a formula was based on figures and factors applicable to each borough and district with each factor being allocated a particular weighting.


3.    The Committee was informed that a Youth Commission had been set up to gather evidence on the importance of youth work in improving outcomes for young people. This research would be used to develop a better understanding of the future of youth work provision, as well as to demonstrate its value.


4.    The Committee questioned whether the hub and spoke model would result in the closure or relocation of youth centres across Surrey. It was confirmed that there were no plans for the closure or relocation of youth centres, and that the new model would designate one centre in each district and borough as a hub and the other centres as the spokes. The role of the voluntary and faith sector was highlighted as being important in mitigating any reduction in service provision.


The Committee questioned officers over cuts to Individual Prevention Grants (IPG). It was commented that the IPGs has been identified as being an effective preventative tool. The Committee was informed that Services for Young People would seek to fund the IPGs through potential alternative sources.


5.    The proposed recommendations were put to the vote, with four Members voting for it, and two against. There was one abstention. Ken Gulati requested that his abstention be noted in the minutes.




A.    That Services for Young People explore with schools how peer mentoring for younger children can be developed across Surrey, to provide early support for those transitioning between primary and secondary schools. 


B.    That officers report to the Committee on alternative resources identified to mitigate the reductions made to the Individual Prevention Grant in 6 months time.


C.   That the work of the Youth Commission in demonstrating the importance of youth work is accelerated and findings are shared with the Committee in order to support the Cabinet’s budget planning for 2016.


D.   That, when re-commissioning, officers assist Local Committee Youth Task Groups in ensuring that there is continuity of support for those young people and their families with previously identified needs.


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